LPA:136 Local Public Agency (LPA) Policy

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Recent Changes to LPA Policy
MoDOT District & Central Office Information

The Local Public Agency (LPA) Policy, produced by the Missouri Department of Transportation (MoDOT) is intended to be used as a guide for cities and counties that sponsor projects utilizing federal transportation funds provided under the current transportation bill, the Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century (MAP-21). The local agency may reference MoDOT's Standard Specifications for Highway Construction for issues not addressed in the LPA Policy. The LPA Policy addresses four local programs that are funded under the current transportation act:

  • Off-System Bridge Replacement and Rehabilitation Program (BRO)
  • On-System Bridge Replacement and Rehabilitation Program (BRM)
  • STP Urban Attributable
  • STP Urban Non-Attributable

Title 23, as amended by MAP-21 requires MoDOT to administer all funds apportioned and allocated to the state under this transportation act. MAP-21 directs that certain percentages of funding categories within the state's apportionment must be sub-allocated towards the Off-System Bridge Replacement and Rehabilitation Program (BRO), the STP Urban Attributable Program, the STP - Transportation Alternatives Program and the Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Program.

For projects administered by local officials, the state will furnish information concerning the necessary federal requirements and will act as coordinator. The necessary design, acquisition, environmental, historical and archaeological clearances and approvals, construction and maintenance of improvements will be the responsibility of the local agency. A MoDOT district representative will be the primary contact, furnish the necessary guidelines and coordinate the necessary reviews and approvals. MoDOT personnel will advise and assist the local agency in meeting the requirements of the program. Additional information regarding federal requirements is available through the MoDOT district representative.

Specific detailed procedures concerning the acquisition of land for road and bridge improvement projects administered by a local public agency are contained in EPG 136.8 Local Public Agency Land Acquisition.