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It is the responsibility of the contractor to furnish adequate forces for meeting specified project schedules as well as quality requirements.  The resident engineer should bring unsatisfactory progress to the contractor's attention in writing. Send copies of such letters to the district engineer and Construction & Materials. If the contractor fails to respond in keeping with the intent of [ Sec 108], the matter must be brought immediately to the attention of the district office and the Division of [http://wwwi/intranet/cm/ Construction and Materials].
It is the responsibility of the contractor to furnish adequate forces for meeting specified project schedules as well as quality requirements.  The Resident Engineer should bring unsatisfactory progress to the contractor's attention in writing. Send copies of such letters to the District Engineer and Construction & Materials. If the contractor fails to respond in keeping with the intent of [ Sec 108], the matter must be brought immediately to the attention of the district office and the Division of [http://sp/sites/cm/Pages/default.aspx Construction and Materials].
Support all time assessments by adequate diary entries. If a project goes into overtime, the diary should indicate whether each day would have been assessed if it were not in overtime. Review of project history must often rely heavily on diary information. On calendar day and calendar date projects, the diary entry should indicate whether the day would be charged as a working day. This is particularly important for days when the contractor does not work.

This article also discusses critical and key [[:category:108 Prosecution and Progress#108.16 Project Dates|project dates]] and [[:category:108 Prosecution and Progress#108.7.1 Extensions or Adjustments of Time|extensions or adjustments of time]] when progress is adversely affected by items beyond a contractor’s control.   
This article also discusses critical and key [[:category:108 Prosecution and Progress#108.16 Project Dates|project dates]] and [[:category:108 Prosecution and Progress#108.7.1 Extensions or Adjustments of Time|extensions or adjustments of time]] when progress is adversely affected by items beyond a contractor’s control.   
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==108.1 Subletting of Contract (for Sec 108.1)==
==108.1 Subletting of Contract (for Sec 108.1)==

The prime contractor is obligated to do a significant portion of the work bid, as indicated in [ Sec 108.1.1].  Any exception to this clause of the contract must be approved by the Division of [http://wwwi/intranet/cm/ Construction and Materials]. [[:Category:105 Control of Work#105.9.17 Subcontract Approval Request|EPG 105.9.17 Subcontract Approval Request]] has additional instructions for the resident engineer.
The prime contractor is obligated to do a specified portion of the work, as indicated in [ Sec 108.1.1].  Any exception to this clause of the contract must be approved by the Division of [http://sharepoint/systemdelivery/cm/Pages/default.aspx Construction and Materials] and a change order must be issued to establish the revised terms.  
Specifications permit the contractor to utilize approved subcontractors to perform up to 70 percent of the work under subcontract agreement.  The Commission is not a party to the subcontract agreement, but holds final approval on all subcontract requests.
===108.1.1 Review and Approval of a Subcontract Request ===
When a contractor desires to sublet a portion of the work, the request will be submitted to the resident engineer on [ Request to Subcontract Work (Form C-220)]. The resident engineer, or a designee assigned by the District Construction Engineer, shall perform the following review on all subcontract requests:
:'''1.''' Check all information on the header for accuracy and determine if the request a) involves a 2<sup>nd</sup> tier relationship, b) is for a DBE subcontractor, or c) includes any line item with a unit price or quantity that differs from the contract. If any of those three situations apply, then the request must include the subcontract agreement between the prime and the sub. For 2<sup>nd</sup> tier requests, the agreement between the 1<sup>st</sup> and 2<sup>nd</sup> tier subcontractor should also be submitted.
:'''2.''' For DBE requests, verify that the unit price and quantity matches what is on the DBE Identification Submittal Form. If there are line items listed on the C-220 for a DBE that go beyond the DBE Identification Submittal found in the contract, verify whether they can be counted for DBE credit and if they do not count, a separate C-220 should be submitted for these line items. For more information on DBE requests, refer to the article on DBE Subcontracting. If additional DBE subcontractors, suppliers, manufacturers or brokers are proposed by the prime contractor after the project commences, the engineer should work with the contractor to complete the [ "DBE Change" form] so that the total utilization of DBEs can be accounted for on the project towards MoDOT’s overall statewide DBE goal attainment. In addition, any added DBEs need to be evaluated for CUF.
:'''3.''' The Line No. and item Description should be as shown in the contract. However, the Quantity and/or the Subcontracted Unit Price will often differ from the contract; this is acceptable as long as they match the values in the subcontract agreement between the prime and the sub. Additionally, in rare cases, even the unit of measure might differ. For example, let’s say the contract line item is Diamond Grinding – 10,000 SY @ $3/SY = $30,000, yet the C-220 shows “Diamond Grinding (per hour)” with a quantity of 100 @ $250 = $25,000. This is acceptable if those are the terms in the subcontract agreement. Since there is not a field to show a revised Unit of Measure, the form instructions require the contractor to state the revised unit of measure in the Description. Also, even though their subcontract agreement may not include an estimated quantity, insist that your contractor provide an estimated quantity on the C-220. All of the above data is necessary for AWP to accurately track the total percent sublet on 1<sup>st</sup> tier subcontracts.
:'''4.''' Verify that all 1st tier requests include all work they plan to perform, as well as all work they plan to sublet to a 2<sup>nd</sup> tier sub. The 2<sup>nd</sup> tier request will only list items the 2<sup>nd</sup> tier plans to perform. See [[#108.1.2 Second Tier Subcontracting|EPG 108.1.2 Second Tier Subcontracting]] and [[#108.1.3 Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBE) Subcontracting|EPG 108.1.3 Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Subcontracting]] for more information.
:'''5.''' Verify that the requested subcontractor is on the approved Subcontractor List on the [ Bid Opening Info page] under the Documents section and is qualified as a DBE (if the DBE box is checked) on the [ MRCC directory page]. Refer unapproved subcontractors to the [ Perform Subcontracting Work webpage]. If the requested subcontractor is performing a Professional Service, refer to [[#108.1.4 Professional Service|EPG 108.1.4 Professional Service]].
:'''6.''' For Federal Aid projects, verify that the subcontract request is accompanied with a completed Subcontractor Certification Regarding Affirmative Action form, and a document listing the name, address, and telephone number of the subcontractor's EEO Officer on the subcontractor’s letterhead.
:'''7.''' Confirm the request has been signed by an authorized representative of the prime contractor.
:'''8.''' For federal aid projects, the prime contractor is required by federal statute to insert the contract Federal provisions and wage rates (including [ FHWA 1273]) in all subcontract agreements. The reviewer should perform a random check on submitted subcontract agreements to help ensure the prime is meeting this requirement.
:'''9.''' If all information is correct and all requirements are met, promptly enter the subcontract information into AASHTOWARE Project (AWP). Verify that the subcontract limit has not been exceeded (A pop-up notice will occur in AWP). Apply the MoDOT approval signature to the form.  Save the approved subcontract request electronically according to current policy, with an electronic copy sent to the contractor as an attachment to an email.
:'''10.''' If any of the information on the form is incorrect, or if approval cannot be granted for any reason, the contractor should be notified immediately with an explanation so they can correct the form or take other actions to proceed without delay. Once the subcontract request is approved and work begins, work performed by the subcontractor will be recorded in AWP daily on the Daily Work Reports (DWR) work items tab, with the subcontractor designated on the contractor line.
====Subletting Limitation====
The self-perform requirement for prime contractors is a minimum of 30% by specification which is also the federal requirement. The minimum requirement is tracked by the C-220 request to subcontract forms. No self-perform re-evaluation will be required for contract change order adjustments. The prime contractor is allowed to purchase materials for subcontractor’s work. The material purchased by the prime for the subcontractor should be clearly indicated on the C-220 subcontract form.
===108.1.2 Second Tier Subcontracting===

Specifications permit the contractor to arrange for work to be done by others under a subcontract agreement.  This practice is limited to 60 percent of the contract valueAny proposed subcontract must be approved by the district office before work is performed on this basis. The 60 percent limit is determined on the basis of the subcontractural arrangement between the contractor and the subcontractor without regard to the bid price on the subcontracted items.  A copy of the subcontract may be requested in accordance with [ Sec 108.1.3].
Upon approval from the prime contractor, subcontractors may sublet a portion of their assigned work to another subcontractor.  This relationship is called “2<sup>nd</sup> tier subcontracting”A separate C-220, submitted by the prime, is required for 2<sup>nd</sup> tier subcontract requests. The contractor shall disclose the name of the 1<sup>st</sup> tier subcontractor on the form.  

Most contracts with federal participation in the cost include a goal for the amount of work to be awarded to [ disadvantaged business enterprises (DBEs)]. The bidder is required to list the proposed DBE subcontractors and the amount of the subcontracts at the time of bid submission. If the totals do not meet or exceed the goal, the bidder must document all good faith efforts to meet the goal. After award of the contract, MoDOT's [http://wwwi/intranet/ecr/ External Civil Rights division] must approve any replacement of the DBE subcontracts. Compliance with the DBE goal is determined on the basis of the subcontractural arrangement between the contractor and the subcontractor.  Additionally, the amount attributed to any given line item cannot be greater than the amount bid on that line item, and the subcontractor listed must be the same submitted at the time of bid. 
The C-220 for the 1<sup>st</sup> tier subcontractor should list all of the work items they plan to perform, as well as all work they plan to sublet to their second tier subcontractors. The quantity and unit price for each line shall be that designated in the subcontract agreement between the prime contractor and the first tier subcontractor.  The C-220 for the 2<sup>nd</sup> tier subcontract work lists only the work the 2<sup>nd</sup> tier sub will perform, and shows the quantity and price from the subcontract agreement between the 1<sup>st</sup> and 2<sup>nd</sup> tier subcontractors.
Note that compliance with Sec 108.1.1 and DBE goals are distinct issues and are based on different rules, as stated above.

In addition to the submission of the “Bidder’s Certification for DBE Program and Contract Goal” (electronic or by paper) at time of bid relative to the DBE goal, additional requests to sublet any and all work, including professional services, are to be placed on the Form C-220 and submitted to the [[:category:105 Control of Work#105.9 Authority and Duties of Resident Engineer (Sec 105.9)|resident engineer]] for processing. Approval by the district office must be obtained for all subcontract agreements.
AWP will use the total of all work sublet to 1st tier subcontractors to determine the total percent sublet. The total for the 2<sup>nd</sup> tier work will not be included in that calculation since 2<sup>nd</sup> tier work is already included in the 1<sup>st</sup> tier total.

If a contractor proposes a subcontractor who has not been previously approved for state highway work, the subcontractor must be approved by the construction and materials division, to confirm that the subcontractor is qualified by the Secretary of State to work in Missouri and has current applicable insurance.  
===108.1.3 Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBE) Subcontracting===

Subcontracts may be approved at any time after the contract has been awarded, provided all insurance for both the prime contractor and the subcontractor are in proper order. Approval will be withheld if the form [ Subcontractor Certification Regarding Affirmative Action] executed by the subcontractor is not attached to the C-220 form on federal-aid projects.  
Note that compliance with Sec 108.1.1 and DBE goals are distinctly separate issues and are based on different requirements, as stated in this article.  Most contracts with federal participation include a goal for the amount of work to be awarded to [ disadvantaged business enterprises (DBE)]. At the time of bid, all bidders are required to list on the [ DBE Identification Submittal Form] all proposed DBE subcontractors, suppliers and haulers to be used on that contract, including the amount for each line item on each subcontract. If the totals do not meet or exceed the goal, the bidder must document all good faith efforts to meet the goal. After award of the contract, MoDOT's [http://sharepoint/systemdelivery/ec/Pages/default.aspx External Civil Rights Division] must approve any change to the DBE commitment. In addition, all bidders must submit the [ DBE and Non-DBE Subcontractor Reporting Form].  The DBE and Non-DBE Subcontractor Reporting Form will be due by the last day of the month of the letting being reported.
<div id="Once a project is awarded,"></div>
Once a project is awarded, the contractor must submit a Request to Subcontract Work on Form C-220 to the RE for all DBE subcontractors listed on the DBE Identification Submittal Form with the bid. There may be changes proposed with a C-220 that require ECR pre-approval and others that do not. If additional DBE subcontractors, suppliers, manufacturers or brokers are proposed by the prime contractor after the project commences, the engineer should work with the contractor to complete the [ DBE Change form] so that the total utilization of DBEs can be accounted for on the project towards MoDOT’s overall statewide DBE goal attainment.  In addition, any added DBEs need to be evaluated for CUF.  

The [ Request to Subcontract Work (Form C-220)] is available in Excel or PDF format for use by the contractor in seeking approval to sublet work. This form is completed by the contractor and submitted to the resident engineer for review. Except for sequential numbering, the contractor will complete the form to show the total for that subcontract. The resident engineer will review the form and enter [[media:Subcontracts Apr 2012.docx|the subcontract in SM]][[image:bulldozer.jpg|20px]]. Any incorrect or incomplete forms will be returned to the contractor for correction. All correct copies are sent to the district office with the resident engineer's recommendation. The district office will enter the proper number, the "previous total", the "total to date", the "percent sublet" and the "total sublet" for the contract and will enter the approval date in SM.
The following are items that require ECR approval:
:* Contractor proposes to eliminate one or more DBEs initially committed on the DBE submittal form (see [ DBE Termination Form]),
If the total percent sublet to date should exceed 60% on any request, the resident engineer shall return the form to the contractor with a cover letter stating that approval is withheld because of failure to comply with Sec 108.1.1 relating to the amount of work which may be sublet. A copy of the letter should be sent to the district construction and materials engineer, and the [http://wwwi/intranet/cm/ Construction and Materials division] should be notified.  
:* Contractor proposes a reduction in the quantities for DBE firms initially committed on the DBE submittal form,
:* Propose additional DBE’s beyond the DBE firms initially committed on the DBE submittal form,
:* Increased quantities for DBE’s from what was originally committed on the DBE submittal form,
:* If DBEs are working in a 2<sup>nd</sup> tier capacity.
Additional work items can be added to any DBE subcontractor, and additional DBE subcontractors can be utilized for other work items, but no DBE work disclosed on the DBE Identification Submittal Form can be changed without approval from MoDOT's External Civil Rights division.
Any work subcontracted from a 1<sup>st</sup> tier DBE contractor to a 2<sup>nd</sup> tier non-DBE contractor will not count towards the DBE contract goal.
Compliance with the DBE goal is determined by the amounts shown on the subcontract agreement between the prime contractor and the DBE subcontractor, and later verified by the actual amount paid to that DBE once the work is complete.

If for any other reason the resident engineer cannot recommend approval of the request, a copy of the request should be sent to the district construction and materials engineer with a cover letter explaining why approval cannot be recommended. Otherwise, after the form has been checked and found to be correct, the resident engineer should sign and date in the space labeled Approval Recommended - RE and send a copy to the district construction and materials engineer for district approval. The project office enters the proper number, the "previous total", the "total to date", the "percent sublet" and the "total sublet" for the contract.  
===108.1.4 Professional Service===

The project office shall review the form with particular attention to prices for partial performance of a contract item. If any price appears to be out of proportion to the work to be performed, but can be properly supported, supporting data should be attached to the form. Supporting data includes a copy of the subcontract document executed by the prime and the subAccess to the subcontract document is specified in [ Sec 108.1.3] and it can be requested routinely. Invoicing and billing statements provide another means of determining the real value of work performed, when applicable.
Contractors sometimes hire a Professional Service to perform a support function to one or more line items of work. Use of a Professional Service does not typically require submittal of Form C-220, unless the work is directly tied to a contract line item. For example, Surveying/Staking is considered a Professional Service that does require a Form C-220 when there is a contract line item for that work. When the Surveying/Staking is considered incidental, no Form C-220 is required. The contractor or subcontractor utilizing a Professional Service is responsible for providing insurance coverage for this work if the Professional Service does not have sufficient coverage. Some professional service work may not require registration as a subcontractorSee [ EPG 110.3 Prevailing Wages and Records] for more information on Professional Services.

The district construction and materials engineer signifies approval by signing on the line titled Approval Granted - DCME. If the district construction and materials engineer feels the subcontract cannot be approved, the form is to be returned to the contractor with a cover letter stating that approval is withheld and explaining why approval cannot be granted.
====Professional Service Contract Labor====
Contractors sometimes hire a company to provide trade workers for their workforce.  These companies charge a fee to the contractor for providing workers and they pay the workers directly.  This is permissible.  Since the contract is for workforce and not contracting to perform line item work there is no subcontract required.  Insurance for the workers would be covered under the contractor hiring them. The workers would fall under the prevailing wage rate.  Their rate of pay for prevailing wage rate is what the worker receives and not what the contractor is paying for their services.  Therefore the mark up paid to the labor supplier cannot be used as part of the prevailing wage rate determination.  The workers would be paid by the company supplying the worker.  So the payroll from that company is what is submitted to the Resident Engineer.  It should be submitted along with the prime or subcontractors payroll and not separately.

After approval or denial by the district, the form and any related documentation should be saved in the Contract Information Archive. This form and its instructions are illustrated at [ Request to Subcontract Work (Form C-220)].
===108.1.5 Rental Equipment===
Work performed by the subcontractor will be recorded in SM daily on the DWR work items tab with the subcontractor designated on the contractor line.

For a DBE, the Subcontract amount indicated on the C-220 must be greater than or equal to the DBE Subcontract amount submitted by the Contractor with the Contractor’s bid submission prior to Award and the subcontractor must be the same listed. For a DBE, the Subcontract amount indicated on the C-220 cannot be more than the Contractor’s bid for the line item.
Sometimes the contractor will rent equipment from other contractors to perform work on the project. To avoid the possibility of unauthorized subcontracting, the payroll should be checked to confirm that the contractor is paying the wages of operators and supervision. Checking may also be accomplished during routine labor interviews by determining who pays the operator's wages. The findings of such checking procedures should be noted in the project DWR. In lieu of such checking, the resident engineer may accept a written statement over the contractor's signature that all operators and supervisors are carried on the contractor's payroll. These procedures are not necessary for equipment rented from recognized rental agencies that are not also in the highway construction business. Further explanation of Owner Operator can be found in [ EPG 110.3 Prevailing Wages and Records].  

Sometimes the contractor will rent equipment from other contractors to perform work on the project. To avoid the possibility of unauthorized subcontracting, the payroll should be checked to confirm that the contractor is paying the wages of operators and supervision. Checking may also be accomplished during routine labor interviews by determining who pays the operator's wages. The findings of such checking procedures should be noted in the project diary. In lieu of such checking, the resident engineer may accept a written statement over the contractor's signature that all operators and supervisors are carried on the contractor's payroll. These procedures are not necessary for equipment rented from recognized rental agencies that are not also in the highway construction business.  Further explanation of Owner Operator can be found in [[:Category:110 State and Federal Wage Rates and Other Requirements#110.3 Prevailing Wages and Records (Guidance for Sec 110.3)|EPG 110.3]].
===108.1.6 Termination of a Subcontract===

Occasionally it becomes necessary for the contractor to terminate a subcontract. The Commission recognizes cancellation of previously approved subcontracts when the contractor provides:  
Occasionally it becomes necessary for the contractor to terminate a subcontract. The Commission recognizes cancellation of previously approved subcontracts when the contractor provides:  
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:b. A certified copy of the contractor's written notice to the subcontractor of cancellation for cause.  
:b. A certified copy of the contractor's written notice to the subcontractor of cancellation for cause.  

::After a subcontract has been cancelled, the percentages of work sublet to date should be adjusted. The work involved in the canceled subcontract quite often is proposed to be sublet again. If condition (a) or (b) has been met, the proposal should then be handled as a normal request for approval of subcontract.  
After a subcontract has been cancelled, the percentages of work sublet to date should be adjusted. The work involved in the canceled subcontract quite often is proposed to be sublet again. If condition (a) or (b), above, has been met, the proposal should then be handled as a normal request for approval of subcontract.  

If a DBE subcontractor is replaced, the new DBE subcontract must be approved by the External Civil Rights division.
If the contractor requests replacement of a DBE subcontractor, approval must first be obtained from the External Civil Rights Division.  

If any subcontractor is replaced for any reason the existing subcontract item(s) of work for that subcontractor are removed from SM. Remarks indicating the reason for the revision are included in the record. No revision of the original C-220 is required. The new subcontractor shall be added using the normal C-220 subcontract process documenting the items of work to be performed except that the total amount subcontracted to date will be adjusted accordingly.
If any subcontractor is replaced for any reason, the existing subcontract item(s) of work for that subcontractor are removed from AWP. Remarks indicating the reason for the revision are included in the record. No revision of the original C-220 is required. The new subcontractor shall be added using the normal C-220 subcontract process documenting the items of work to be performed.

==108.2 Notice to Proceed (for Sec 108.2)==
==108.2 Notice to Proceed (for Sec 108.2)==
[ Sec 108.2] provides information on notice to proceed.  Early notice to proceed may be granted with the approval of the Division of Construction and Materials.
[ Sec 108.2] provides information on notice to proceed.  Early notice to proceed may be granted with the approval of the Division of Construction and Materials.

==108.3 Prosecution of Work==
==108.3 Prosecution of Work==
[ Sec 108.3] provides information on prosecution of work.   
[ Sec 108.3] provides information on prosecution of work.   

==108.4 Progress Schedules==
==108.4 Progress Schedules==
Refer to [ Sec 108.4] for information on progress schedules.   
Refer to [ Sec 108.4] for information on progress schedules.   

==108.5 Labor, Methods and Equipment==
==108.5 Labor, Methods and Equipment==
[ Sec 108.5] provides information on labor, methods and equipment.
[ Sec 108.5] provides information on labor, methods and equipment.

==108.6 Temporary Suspension of Work==
==108.6 Temporary Suspension of Work==
Refer to [ Sec 108.6] for information on temporary suspension of work.   
Refer to [ Sec 108.6] for information on temporary suspension of work.   

==108.7 Contract Time for Completion of the Work==
==108.7 Contract Time for Completion of the Work==
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===108.7.1 Extensions or Adjustments of Time===
===108.7.1 Extensions or Adjustments of Time===

[ Secs 108.7 and 108.7] provide a basis for granting adjustments, suspensions or extensions of time when progress is adversely affected by items beyond the contractor's control. Sec. 108.7.1 covers extensions of time for calendar day or calendar date contracts and refers to weighted time tables on file in the office of the Commission. Weighted timetables (for contracts with and without time exclusions) and examples of proper use are shown in [[:Category:108 Prosecution and Progress#108.7.2 Table for Contracts with No Time Exclusion|Tables 108.7.2]] and [[:Category:108 Prosecution and Progress#108.7.3 Table for Contracts with Time Exclusion|108.7.3]] and [[:Category:108 Prosecution and Progress#108.7.4 Examples|EPG 108.7.4 Examples]].
[ Sec 108.7] provides a basis for granting adjustments, suspensions or extensions of time when progress is adversely affected by items beyond the contractor's control. Sec. 108.7.1 covers extensions of time for calendar day or calendar date contracts and refers to weighted time tables on file in the office of the Commission. Weighted timetables (for contracts with and without time exclusions) and examples of proper use are shown in [[:Category:108 Prosecution and Progress#108.7.2 Table for Contracts with No Time Exclusion|Tables 108.7.2]] and [[:Category:108 Prosecution and Progress#108.7.3 Table for Contracts with Time Exclusion|108.7.3]] and [[:Category:108 Prosecution and Progress#108.7.4 Examples|EPG 108.7.4 Examples]].

Such requests should be evaluated by the [[:category:105 Control of Work#105.9 Authority and Duties of Resident Engineer (Sec 105.9)|resident engineer]] and sent to the district engineer along with a detailed study and recommendation. The district may discuss the request with  [http://wwwi/intranet/cm/ Construction & Materials] before rendering a decision.
Such requests should be evaluated by the [[:category:105 Control of Work#105.9 Authority and Duties of Resident Engineer (Sec 105.9)|resident engineer]] and sent to the District Engineer along with a detailed study and recommendation. The district may discuss the request with  [http://sp/sites/cm/Pages/default.aspx Construction & Materials] before rendering a decision. Requests from the contractor for major adjustments, suspensions, or extensions of time require thorough study by the resident engineer. In many cases the basis for the request is not subject to a clear-cut policy decision.
The resident engineer, with concurrence of the district construction engineer, may make adjustments for errors in assessment of time. Requests from the contractor for major adjustments, suspensions, or extensions of time require thorough study by the resident engineer. In many cases the basis for the request is not subject to a clear-cut policy decision.

It is necessary that these procedures be followed to ensure uniform administration of the liquidated damage provisions of our contracts.
It is necessary that these procedures be followed to ensure uniform administration of the liquidated damage provisions of our contracts.
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==== Assessment of Liquidated Damages and Exceptions====
==== Assessment of Liquidated Damages and Exceptions====
{|style="padding: 0.3em; margin-left:7px; border:2px solid #a9a9a9; text-align:center; font-size: 95%; background:#f5f5f5" width="435px" align="right"
|'''[ Guidance for Assessment of Liquidated Damages]'''
Contract time for project completion should be administered in accordance with [ Sec 108.7] as well as all applicable job special provisions.  At a minimum, all contracts should have a JSP for Contract Liquidated Damages that identifies the time limits along with penalties for both Road User Costs and Contract Administrative Costs.  A [  guide for assessment of liquidated damages] is available.

Assessment of liquidated damages are to be made for projects that are not completed within the allotted time. Also assessment will continue when work on a major operation is prevented by weather conditions, curing time, contract restrictions or for any other reason.
Contract time for specific milestone events, such as a road closure, should be administered as specified in the contract Liquidated Damages Specified JSP for that event.  Sec 108.7 does not apply to specific milestone events, therefore, liquidated damages are generally charged 7 days/week with no waivers for weekends and holidays. Refer to the terms in the contract Liquidated Damages Specified JSP and administer accordingly.  
The two exceptions to this, when the contract is in overtime, are for the sod maintenance period and the traffic signal test period. Liquidated damages will not be charged during the 15-day signal test period unless a malfunction occurs. If such a malfunction does occur during the test period, liquidated damages are to be assessed from the beginning of the test period until the signals are back in service, at which time a new 15-day test period begins.

When these conditions exist, liquidated damages are to be assessed for each and every calendar day as specified in [ Sec 108.8].
Measurement of contract time for project completion ends when the contractor completes all work, including all corrections listed on the Semi-Final Inspection Form (C-236).  The RE sometimes lists “exceptions” on the form.  Exceptions are tasks or acceptance periods that are contractually allowed to occur after the contract completion date without penalty. For a list of common exceptions, refer to [[:Category:105 Control of Work# Exceptions|EPG Exceptions]].  Some exceptions may require a date range attached to the task.  For example, removal of the Point of Presence signs should be done approximately 90 days after the semi-final inspection, so the RE should specify a two-week period for the POP sign removal, approximately 90 days out. As that date approaches, the RE should remind the contractor of the looming deadline to remove the signs to avoid having the count of time reinstated and damages assessed.

For a combination of projects awarded as a single contract, the liquidated damages per day specified in the contract are to be divided equally among the projects that remain incomplete.
More details are available in the following Quick Reference Guides: [[:Category:101 Standard Forms#CO Milestones|Milestones]] and [[:Category:101 Standard Forms#CO Contract Times|Contract Times]].
For example: Projects A, B, and C are awarded in combination as a single contract with liquidated damages of $3,000 per day specified in the contract. If all three projects are not completed within the allowed time, each project is assessed liquidated damages of $1000 per day. If Project A is completed but B and C remain incomplete, Projects B and C are assessed liquidated damages of $1500 per day. If Project C is completed before Project B, Project B is assessed liquidated damages of $3000 per day until it is complete. In this example, Project C would have two lines of different liquidated damage amounts per day on the estimate and Project B would have three lines.
Allocation of liquidated damages is made on the project distribution tab in SiteManager.

==== Consideration of Time Extensions or Suspensions====
==== Consideration of Time Extensions or Suspensions====
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Contractors are presumed to have made provisions in their bids for any anticipated delays in procurement of materials. Contract time extensions or suspension of working days should not be based on unsupported claims of delays in delivery of materials. Consideration may be given to delays caused by unusual market conditions such as an industry-wide strike, natural disaster, or area-wide shortage that arises after award of the contract and prevents procurement of materials within the allowable time for contract completion. It will be necessary to evaluate any claim for time extension based on material shortages to determine if the delays were, in fact, beyond the control of the contractor or the fabricator.
Contractors are presumed to have made provisions in their bids for any anticipated delays in procurement of materials. Contract time extensions or suspension of working days should not be based on unsupported claims of delays in delivery of materials. Consideration may be given to delays caused by unusual market conditions such as an industry-wide strike, natural disaster, or area-wide shortage that arises after award of the contract and prevents procurement of materials within the allowable time for contract completion. It will be necessary to evaluate any claim for time extension based on material shortages to determine if the delays were, in fact, beyond the control of the contractor or the fabricator.

==== Work Schedules====
==== Progress Schedules====
Per [ Sec 108.4], the contractor is required to provide the Resident Engineer with an initial Progress Schedule prior to or at the pre-construction meeting. The request for the initial schedule is included in the [ Pre Con Letter-Federal] and [ Pre Con Letter-State].  Contracts are generally set up as Completion Day or Completion Date projects; however, there may be some rare instances where a contract will be set up as a Working Day project. Regardless of the method of contract time, the progress schedule shall include an activities bar chart showing the major items of work throughout the life of the project. The initial Progress Schedule is very critical in establishing the basis for the planned work and should account for all limitations that are known at that point in time. It should be thoroughly reviewed for compliance with Sec 108.4, should demonstrate continuous prosecution of the work, achievement of any required milestones and indicate overall project completion within the allotted time. Acceptance of the initial Progress Schedule, and all subsequent progress schedules, will be made by the Resident Engineer.
A work schedule shall be requested from all contractors after the award of a contract in accordance with [ Sec 108.4]. The work schedule should indicate the working or calendar days, depending on the contract control, anticipated to complete the major items of work. The schedule should be reviewed from a production standpoint and be in sufficient detail to allow tracking of major work items. The schedule should provide for continuous prosecution of the work and completion within the allotted time. Approval of the work schedule may be by the resident engineer or the district engineer.
Once the initial schedule is accepted, if the work plan changes or the contractor falls significantly behind schedule, the Resident Engineer should require a revised schedule be submitted in accordance with Sec and Sec 108.4.4. The revised schedule should clearly show a plan to ensure project completion within the allowable time.  Likewise, should an excusable delay occur, the RE should issue the appropriate time adjustment change order and require a revised schedule.

If the contractor falls behind schedule by 15 working or 30 calendar days without just cause, the resident engineer should write and request the contractor to expedite the work to the degree necessary to satisfy the approved work schedule or submit a revised work schedule for approval. The contractor should be requested to furnish this reply within ten days. If an unsatisfactory reply is received, the resident engineer should notify the district engineer.
If progress towards completion within the allowable time is in jeopardy, and the cause is due to inexcusable failures by the contractor (see common failures below), a letter should be submitted to the contractor, with a copy to the surety, informing them of the possibility of being declared in default of the contract if the contractor does not proceed with a remedy within ten days of the notice. The State Construction and Materials Engineer should be informed of this notice.  If after ten days the contractor has not adequately proceeded with a remedy, the State Construction and Materials Engineer will work with the district and the Chief Counsel’s office to determine the next course of action, which may include declaring the contractor to be in default.

The district engineer should write the contractor if the resident engineer receives an unsatisfactory reply or if the contractor falls 25 working or 45 calendar days behind schedule. The district's letter should request expediting the work, revised work schedules and include a reference to the applicable specifications concerning default and termination of a contract. Copies of the district's letters should be furnished to the resident engineer, the Division of Construction & Materials and the contractor's surety. The contractor should be requested to reply within ten days. If an unsatisfactory reply is received, the district should notify the Division of Construction & Materials.
Common contractor failures that could affect schedule and lead to Default of Contract:

If the district receives an unsatisfactory reply or the contractor falls 30 working or 60 calendar days behind schedule, the Chief Engineer will write the contractor requesting the work be expedited and a revised schedule furnished. The letter will also reference the default provisions and the possibility of the contractor becoming a "non-responsible" bidder for future work. Copies of this letter would be furnished to the district and the contractor's surety. The contractor would be requested to reply within ten days
:1. Failure to mobilize and begin work on time.
:2. Failure to provide sufficient resources (workers and/or equipment) to maintain sufficient progress.
:3. Unacceptable work that requires extensive time to repair or replace.
:4. Contractor delay caused by a refusal to remedy work deemed unacceptable.
:5. Contractor vacates project or discontinues work on the major operation.
:6. Contractor fails to return to the project in a reasonable time following a stoppage of work.
:7. A stoppage of work is issued for non-compliance with a contract requirement.
:8. A federal and or state legal action taken against the contractor.

If the contractor falls 40 working or 75 calendar days behind schedule, the Division of
=====Two-Week Schedule=====
Construction & Materials will consult with the district and the Chief Counsel's office to consider the option of defaulting the contractor. Consideration will also be given at this time to recommending commission action declaring the contractor a "non-responsible" bidder for future work.
In addition to maintaining a current project Progress Schedule, each week the contractor is required to provide the Resident Engineer with a dynamic two-week look-ahead schedule.  This two-week schedule is the basis (i.e. agenda) for discussion at the weekly progress meetings.  It provides current details that are important in planning and scheduling resources over the following days, including upcoming traffic control changes and inspection resources.  This schedule is very important for coordination efforts.  It can be in any format acceptable to the RE, but should not be waived except during planned pauses or low activity levels in the work and the RE agrees it is not necessary.

===108.7.2 Table for Contracts with No Time Exclusion===
===108.7.2 Table for Contracts with No Time Exclusion===
Line 212: Line 256:
|'''14''' ||  || 52|| 141|| 248 ||375|| 520 ||675|| 815 ||923 ||1000  
|'''14''' ||  || 52|| 141|| 248 ||375|| 520 ||675|| 815 ||923 ||1000  
|'''15'''|| 0|| 54 ||144 ||252 ||379|| 525|| 680 ||819 ||926 ||  ||
|'''15'''|| 0|| 54 ||144 ||252 ||379|| 525|| 680 ||819 ||926 ||   
|'''16'''|| 1||57|| 147 ||256 ||384 ||530|| 685|| 823|| 928|| ||
|'''16'''|| 1||57|| 147 ||256 ||384 ||530|| 685|| 823|| 928||  
|'''17'''|| 2 ||60 ||150|| 260 ||388 ||535|| 690|| 827 ||931 ||  ||
|'''17'''|| 2 ||60 ||150|| 260 ||388 ||535|| 690|| 827 ||931 ||   
|'''18'''|| 3 ||63|| 153 ||264 ||393 ||540 ||695 ||832 ||934 ||  ||
|'''18'''|| 3 ||63|| 153 ||264 ||393 ||540 ||695 ||832 ||934 ||   
|'''19'''|| 4 ||66|| 156 ||268 ||397|| 545|| 700|| 836 ||937 ||  ||
|'''19'''|| 4 ||66|| 156 ||268 ||397|| 545|| 700|| 836 ||937 ||   
|'''20''' ||5 ||69 ||159|| 272 ||402|| 550 ||705|| 840 ||940 ||  ||
|'''20''' ||5 ||69 ||159|| 272 ||402|| 550 ||705|| 840 ||940 ||   
|'''21''' ||6 ||72||162 ||276 ||406 ||555 ||710|| 844 ||942 ||  ||
|'''21''' ||6 ||72||162 ||276 ||406 ||555 ||710|| 844 ||942 ||   
|'''22''' ||7 ||75|| 165 ||280||411 ||560|| 715 ||848 ||945 ||  ||
|'''22''' ||7 ||75|| 165 ||280||411 ||560|| 715 ||848 ||945 ||   
|'''23'''|| 8 ||78|| 168||284|| 415 ||565 ||720|| 852|| 948 ||  ||
|'''23'''|| 8 ||78|| 168||284|| 415 ||565 ||720|| 852|| 948 ||   
|'''24''' ||9 ||81|| 171|| 288|| 420|| 570 ||724 ||856|| 951 ||  ||
|'''24''' ||9 ||81|| 171|| 288|| 420|| 570 ||724 ||856|| 951 ||   
|'''25''' ||10 ||84|| 174 ||292|| 424|| 575|| 729 ||860||954 ||  ||
|'''25''' ||10 ||84|| 174 ||292|| 424|| 575|| 729 ||860||954 ||   
|'''26''' ||12 ||87|| 177 ||296|| 429|| 580 ||734 ||864 ||957 ||  ||
|'''26''' ||12 ||87|| 177 ||296|| 429|| 580 ||734 ||864 ||957 ||  
|'''27''' ||14|| 90|| 180 ||300|| 433 ||585|| 739 ||868|| 960 ||  ||
|'''27''' ||14|| 90|| 180 ||300|| 433 ||585|| 739 ||868|| 960 ||  
|'''28''' ||16 ||93|| 183||304 ||438 ||590|| 744|| 872 ||963 ||  ||
|'''28''' ||16 ||93|| 183||304 ||438 ||590|| 744|| 872 ||963 ||   
|'''29''' ||18 ||96 ||186 ||308|| 442 ||595|| 749|| 876|| 966 ||  ||
|'''29''' ||18 ||96 ||186 ||308|| 442 ||595|| 749|| 876|| 966 ||  
|'''30'''|| 20 ||99 ||190||312|| 447|| 600|| 753|| 880 ||968 ||  ||
|'''30'''|| 20 ||99 ||190||312|| 447|| 600|| 753|| 880 ||968 ||   
|'''31'''|| 22||  ||194||  || 452|| 605||  || 884||  || ||
|'''31'''|| 22||  ||194||  || 452|| 605||  || 884||  ||  
|style="background:#BEBEBE"|'''Monthly'''|| style="background:#BEBEBE"|22 ||style="background:#BEBEBE"|77||style="background:#BEBEBE"| 95|| style="background:#BEBEBE"|118||style="background:#BEBEBE"| 140||style="background:#BEBEBE"| 153 ||style="background:#BEBEBE"|148|| style="background:#BEBEBE"|131||style="background:#BEBEBE"| 84|| style="background:#BEBEBE"|32  
|style="background:#BEBEBE"|'''Monthly'''|| style="background:#BEBEBE"|22 ||style="background:#BEBEBE"|77||style="background:#BEBEBE"| 95|| style="background:#BEBEBE"|118||style="background:#BEBEBE"| 140||style="background:#BEBEBE"| 153 ||style="background:#BEBEBE"|148|| style="background:#BEBEBE"|131||style="background:#BEBEBE"| 84|| style="background:#BEBEBE"|32  
Line 345: Line 389:

Assume the following:  
Assume the following:  
Contract completion date – December 1. Project was delayed from July 10 through August 5. Time will be charged December 15 to March 15.  
Contract completion date – December 1. Project was delayed from July 5 through August 5. Time will be charged December 15 to March 15.  

{| style="margin: 1em auto 1em auto"
{| style="margin: 1em auto 1em auto"
Line 355: Line 399:
|Units at August 5|| 630 Units ||
|Units at August 5|| 630 Units ||
|Units at July 10|| <u>-502 Units</u> ||
|Units at July 5|| <u>-502 Units</u> ||
|Units during delay ||128 Units ||
|Units during delay ||128 Units ||
Line 393: Line 437:
==108.8 Liquidated Damages for Failure or Delay in Completing Work on Time==
==108.8 Liquidated Damages for Failure or Delay in Completing Work on Time==

Refer to [ Sec 108.8] for information on liquidated damages.  Instructions for handling milestone disincentives through SM are provided in the [http://LNAPP2/86256E04006DB300/A98C0A1C36C34765862571540054F48F/F08552208AE7382486256D42004D18C2 Milestone Incentives and Disincentives QRG].
Refer to [ Sec 108.8] for information on liquidated damages.  Instructions for handling milestone disincentives through AWP are provided in the [[:Category:101 Standard Forms#CO Milestones|AWP CO Milestones]].

==108.9 Signal and Lighting Malfunctions==
==108.9 Signal and Lighting Malfunctions==

Refer to [ Sec 108.9]for information on signal and lighting malfunctions, and what to do when an emergency repair is required.
Refer to [ Sec 108.9]for information on signal and lighting malfunctions, and what to do when an emergency repair is required.

==108.10 Default of Contract ==
==108.10 Default of Contract ==

[ Sec 108.10] provides information on what constitutes a default of contract and related issues.   
[ Sec 108.10] provides information on what constitutes a default of contract and related issues.   

==108.11 Termination of Contract for Convenience of the Commission==
==108.11 Termination of Contract for Convenience of the Commission==

Refer to [ Sec 108.11] for information on the termination of a contract.   
Refer to [ Sec 108.11] for information on the termination of a contract.
'''Guidance for [ Sec 108.11.2 Settlement Provisions] (Particularly Settlement for Leftover Material on a Construction Project)'''
When contract pay items are eliminated from the contract, the Resident Engineer should notify the contractor in writing as soon as possible so that the contractor can stop any unnecessary material purchases.  If the material is delivered prior to notification, use the following guidance to settle the cost of returning or purchasing the materialIf the cost of the material is significant, consult with the District Construction Engineer to discuss whether this resolution is appropriate.
:1. Request that the contractor make every effort to return the material to the supplier.  We should avoid adding inventory items to MoDOT maintenance lots if at all possible.  Make payment to the contractor for the shipping cost, return shipping cost, plus any restocking fee charged by the manufacturer.  To this total, add an amount equal to 5% of the invoice cost of the material to cover the contractor's general overhead expenses.
:2. If the manufacturer will not accept the return, a negotiated settlement with the contractor can be made so that the contractor retains the material at the salvage value.
:3. If the material cannot be returned or retained by the contractor, purchase of the material can be made.  Delivery of the material should be made to the local maintenance facility.  For this option, payment should be made to the contractor for the invoice cost of the material, plus 5% for overhead, plus shipping cost, plus any cost incurred by the contractor for delivering the material to the maintenance lot.

==108.12 Notice to Contractor and Surety==
==108.12 Notice to Contractor and Surety==

Refer to [ Sec 108.12] for information on notice to the contractor when a contract has been terminated or default has occured.
Refer to [[:Category:152 Contactor Bonding Responsibilities|EPG 152 Contactor Bonding Responsibilities]] and [ Sec 108.12] for information on notice to the contractor when a contract has been terminated or default has occured.

==108.13 Termination of Contract for Misconduct==
==108.13 Termination of Contract for Misconduct==

Refer to [ Sec 108.13] for information on termination of a contract for misconduct.   
Refer to [ Sec 108.13] for information on termination of a contract for misconduct.   

==108.14 Determination of Compensation and Contract Time Extension for Excusable, Noncompensable and Compensable Delays==
==108.14 Determination of Compensation and Contract Time Extension for Excusable, Noncompensable and Compensable Delays==

Refer to [ Sec 108.14] for information related to delays in completing the work.   
Refer to [ Sec 108.14] for information related to delays in completing the work.   

==108.15 Suspension of Work Directed by the Engineer==
==108.15 Suspension of Work Directed by the Engineer==
Refer to [ Sec 108.15] for information related to a suspension of work as directed by the engineer.   
Refer to [ Sec 108.15] for information related to a suspension of work as directed by the engineer.   

==108.16 Project Dates==
==108.16 Project Dates==
Project dates are divided into two groups: critical dates and key dates. Critical dates are typically those dates that are needed on a department-wide basis while key dates are those dates that are needed only within Construction and Materials. The SM construction management system includes a set of critical dates that cannot be modified. Since the included dates are intended to be generic and meet the needs of multiple agencies, not all dates are used by MoDOT.
Project dates are divided into two groups: Informational Dates and Contract Site Times. A [[media:239 Project Timeline example 2020.docx|sample project timeline]] includes most of the project dates.
[[media:239 Project Timeline example.doc|A sample project timeline]] includes most of the project dates.
===108.16.1 Critical Dates===
Critical dates can only be modified by system administrators except for the dates on a
MoDOT specific screen in SM presented to the user when an estimate is generated.
Critical dates (listed in order of presentation in SM) and their definitions are:
:'''1. Letting Date (LETD)''' - The date on which bids for the project are accepted and opened publicly by MoDOT.
:'''2. Award Date (AWRD)''' - The date of action of the Commission accepting the bid of the lowest responsible bidder for the work, subject to the execution and approval of a satisfactory contract therefore and bond to secure the performance thereof, and to such other conditions as may be specified or as required by law.
:'''3. Signed Date (SIGN)''' – This date (generally not used) comes from the pre-construction system used by the Design Division and cannot be modified in SM.
:'''4. Execution Date (EXEC)''' - The date that the contract has been signed by all parties and approved by the Chief Counsel's Office. The contractor has 15 days from award to return an executed contract for execution by the commission. The actual execution date can be more or less than 15 days after award based on the time the contractor takes to return the contract and the time for review and execution by the commission.
:'''5. Notice to Proceed Date (NTPD)''' - The date on or before which prosecution of the work is to begin. This date is specified in the contract and is generally about 60 days after letting. If the contractor does not begin work by this date, the count of working days begins on this date. If the contractor starts before this date, the count of working days begins when the contractor starts work.
:'''6. Price Adjustments Base Date (PAJB)''' – This date is used only for fuel adjustments. The base date for fuel adjustments is the first day of the month in which the project is bid.
:'''7. Checked Out to Field Date (CKDO)''' – This date is added by the system when a contract is pipelined for use on SitePad.
[[image:108.1 critical.jpg|right|200px]]
:'''8. Work Begin Date (WKBG)''' - Date on which work first began on the project. May not be the same as the Notice to Proceed date. Entered by the Project Office.
:'''9. Contractor Bankruptcy Date (BKDT)''' – In the rare instance when a contractor declares bankruptcy during a contract, this is the date that the department receives notice of the bankruptcy.
:'''10. Contractor Default Date (DFLT)''' – If a contractor’s performance on a project leads to the Commission declaring the contractor in default, this date is the date of the Commission’s action declaring the default.
:'''11. Open to Traffic Date (OPTF)''' - The date the pavement is opened to public traffic.  For new construction, the date that the most significant portion of the project was opened.  For construction under traffic, the date when the final driving surface of the most significant portion of the project was opened to public traffic.  For construction that did not interrupt the traffic at all and did not create a new driving surface, Open to Traffic Date would be set to match the Notice to Proceed Date.  Entered by the Project Office.
:'''12. Substantial Work Complete Date (SWKC)''' - The date that is populated in SiteManager when Partial or Final Acceptance of the project is made. This should be the date that all corrections noted on the last semi-final inspection have been completed. Exceptions may not be complete at this time. This is the date that the count of time (and, therefore, liquidated damages) stops. Entered by the Project Office.
:'''13. Physical Work Complete Date (WKCM)''' – This date is to be entered only by the final plans reviewer or system administrators. This date will lock all quantities and no additional quantities can be entered. This is the date that all work has been completed on the project. The contractor will not have equipment or personnel on the project after this date. Entered by Central Office.
:'''14. Original Completion Date (ORGC)''' - The date specified in the contract for completion of the work if a date is specified or the date computed by adding the number of calendar days allowed to the notice to proceed date if calendar days are specified. There is no Original Completion Date for contracts administered by working days.
:'''15. Adjusted Completion Date (ADJC)''' - The date computed by adding any allowed time extensions to the Original Completion Date. There is no Adjusted Completion Date for contracts administered by working days.
:'''16. Accepted Date (ACPT)''' - [ Sec 109.8]  (Final Acceptance and Payment) details the requirements for Final Acceptance. Basically, this is the date when all contract requirements have been completed by the contractor and all materials inspections have been verified by the engineer. Final acceptance will take place within a maximum of 30 days of receipt of final documentation from the contractor. While the specifications allow this to occur up to 30 days after final documentation is received, it should be done as soon as possible after receiving final documentation. The 30 days is to provide time for verifying the contractor's submittals. Entered by Central Office.
:'''17. Assigned to Field Manager (FMEX)''' – Field Manager is a companion product to SiteManager that MoDOT does not use. This date is not populated.
:'''18. Contractor Final Release Date (FREL)''' – This is the date that the final plans are passed for payment and the contractor’s bond is released. Entered by Central Office.
:'''19. Contract Archived Date (ARCH)''' – This is the date that the contract data is removed from the active SM database and stored in an archive database.
===108.16.2 Key Dates===
[[media:Key Dates.doc|Key dates]] [[image:bulldozer.jpg|20px]] are defined by each agency using SM and may be used for any purpose. MoDOT has decided to use these dates for tracking the final plans process.
The person(s) responsible for entering the key dates and their definitions follow.
'''1) SRI – Project Completion.'''  This date was entered by the project office and indicated that a project in the “Smooth Roads Initiative” had been substantially completed. SRI was completed in 2006. This date is no longer used.
'''2) Partial Accepted for Maintenance.''' This date is entered by the project office.
Partial Accepted for Maintenance, for the purpose of this key date, is entered when there are “Exceptions” noted on the “Semi-Final” inspection. An exception is a deficiency noted on an inspection of the project that involves an item of work that was not on the original contract or one of the following:
:a. Overseeding
:b. Traffic Signal test period
:c. Specified growth period for section 800 items.
Exceptions should not be used for items of work included in the original bid except as noted above.
When all corrections have been completed and only exceptions remain, the project can be “partially accepted.”
<div id="3) Date of Final Inspection"></div>
'''3) Date of Final Inspection''' [ Sec 105.10.7] (Final Inspection) details the requirements for the Final Inspection. If all construction is completed to the engineer’s satisfaction at this time, without any corrections, this inspection is the Final Inspection. If corrections are outstanding, this is the Semi-Final inspection. The contractor is relieved of any further maintenance upon completion of the Final Inspection. This may also be the Substantial Completion date in SM. This date is entered by the project office. This is when the “clock” starts for the completion of the Final Plans. Final plans and materials summaries are due six (6) weeks after Final Inspection on small projects and eight (8) weeks after Final Inspection on large projects. A small project is one that is both less than one million ($1,000,000.00) dollars and has less than forty (40) [ bid items]. The Project Office must supply the District Office with the Final Plans and Final Acceptance or an explanation of what and why the Final Acceptance is held up. If there are exceptions on a project and the exceptions extend beyond the six (6) or eight (8) week final plans preparation time, final plans will be due four (4) weeks after completion of the exception. Failure of the contractor to provide final documentation or awaiting resolution of exception is not sufficient reason to delay work on final plans. Final Plans work must be prosecuted as fully as possible prior to receiving finaldocumentation from the contractor. The time allowed following the completion of an exception is soley intended to accommodate the prime contractor’s finalization and submission of documentation as delayed by the exception, and the district’s final plans preparation specific to the exception. Entered by the Project Office.
'''4) Project Data ready for Materials Summary.''' This date is entered by the project office when the last change order is approved or when it is determined that the current contract quantities are final. The date is used to notify district materials personnel that the materials summary may be completed. Entered by the Project Office.
'''5) Survey Plans Recorded.'''  In the case where right of way (R/W) was acquired for the project, this date is entered by the project office or other appropriate entity in the District Office upon notification that R/W survey(s) have been legally recorded.
'''6) Date Final Plans Recvd at District.''' This date is entered by the District Final Plans and Reports Processor to indicate that the project office has completed the final plans and they have been received by the district office for checking.
'''7) Date Final Plans Received at Central HQ.''' After the district completed their check of the final plans and submits them to Central Office for review and processing, the Final Plans Reviewer will enter this date to indicate the plans have been received in the main office.
'''8) Date Final Plans Check is Complete.''' The Final Plans Reviewer will enter this date after completing the review of the final plans and passing them for final payment.
'''9) Plans Sent to Design.''' The Final Plans Reviewer enters this date when the final plans are sent to the Design Division for archiving.
'''10) Date of Materials Summary.''' Entered by District Materials when the materials summary is completed.
'''11) Materials Summary Submitted to HQ.''' When the materials summary is completed
and submitted to Central Office, district Materials will enter this date.
'''12) Materials Summary Received by HQ.''' Entered by the Division of Construction and
Materials when the materials summary is received from the district.

'''13) Bridge Certifications Received.''' When Bridge has checked and approved all bridge materials and notified the Division of Construction and Materials that all bridge materials are approved, the Division of Construction and Materials will enter this date.
===108.16.1 Informational Dates===
Informational dates are defined by each agency using AWP (AASHTOWARE Project) and may be used for any purpose. MoDOT has decided to use these dates for tracking significant contract events and to facilitate the final plans process.  

'''14) Materials Summary Approved by HQ.''' Entered by the Division of Construction and Materials after the materials summary is approved.
The person(s) responsible for entering the Informational dates and their definitions follow:

'''15) Date Sent to DBE.''' The Final Plans Reviewer enters this date when the final plans are sent to [http://wwwi/intranet/ecr/index.htm External Civil Rights] for their review.
:'''1. Letting Date (LETD)''' - The date on which bids for the project are accepted and opened publicly by MoDOT. Date passes through AWP during the transition from Preconstruction to Construction modules.
:'''2. Award Date (AWRD-DT)''' - The date of action of the Commission accepting the bid of the lowest responsible bidder for the work, subject to the execution and approval of a satisfactory contract therefore and bond to secure the performance thereof, and to such other conditions as may be specified or as required by law. The date passes into AWP during contract transition from Preconstruction to Construction modules.
:'''3. Execution Date (EXEC)''' - The date that the contract has been signed by all parties and approved by the Chief Counsel's Office. The contractor has 15 days from award to return an executed contract for execution by the commission. The execution date can be more or less than 15 days after award based on the time the contractor takes to return the contract and the time for review and execution by the commission. The date for this record is entered at time of contract activation by CM-Division.
:'''4. Notice to Proceed Date (NTP)''' - The date on or before which prosecution of the work is to begin. This date is specified in the contract and is generally about 60 days after letting. If the contractor does not begin work by this date, the count of working days begins on this date. If the contractor starts before this date, the count of working days begins when the contractor starts work. Date is entered into AWP during contract activation from CM-Division.
:'''5. Work Begin Date (WKBG-DT)''' - This is the date the contractor begins work and is used by AWP as the start date for the count of contract time.  This date is entered by the Project Office.
:'''6. Open to Traffic Date (OPTF)''' - Leave this field blank except for special program projects that are designated by the Division to have the “opening” date documented.  When required, this date serves as a measure of progress towards completion of the special program. ''Smooth Road Initiative'' and ''Focus on Bridges'' are examples of past programs that required tracking of the Open to Traffic date.  The Division will let the REs know what programs require tracking and what parameters constitute the project as being “Open to Traffic”.
:'''7. Date of Final Inspection''' - See Sec 105.10.7 and [[:Category:105 Control of Work# Acceptance for Maintenance (Final Inspection)|EPG Acceptance for Maintenance (Final Inspection)]] for detail on the Final Inspection. This is the date of the Final Inspection, which is when all corrections and [[:Category:105 Control of Work# Exceptions|exceptions]] are complete on the last remaining project to be finally inspected in the contract. This date will be pulled from AWP by Cognos and listed on the Final Acceptance form. (See QRG [ AWP CO Contract Times]). The Final Inspection Date is entered into AWP by the Project Office.
:'''8. Acceptance Date (ACCEPT-DT)''' - This is the Final Acceptance date as confirmed and documented by the District Construction & Materials Engineer (DCE) on the [ Final Acceptance Report (C-239)]. The DCE makes Final Acceptance after receiving the Final Inspection notice from the RE and confirming that all requirements listed in [ Sec 105.15.2] have been met. Final Acceptance should be made as soon as possible after receiving the final documentation from the contractor, but no later than the 30 day maximum allowed per [ Sec 105.10.7]. The Final Acceptance date is entered by the District Final Plans and Reports Processor.
:'''9. 030 Project Data ready for Matls Summary (MCF)''' - The date is entered by the project office when the last change order is approved or when it is determined that the current contract quantities are final. The date is used to notify district materials personnel that the materials summary may be completed.
:'''10. 040 Date Final Plans Recvd at District (FPR)''' -  After the project office completes the as built plans, the RE shall notify the DFP&RP by email that the project is complete and ready for review by the district. After confirming all final documents are present in eProjects, the DFP&RP shall enter the date as built plans were received by the district.
:'''11. 080 Materials Summary Submitted to HQ (SSH)''' - This date is entered by District Materials when the materials summary is completed, uploaded to eProjects and available for review by the CM-Division.
:'''12. 095 Materials Summary Approved by HQ (SAH)''' - The date is entered by the CM-Division after the materials summary is approved.
:'''13. 050 Date Final Plans Received at HQ (DFPR)''' -  After the district check of the as built plans is complete, the DFP&RP shall notify the Final Plans Reviewer by email that the project is ready for final review and processing. After confirming that all needed documents are present in eProjects, the Final Plans Reviewer will enter the date into this record to indicate the plans have been received by CM-Division.
:'''14. 100 Date Sent to DBE (SDBE)''' - The Final Plans Reviewer enters this date when the as built plans are sent to External Civil Rights (ECR) for their review.
:'''15. 105 – Date Approved by DBE (ADBE)''' - The date the ECR approved the final DBE participation of the project. The date is populated by the ECR.
:'''16. 110 Date Received from DBE (RDBE)''' - The Final Plans Reviewer enters this date when the as built plans are received from ECR after their review.
:'''17. Contract Closed for CRLMS Date (CRLMS-DT)''' - This date represents the review and approval of the final DBE participation for a contract. Entry of this date is necessary for the project data to be reported on the DBE Uniform Report. The date is populated by ECR.
:'''18. 060 Date Final Plans Check is Complete (FPC)''' - The Final Plans Reviewer will enter this date after completing the review of the as built plans and approving the final estimate as the second level of approval.
:'''19. Contract Items Complete Date (CICM)''' - This will be the same date as the date of the Final Payment letter (Surety Letter) from the Financial Services office, which occurs after the FS Controller approves the final estimate as the third and final level of approval. The date is entered by the Final Plans Reviewer.

'''16) Date Received From [ DBE].''' The Final Plans Reviewer enters this date when the final plans are received from [http://wwwi/intranet/ecr/index.htm External Civil Rights] after their review.
===108.16.2 Contract Site Times===
Contract Site Times are records of the overall contract time-related information specific to contract. There are three types of contract site time records: Available Time, Calendar Time and Completion Date. These records are used for both the Overall Contract Time and for Milestones associated with the contracts.  For more detail on administration of Contract Time, reference the following QRGs:  [ AWP CO Contract Times] and [ Change Order Time Extension].

'''17) Date of FHWA Final Reim.''' This date is entered by the Construction Reports
Processor when the final reimbursement is received from the Federal Highway Administration. This date may be quite some time after project completion.

Latest revision as of 13:22, 12 December 2024

It is the responsibility of the contractor to furnish adequate forces for meeting specified project schedules as well as quality requirements. The Resident Engineer should bring unsatisfactory progress to the contractor's attention in writing. Send copies of such letters to the District Engineer and Construction & Materials. If the contractor fails to respond in keeping with the intent of Sec 108, the matter must be brought immediately to the attention of the district office and the Division of Construction and Materials.

This article also discusses critical and key project dates and extensions or adjustments of time when progress is adversely affected by items beyond a contractor’s control.

108.1 Subletting of Contract (for Sec 108.1)

The prime contractor is obligated to do a specified portion of the work, as indicated in Sec 108.1.1. Any exception to this clause of the contract must be approved by the Division of Construction and Materials and a change order must be issued to establish the revised terms.

Specifications permit the contractor to utilize approved subcontractors to perform up to 70 percent of the work under subcontract agreement. The Commission is not a party to the subcontract agreement, but holds final approval on all subcontract requests.

108.1.1 Review and Approval of a Subcontract Request

When a contractor desires to sublet a portion of the work, the request will be submitted to the resident engineer on Request to Subcontract Work (Form C-220). The resident engineer, or a designee assigned by the District Construction Engineer, shall perform the following review on all subcontract requests:

1. Check all information on the header for accuracy and determine if the request a) involves a 2nd tier relationship, b) is for a DBE subcontractor, or c) includes any line item with a unit price or quantity that differs from the contract. If any of those three situations apply, then the request must include the subcontract agreement between the prime and the sub. For 2nd tier requests, the agreement between the 1st and 2nd tier subcontractor should also be submitted.
2. For DBE requests, verify that the unit price and quantity matches what is on the DBE Identification Submittal Form. If there are line items listed on the C-220 for a DBE that go beyond the DBE Identification Submittal found in the contract, verify whether they can be counted for DBE credit and if they do not count, a separate C-220 should be submitted for these line items. For more information on DBE requests, refer to the article on DBE Subcontracting. If additional DBE subcontractors, suppliers, manufacturers or brokers are proposed by the prime contractor after the project commences, the engineer should work with the contractor to complete the "DBE Change" form so that the total utilization of DBEs can be accounted for on the project towards MoDOT’s overall statewide DBE goal attainment. In addition, any added DBEs need to be evaluated for CUF.
3. The Line No. and item Description should be as shown in the contract. However, the Quantity and/or the Subcontracted Unit Price will often differ from the contract; this is acceptable as long as they match the values in the subcontract agreement between the prime and the sub. Additionally, in rare cases, even the unit of measure might differ. For example, let’s say the contract line item is Diamond Grinding – 10,000 SY @ $3/SY = $30,000, yet the C-220 shows “Diamond Grinding (per hour)” with a quantity of 100 @ $250 = $25,000. This is acceptable if those are the terms in the subcontract agreement. Since there is not a field to show a revised Unit of Measure, the form instructions require the contractor to state the revised unit of measure in the Description. Also, even though their subcontract agreement may not include an estimated quantity, insist that your contractor provide an estimated quantity on the C-220. All of the above data is necessary for AWP to accurately track the total percent sublet on 1st tier subcontracts.
4. Verify that all 1st tier requests include all work they plan to perform, as well as all work they plan to sublet to a 2nd tier sub. The 2nd tier request will only list items the 2nd tier plans to perform. See EPG 108.1.2 Second Tier Subcontracting and EPG 108.1.3 Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Subcontracting for more information.
5. Verify that the requested subcontractor is on the approved Subcontractor List on the Bid Opening Info page under the Documents section and is qualified as a DBE (if the DBE box is checked) on the MRCC directory page. Refer unapproved subcontractors to the Perform Subcontracting Work webpage. If the requested subcontractor is performing a Professional Service, refer to EPG 108.1.4 Professional Service.
6. For Federal Aid projects, verify that the subcontract request is accompanied with a completed Subcontractor Certification Regarding Affirmative Action form, and a document listing the name, address, and telephone number of the subcontractor's EEO Officer on the subcontractor’s letterhead.
7. Confirm the request has been signed by an authorized representative of the prime contractor.
8. For federal aid projects, the prime contractor is required by federal statute to insert the contract Federal provisions and wage rates (including FHWA 1273) in all subcontract agreements. The reviewer should perform a random check on submitted subcontract agreements to help ensure the prime is meeting this requirement.
9. If all information is correct and all requirements are met, promptly enter the subcontract information into AASHTOWARE Project (AWP). Verify that the subcontract limit has not been exceeded (A pop-up notice will occur in AWP). Apply the MoDOT approval signature to the form. Save the approved subcontract request electronically according to current policy, with an electronic copy sent to the contractor as an attachment to an email.
10. If any of the information on the form is incorrect, or if approval cannot be granted for any reason, the contractor should be notified immediately with an explanation so they can correct the form or take other actions to proceed without delay. Once the subcontract request is approved and work begins, work performed by the subcontractor will be recorded in AWP daily on the Daily Work Reports (DWR) work items tab, with the subcontractor designated on the contractor line.

Subletting Limitation

The self-perform requirement for prime contractors is a minimum of 30% by specification which is also the federal requirement. The minimum requirement is tracked by the C-220 request to subcontract forms. No self-perform re-evaluation will be required for contract change order adjustments. The prime contractor is allowed to purchase materials for subcontractor’s work. The material purchased by the prime for the subcontractor should be clearly indicated on the C-220 subcontract form.

108.1.2 Second Tier Subcontracting

Upon approval from the prime contractor, subcontractors may sublet a portion of their assigned work to another subcontractor. This relationship is called “2nd tier subcontracting”. A separate C-220, submitted by the prime, is required for 2nd tier subcontract requests. The contractor shall disclose the name of the 1st tier subcontractor on the form.

The C-220 for the 1st tier subcontractor should list all of the work items they plan to perform, as well as all work they plan to sublet to their second tier subcontractors. The quantity and unit price for each line shall be that designated in the subcontract agreement between the prime contractor and the first tier subcontractor. The C-220 for the 2nd tier subcontract work lists only the work the 2nd tier sub will perform, and shows the quantity and price from the subcontract agreement between the 1st and 2nd tier subcontractors.

AWP will use the total of all work sublet to 1st tier subcontractors to determine the total percent sublet. The total for the 2nd tier work will not be included in that calculation since 2nd tier work is already included in the 1st tier total.

108.1.3 Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBE) Subcontracting

Note that compliance with Sec 108.1.1 and DBE goals are distinctly separate issues and are based on different requirements, as stated in this article. Most contracts with federal participation include a goal for the amount of work to be awarded to disadvantaged business enterprises (DBE). At the time of bid, all bidders are required to list on the DBE Identification Submittal Form all proposed DBE subcontractors, suppliers and haulers to be used on that contract, including the amount for each line item on each subcontract. If the totals do not meet or exceed the goal, the bidder must document all good faith efforts to meet the goal. After award of the contract, MoDOT's External Civil Rights Division must approve any change to the DBE commitment. In addition, all bidders must submit the DBE and Non-DBE Subcontractor Reporting Form. The DBE and Non-DBE Subcontractor Reporting Form will be due by the last day of the month of the letting being reported.

Once a project is awarded, the contractor must submit a Request to Subcontract Work on Form C-220 to the RE for all DBE subcontractors listed on the DBE Identification Submittal Form with the bid. There may be changes proposed with a C-220 that require ECR pre-approval and others that do not. If additional DBE subcontractors, suppliers, manufacturers or brokers are proposed by the prime contractor after the project commences, the engineer should work with the contractor to complete the DBE Change form so that the total utilization of DBEs can be accounted for on the project towards MoDOT’s overall statewide DBE goal attainment. In addition, any added DBEs need to be evaluated for CUF.

The following are items that require ECR approval:

  • Contractor proposes to eliminate one or more DBEs initially committed on the DBE submittal form (see DBE Termination Form),
  • Contractor proposes a reduction in the quantities for DBE firms initially committed on the DBE submittal form,
  • Propose additional DBE’s beyond the DBE firms initially committed on the DBE submittal form,
  • Increased quantities for DBE’s from what was originally committed on the DBE submittal form,
  • If DBEs are working in a 2nd tier capacity.

Additional work items can be added to any DBE subcontractor, and additional DBE subcontractors can be utilized for other work items, but no DBE work disclosed on the DBE Identification Submittal Form can be changed without approval from MoDOT's External Civil Rights division.

Any work subcontracted from a 1st tier DBE contractor to a 2nd tier non-DBE contractor will not count towards the DBE contract goal.

Compliance with the DBE goal is determined by the amounts shown on the subcontract agreement between the prime contractor and the DBE subcontractor, and later verified by the actual amount paid to that DBE once the work is complete.

108.1.4 Professional Service

Contractors sometimes hire a Professional Service to perform a support function to one or more line items of work. Use of a Professional Service does not typically require submittal of Form C-220, unless the work is directly tied to a contract line item. For example, Surveying/Staking is considered a Professional Service that does require a Form C-220 when there is a contract line item for that work. When the Surveying/Staking is considered incidental, no Form C-220 is required. The contractor or subcontractor utilizing a Professional Service is responsible for providing insurance coverage for this work if the Professional Service does not have sufficient coverage. Some professional service work may not require registration as a subcontractor. See EPG 110.3 Prevailing Wages and Records for more information on Professional Services.

Professional Service Contract Labor

Contractors sometimes hire a company to provide trade workers for their workforce. These companies charge a fee to the contractor for providing workers and they pay the workers directly. This is permissible. Since the contract is for workforce and not contracting to perform line item work there is no subcontract required. Insurance for the workers would be covered under the contractor hiring them. The workers would fall under the prevailing wage rate. Their rate of pay for prevailing wage rate is what the worker receives and not what the contractor is paying for their services. Therefore the mark up paid to the labor supplier cannot be used as part of the prevailing wage rate determination. The workers would be paid by the company supplying the worker. So the payroll from that company is what is submitted to the Resident Engineer. It should be submitted along with the prime or subcontractors payroll and not separately.

108.1.5 Rental Equipment

Sometimes the contractor will rent equipment from other contractors to perform work on the project. To avoid the possibility of unauthorized subcontracting, the payroll should be checked to confirm that the contractor is paying the wages of operators and supervision. Checking may also be accomplished during routine labor interviews by determining who pays the operator's wages. The findings of such checking procedures should be noted in the project DWR. In lieu of such checking, the resident engineer may accept a written statement over the contractor's signature that all operators and supervisors are carried on the contractor's payroll. These procedures are not necessary for equipment rented from recognized rental agencies that are not also in the highway construction business. Further explanation of Owner Operator can be found in EPG 110.3 Prevailing Wages and Records.

108.1.6 Termination of a Subcontract

Occasionally it becomes necessary for the contractor to terminate a subcontract. The Commission recognizes cancellation of previously approved subcontracts when the contractor provides:

a. A statement over the signatures of the contractor and the subcontractor that they have mutually agreed to cancel the subcontract, or
b. A certified copy of the contractor's written notice to the subcontractor of cancellation for cause.

After a subcontract has been cancelled, the percentages of work sublet to date should be adjusted. The work involved in the canceled subcontract quite often is proposed to be sublet again. If condition (a) or (b), above, has been met, the proposal should then be handled as a normal request for approval of subcontract.

If the contractor requests replacement of a DBE subcontractor, approval must first be obtained from the External Civil Rights Division.

If any subcontractor is replaced for any reason, the existing subcontract item(s) of work for that subcontractor are removed from AWP. Remarks indicating the reason for the revision are included in the record. No revision of the original C-220 is required. The new subcontractor shall be added using the normal C-220 subcontract process documenting the items of work to be performed.

108.2 Notice to Proceed (for Sec 108.2)

Sec 108.2 provides information on notice to proceed. Early notice to proceed may be granted with the approval of the Division of Construction and Materials.

108.3 Prosecution of Work

Sec 108.3 provides information on prosecution of work.

108.4 Progress Schedules

Refer to Sec 108.4 for information on progress schedules.

108.5 Labor, Methods and Equipment

Sec 108.5 provides information on labor, methods and equipment.

108.6 Temporary Suspension of Work

Refer to Sec 108.6 for information on temporary suspension of work.

108.7 Contract Time for Completion of the Work

108.7.1 Extensions or Adjustments of Time

Sec 108.7 provides a basis for granting adjustments, suspensions or extensions of time when progress is adversely affected by items beyond the contractor's control. Sec. 108.7.1 covers extensions of time for calendar day or calendar date contracts and refers to weighted time tables on file in the office of the Commission. Weighted timetables (for contracts with and without time exclusions) and examples of proper use are shown in Tables 108.7.2 and 108.7.3 and EPG 108.7.4 Examples.

Such requests should be evaluated by the resident engineer and sent to the District Engineer along with a detailed study and recommendation. The district may discuss the request with Construction & Materials before rendering a decision. Requests from the contractor for major adjustments, suspensions, or extensions of time require thorough study by the resident engineer. In many cases the basis for the request is not subject to a clear-cut policy decision.

It is necessary that these procedures be followed to ensure uniform administration of the liquidated damage provisions of our contracts.

When it is not possible to grant the contractor's request, a thorough report should be sent to Construction & Materials to recover liquidated damages. Assessment of Liquidated Damages and Exceptions

Guidance for Assessment of Liquidated Damages

Contract time for project completion should be administered in accordance with Sec 108.7 as well as all applicable job special provisions. At a minimum, all contracts should have a JSP for Contract Liquidated Damages that identifies the time limits along with penalties for both Road User Costs and Contract Administrative Costs. A guide for assessment of liquidated damages is available.

Contract time for specific milestone events, such as a road closure, should be administered as specified in the contract Liquidated Damages Specified JSP for that event. Sec 108.7 does not apply to specific milestone events, therefore, liquidated damages are generally charged 7 days/week with no waivers for weekends and holidays. Refer to the terms in the contract Liquidated Damages Specified JSP and administer accordingly.

Measurement of contract time for project completion ends when the contractor completes all work, including all corrections listed on the Semi-Final Inspection Form (C-236). The RE sometimes lists “exceptions” on the form. Exceptions are tasks or acceptance periods that are contractually allowed to occur after the contract completion date without penalty. For a list of common exceptions, refer to EPG Exceptions. Some exceptions may require a date range attached to the task. For example, removal of the Point of Presence signs should be done approximately 90 days after the semi-final inspection, so the RE should specify a two-week period for the POP sign removal, approximately 90 days out. As that date approaches, the RE should remind the contractor of the looming deadline to remove the signs to avoid having the count of time reinstated and damages assessed.

More details are available in the following Quick Reference Guides: Milestones and Contract Times. Consideration of Time Extensions or Suspensions

Contractors are presumed to have made provisions in their bids for any anticipated delays in procurement of materials. Contract time extensions or suspension of working days should not be based on unsupported claims of delays in delivery of materials. Consideration may be given to delays caused by unusual market conditions such as an industry-wide strike, natural disaster, or area-wide shortage that arises after award of the contract and prevents procurement of materials within the allowable time for contract completion. It will be necessary to evaluate any claim for time extension based on material shortages to determine if the delays were, in fact, beyond the control of the contractor or the fabricator. Progress Schedules

Per Sec 108.4, the contractor is required to provide the Resident Engineer with an initial Progress Schedule prior to or at the pre-construction meeting. The request for the initial schedule is included in the Pre Con Letter-Federal and Pre Con Letter-State. Contracts are generally set up as Completion Day or Completion Date projects; however, there may be some rare instances where a contract will be set up as a Working Day project. Regardless of the method of contract time, the progress schedule shall include an activities bar chart showing the major items of work throughout the life of the project. The initial Progress Schedule is very critical in establishing the basis for the planned work and should account for all limitations that are known at that point in time. It should be thoroughly reviewed for compliance with Sec 108.4, should demonstrate continuous prosecution of the work, achievement of any required milestones and indicate overall project completion within the allotted time. Acceptance of the initial Progress Schedule, and all subsequent progress schedules, will be made by the Resident Engineer.

Once the initial schedule is accepted, if the work plan changes or the contractor falls significantly behind schedule, the Resident Engineer should require a revised schedule be submitted in accordance with Sec and Sec 108.4.4. The revised schedule should clearly show a plan to ensure project completion within the allowable time. Likewise, should an excusable delay occur, the RE should issue the appropriate time adjustment change order and require a revised schedule.

If progress towards completion within the allowable time is in jeopardy, and the cause is due to inexcusable failures by the contractor (see common failures below), a letter should be submitted to the contractor, with a copy to the surety, informing them of the possibility of being declared in default of the contract if the contractor does not proceed with a remedy within ten days of the notice. The State Construction and Materials Engineer should be informed of this notice. If after ten days the contractor has not adequately proceeded with a remedy, the State Construction and Materials Engineer will work with the district and the Chief Counsel’s office to determine the next course of action, which may include declaring the contractor to be in default.

Common contractor failures that could affect schedule and lead to Default of Contract:

1. Failure to mobilize and begin work on time.
2. Failure to provide sufficient resources (workers and/or equipment) to maintain sufficient progress.
3. Unacceptable work that requires extensive time to repair or replace.
4. Contractor delay caused by a refusal to remedy work deemed unacceptable.
5. Contractor vacates project or discontinues work on the major operation.
6. Contractor fails to return to the project in a reasonable time following a stoppage of work.
7. A stoppage of work is issued for non-compliance with a contract requirement.
8. A federal and or state legal action taken against the contractor.
Two-Week Schedule

In addition to maintaining a current project Progress Schedule, each week the contractor is required to provide the Resident Engineer with a dynamic two-week look-ahead schedule. This two-week schedule is the basis (i.e. agenda) for discussion at the weekly progress meetings. It provides current details that are important in planning and scheduling resources over the following days, including upcoming traffic control changes and inspection resources. This schedule is very important for coordination efforts. It can be in any format acceptable to the RE, but should not be waived except during planned pauses or low activity levels in the work and the RE agrees it is not necessary.

108.7.2 Table for Contracts with No Time Exclusion

Table 108.7.2 Weighted Time Table for Contracts with No Time Exclusion (to be used with EPG 108.7.4)
Day January February March April May June July August September October November December
1 0 32 88 154 244 356 487 614 738 834 919 978
2 1 34 90 157 247 360 492 618 742 837 921 979
3 2 36 92 160 250 364 497 622 746 840 923 980
4 3 38 94 163 253 368 497 626 750 843 925 981
5 4 40 96 166 256 372 502 630 754 846 927 982
6 5 42 98 169 259 376 507 634 758 849 929 983
7 6 44 100 172 262 380 512 638 762 852 931 984
8 7 46 102 175 265 384 517 642 765 855 933 985
9 8 48 104 178 268 388 522 646 768 858 935 986
10 9 50 106 181 271 392 526 650 771 861 937 987
11 10 52 108 184 274 396 530 654 774 864 939 988
12 11 54 110 187 277 400 534 658 777 867 941 989
13 12 56 112 190 280 404 538 662 780 870 943 990
14 13 58 114 193 284 408 542 666 783 873 945 991
15 14 60 116 196 288 412 546 670 786 876 947 992
16 15 62 118 199 292 416 550 674 789 879 949 993
17 16 64 120 202 296 420 554 678 792 882 951 994
18 17 66 122 205 300 424 558 682 795 885 953 995
19 18 68 124 208 304 428 562 686 798 888 955 996
20 19 70 126 211 308 432 566 690 801 891 957 997
21 20 72 128 214 312 437 570 694 804 894 959 998
22 21 74 130 217 316 442 574 698 807 897 961 999
23 22 76 132 220 320 447 578 702 810 900 963 1000
24 23 78 134 223 324 452 582 706 813 903 965 1000
25 24 80 136 226 328 457 586 710 816 905 967 1000
26 25 82 138 229 332 462 590 714 819 907 969 1000
27 26 84 140 232 336 467 594 718 822 909 971 1000
28 27 86 142 235 340 472 598 722 825 911 973 1000
29 28 86 145 238 344 477 602 726 828 913 975 1000
30 29 148 241 348 482 606 730 831 915 977 1000
31 30 151 352 610 734 917 1000

108.7.3 Table for Contracts with Time Exclusion

Table 108.7.3 Weighted Time Table for Contracts with Time Exclusion, as of 5/10/2006 (to be used with EPG 108.7.4)
Day March April May June July August September October November December
1 24 102 198 316 457 610 758 887 971
2 26 105 202 321 462 615 763 890 974
3 28 108 205 325 466 620 767 893 977
4 30 111 209 330 471 625 771 895 980
5 32 114 213 334 476 630 776 898 983
6 34 117 217 339 480 635 780 901 985
7 36 120 221 343 485 640 784 904 987
8 38 123 225 348 490 645 789 906 989
9 40 126 229 352 495 650 793 909 991
10 42 129 233 357 500 655 797 912 993
11 44 132 236 361 505 660 802 915 995
12 46 135 240 366 510 665 806 917 997
13 49 138 244 370 515 670 810 920 999
14 52 141 248 375 520 675 815 923 1000
15 0 54 144 252 379 525 680 819 926
16 1 57 147 256 384 530 685 823 928
17 2 60 150 260 388 535 690 827 931
18 3 63 153 264 393 540 695 832 934
19 4 66 156 268 397 545 700 836 937
20 5 69 159 272 402 550 705 840 940
21 6 72 162 276 406 555 710 844 942
22 7 75 165 280 411 560 715 848 945
23 8 78 168 284 415 565 720 852 948
24 9 81 171 288 420 570 724 856 951
25 10 84 174 292 424 575 729 860 954
26 12 87 177 296 429 580 734 864 957
27 14 90 180 300 433 585 739 868 960
28 16 93 183 304 438 590 744 872 963
29 18 96 186 308 442 595 749 876 966
30 20 99 190 312 447 600 753 880 968
31 22 194 452 605 884
Monthly 22 77 95 118 140 153 148 131 84 32
Cumulative 22 99 194 312 452 605 753 884 968 1000

108.7.4 Examples

Five examples are provided, below.

Example 1

Assume the following: Project costs overrun 2.6%. Contract completion date – September 1. Notice to proceed date – May 5. No time will be charged December 15 to March 15.

From weighted time table:
Completion date Sept. 1 610 Units
Notice to Proceed May 5 -114 Units
Total Contract Units for Project 496 Units
496 * 2.6% = 12.9 (Adjustment for Overrun), so use 13 Units
Contract Completion Sept. 1 610 Units
Added time due to overrun + 13 Units
Revised completion date units 623 Units
So, from table the revised completion date is September 4.

Example 2

Assume the following: Contract completion date – December 1. Project was delayed from July 10 through August 5. No time will be charged December 15 to March 15.

From weighted time table:
Completion date Dec. 1 971 Units
Units at August 5 476 Units
Units at July 10 -357 Units
Units during delay 119 Units
+ 119 Units
Revised completion date units 1090 Units
So from table, the revised completion date is April 27.

Example 3

Assume the following: Project costs overrun 2.6%. Contract completion date – September 1. Notice to proceed date – May 5. Time will be charged December 15 to March 15.

From weighted time table:
Completion date Sept. 1 738 Units
Notice to Proceed May 5 -256 Units
Total Contract Units for Project 482 Units
482 * 2.6% = 13.9 (Adjustment for Overrun), so use 14 Units
Contract Completion Sept. 1 738 Units
Added time due to overrun + 14 Units
Revised completion date units 752 Units
So from table, the revised completion date is September 5.

Example 4

Assume the following: Contract completion date – December 1. Project was delayed from July 5 through August 5. Time will be charged December 15 to March 15.

From weighted time table:
Completion date Dec. 1 978 Units
Units at August 5 630 Units
Units at July 5 -502 Units
Units during delay 128 Units
+ 128 Units
Revised completion date units 1106 Units
So from table, the revised completion date is March 10

Example 5

Assume the following: Project costs overrun 10%. Contract completion date – October 1. Notice to proceed date – March 5. Working days allowed = 10. Weighted time table units available for project = 60. No time will be charged December 15 to March 15.

From weighted time table:
Total Contract Units for Project 60 Units
60 * 10% = 6 (Adjustment for Overrun), so use 6 Units
Contract Completion Oct. 1 758 Units
Added time due to overrun + 6 Units
Revised completion date units 764 Units
So from table, the revised completion date is October 3.

108.8 Liquidated Damages for Failure or Delay in Completing Work on Time

Refer to Sec 108.8 for information on liquidated damages. Instructions for handling milestone disincentives through AWP are provided in the AWP CO Milestones.

108.9 Signal and Lighting Malfunctions

Refer to Sec 108.9for information on signal and lighting malfunctions, and what to do when an emergency repair is required.

108.10 Default of Contract

Sec 108.10 provides information on what constitutes a default of contract and related issues.

108.11 Termination of Contract for Convenience of the Commission

Refer to Sec 108.11 for information on the termination of a contract.

Guidance for Sec 108.11.2 Settlement Provisions (Particularly Settlement for Leftover Material on a Construction Project)

When contract pay items are eliminated from the contract, the Resident Engineer should notify the contractor in writing as soon as possible so that the contractor can stop any unnecessary material purchases. If the material is delivered prior to notification, use the following guidance to settle the cost of returning or purchasing the material. If the cost of the material is significant, consult with the District Construction Engineer to discuss whether this resolution is appropriate.

1. Request that the contractor make every effort to return the material to the supplier. We should avoid adding inventory items to MoDOT maintenance lots if at all possible. Make payment to the contractor for the shipping cost, return shipping cost, plus any restocking fee charged by the manufacturer. To this total, add an amount equal to 5% of the invoice cost of the material to cover the contractor's general overhead expenses.
2. If the manufacturer will not accept the return, a negotiated settlement with the contractor can be made so that the contractor retains the material at the salvage value.
3. If the material cannot be returned or retained by the contractor, purchase of the material can be made. Delivery of the material should be made to the local maintenance facility. For this option, payment should be made to the contractor for the invoice cost of the material, plus 5% for overhead, plus shipping cost, plus any cost incurred by the contractor for delivering the material to the maintenance lot.

108.12 Notice to Contractor and Surety

Refer to EPG 152 Contactor Bonding Responsibilities and Sec 108.12 for information on notice to the contractor when a contract has been terminated or default has occured.

108.13 Termination of Contract for Misconduct

Refer to Sec 108.13 for information on termination of a contract for misconduct.

108.14 Determination of Compensation and Contract Time Extension for Excusable, Noncompensable and Compensable Delays

Refer to Sec 108.14 for information related to delays in completing the work.

108.15 Suspension of Work Directed by the Engineer

Refer to Sec 108.15 for information related to a suspension of work as directed by the engineer.

108.16 Project Dates

Project dates are divided into two groups: Informational Dates and Contract Site Times. A sample project timeline includes most of the project dates.

108.16.1 Informational Dates

Informational dates are defined by each agency using AWP (AASHTOWARE Project) and may be used for any purpose. MoDOT has decided to use these dates for tracking significant contract events and to facilitate the final plans process.

The person(s) responsible for entering the Informational dates and their definitions follow:

1. Letting Date (LETD) - The date on which bids for the project are accepted and opened publicly by MoDOT. Date passes through AWP during the transition from Preconstruction to Construction modules.
2. Award Date (AWRD-DT) - The date of action of the Commission accepting the bid of the lowest responsible bidder for the work, subject to the execution and approval of a satisfactory contract therefore and bond to secure the performance thereof, and to such other conditions as may be specified or as required by law. The date passes into AWP during contract transition from Preconstruction to Construction modules.
3. Execution Date (EXEC) - The date that the contract has been signed by all parties and approved by the Chief Counsel's Office. The contractor has 15 days from award to return an executed contract for execution by the commission. The execution date can be more or less than 15 days after award based on the time the contractor takes to return the contract and the time for review and execution by the commission. The date for this record is entered at time of contract activation by CM-Division.
4. Notice to Proceed Date (NTP) - The date on or before which prosecution of the work is to begin. This date is specified in the contract and is generally about 60 days after letting. If the contractor does not begin work by this date, the count of working days begins on this date. If the contractor starts before this date, the count of working days begins when the contractor starts work. Date is entered into AWP during contract activation from CM-Division.
5. Work Begin Date (WKBG-DT) - This is the date the contractor begins work and is used by AWP as the start date for the count of contract time. This date is entered by the Project Office.
6. Open to Traffic Date (OPTF) - Leave this field blank except for special program projects that are designated by the Division to have the “opening” date documented. When required, this date serves as a measure of progress towards completion of the special program. Smooth Road Initiative and Focus on Bridges are examples of past programs that required tracking of the Open to Traffic date. The Division will let the REs know what programs require tracking and what parameters constitute the project as being “Open to Traffic”.
7. Date of Final Inspection - See Sec 105.10.7 and EPG Acceptance for Maintenance (Final Inspection) for detail on the Final Inspection. This is the date of the Final Inspection, which is when all corrections and exceptions are complete on the last remaining project to be finally inspected in the contract. This date will be pulled from AWP by Cognos and listed on the Final Acceptance form. (See QRG AWP CO Contract Times). The Final Inspection Date is entered into AWP by the Project Office.
8. Acceptance Date (ACCEPT-DT) - This is the Final Acceptance date as confirmed and documented by the District Construction & Materials Engineer (DCE) on the Final Acceptance Report (C-239). The DCE makes Final Acceptance after receiving the Final Inspection notice from the RE and confirming that all requirements listed in Sec 105.15.2 have been met. Final Acceptance should be made as soon as possible after receiving the final documentation from the contractor, but no later than the 30 day maximum allowed per Sec 105.10.7. The Final Acceptance date is entered by the District Final Plans and Reports Processor.
9. 030 Project Data ready for Matls Summary (MCF) - The date is entered by the project office when the last change order is approved or when it is determined that the current contract quantities are final. The date is used to notify district materials personnel that the materials summary may be completed.
10. 040 Date Final Plans Recvd at District (FPR) - After the project office completes the as built plans, the RE shall notify the DFP&RP by email that the project is complete and ready for review by the district. After confirming all final documents are present in eProjects, the DFP&RP shall enter the date as built plans were received by the district.
11. 080 Materials Summary Submitted to HQ (SSH) - This date is entered by District Materials when the materials summary is completed, uploaded to eProjects and available for review by the CM-Division.
12. 095 Materials Summary Approved by HQ (SAH) - The date is entered by the CM-Division after the materials summary is approved.
13. 050 Date Final Plans Received at HQ (DFPR) - After the district check of the as built plans is complete, the DFP&RP shall notify the Final Plans Reviewer by email that the project is ready for final review and processing. After confirming that all needed documents are present in eProjects, the Final Plans Reviewer will enter the date into this record to indicate the plans have been received by CM-Division.
14. 100 Date Sent to DBE (SDBE) - The Final Plans Reviewer enters this date when the as built plans are sent to External Civil Rights (ECR) for their review.
15. 105 – Date Approved by DBE (ADBE) - The date the ECR approved the final DBE participation of the project. The date is populated by the ECR.
16. 110 Date Received from DBE (RDBE) - The Final Plans Reviewer enters this date when the as built plans are received from ECR after their review.
17. Contract Closed for CRLMS Date (CRLMS-DT) - This date represents the review and approval of the final DBE participation for a contract. Entry of this date is necessary for the project data to be reported on the DBE Uniform Report. The date is populated by ECR.
18. 060 Date Final Plans Check is Complete (FPC) - The Final Plans Reviewer will enter this date after completing the review of the as built plans and approving the final estimate as the second level of approval.
19. Contract Items Complete Date (CICM) - This will be the same date as the date of the Final Payment letter (Surety Letter) from the Financial Services office, which occurs after the FS Controller approves the final estimate as the third and final level of approval. The date is entered by the Final Plans Reviewer.

108.16.2 Contract Site Times

Contract Site Times are records of the overall contract time-related information specific to contract. There are three types of contract site time records: Available Time, Calendar Time and Completion Date. These records are used for both the Overall Contract Time and for Milestones associated with the contracts. For more detail on administration of Contract Time, reference the following QRGs: AWP CO Contract Times and Change Order Time Extension.