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Category:120 Interstate Maintenance Expectations

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Revision as of 13:29, 15 February 2012 by Smithk (talk | contribs) (Per Maintenance, removed Interstate Maintenance Quality Assurance Inspectors listing)
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Printable Tables for the Performance Objectives
Tables 120.1 through 120.9 for Pavements, Shoulders, Bridges and all other articles in 120 Interstate Maintenance Expectations
Easily Printable Interstate Maintenance Expectations
Interstate Maintenance Expectations 2008

Table 120, Measurement Periods and Types
Component or Element Measurement Period Measurement Type
Mainline Pavement Fall System/Segment
Ramp Pavement Fall Interchange
Concrete Pavement Repair Fall Segment
Asphalt Pavement Repair Fall Segment
Paved Shoulder Fall Interchange/Segment
Unpaved Shoulder Spring/Fall Interchange
Emergency Crossovers Spring Segment
Deck and Approach Slab Spring/Fall System/Bridge
Superstructure Spring System/Bridge
Substructure Spring System/Bridge
Slope Protection Spring Bridge
Traffic Control
Striping Spring/Fall Segment
Pavement Marking Spring/Fall Segment
Signs Spring Interchange/Segment
Lighting Spring Interchange
Delineators Spring/Fall Interchange/Segment
Glare Foils and Glare Fence Spring Segment
Dynamic Message Signs Spring/Fall Segment
Roadside Features
Guard Cable Spring/Fall Segment
Guardrail Spring/Fall Interchange/Segment
Sound Walls and Retaining Walls Spring Segment
Concrete Median Barrier Spring Segment
Impact Attenuators Spring Segment
Fence Spring Segment
Mowing and Turf Conditions Fall Segment
Trees and Brush Spring Segment
Debris and Road Kill Spring/Fall Segment
Litter Spring/Fall Segment
Landscape Beds Fall Interchange
Pipes and Culverts Spring Segment
Inlets and Drains Spring Segment
Curbs and Gutters Spring Segment
Ditches Spring Segment
Welcome Centers
Facilities Spring/Fall All
Grounds Spring/Fall All
Parking Lots Spring/Fall All
Uninterrupted Traffic Flow
Scheduled Lane Closures Every Event All
Unscheduled Lane Closures Every Event All
Winter Events Every Event All

The goal for interstate maintenance is to meet or exceed the public’s expectations of a smooth, safe and visually appealing roadway by maintaining interstates with quality in a timely manner.

The Interstate Maintenance Quality Assurance (IMQA) Program has been developed by MoDOT to rate the condition of Missouri’s interstates. MoDOT Maintenance employee expectations for pavements, shoulders, bridges, traffic control, roadside features, roadsides, drainage, Welcome Centers and uninterrupted traffic flow are provided. Elements of primary concern include mainline pavement repair, bridge deck and approach pavement smoothness and ramp and shoulder pavement.

Missouri is divided into six Interstate Corridor Engineer Areas: Northwest Missouri, Kansas City Metro, I-70 Outstate, St. Louis Metro, I-55 Outstate and I-44 Outstate. IMQAs for each Interstate Corridor Engineer Area will contain random samples of approximately

  • 1% of the total number of roadway segments
  • 10% of the total number of interchanges and
  • 10% of the total number of bridges.

Corridor Engineer Responsibilities

The Corridor Engineer plans Maintenance’s efforts and establishes work priorities. Management of on-call maintenance contracts and ensuring consistencies are additional responsibilities.

Maintenance Superintendent Responsibilities

Scheduling pavement replacement crews work, coordinating work with regional Maintenance buildings and providing quality control are the responsibility of the Maintenance Superintendent. A map of the Maintenance Supertintendent areas is available.

Pavement Repair Crew Responsibilities

The pavement crew is responsible to make minor concrete repairs and minor asphalt repairs that produce a smooth ride and look good.

District Maintenance Responsibilities

District Maintenance will provide temporary traffic control for on-call pavement repair contracts and corridor pavement repair crews. MoDOT will also stripe the roadways and may haul millings.

Articles in "120 Interstate Maintenance Expectations"

The following 9 pages are in this category, out of 9 total.