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132.2 Missouri's Blueprint - A Partnership Toward Zero Deaths

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Missouri's Blueprint to Save More Lives is an umbrella guide to increase coordination, communication and cooperation among state and local agencies, law enforcement, planning organizations, non-profit organizations and other safety advocates throughout the state. The Missouri Coalition for Roadway Safety (MCRS) is charged with leading the statewide implementation effort to effectively deploy strategies outlined in the Blueprint. In addition, regional plans will be developed to address targeted crash problems in their respective areas.

Graduated Driver's License
Report, 2009
See also: Innovation Library

Blueprint partners are a group of safety advocates representing the engineering, enforcement, education and emergency medical services areas. The Blueprint is a collective effort of the (MCRS) and safety professionals throughout the state. The MCRS leads the charge to implement the Blueprint and encourage safety partners to focus their activities and programs in support of the “Necessary Nine” and subsequent emphasis areas, targets, and strategies. The state has been divided into ten regional coalitions that have each developed a safety plan. The coalitions meet on a regular basis to discuss their concerns, review how their countermeasures are working and consider ways to improve their efforts.

In 2003, Missouri decided to participate with the American Association of State Highway Transportation Officials (AASHTO) in a national effort to reduce the preventable tragedies associated with traffic crashes. Utilizing a partnership approach, the Blueprint outlined strong opportunities to reduce fatal and serious injuries on Missouri’s roads.

The Missouri Coalition for Roadway Safety's goal for 2016 is for fewer than 700 traffic crash fatalities. The last time Missouri recorded fewer than 700 fatalities was 1945. Two goals set since 2004 were met early: 1,000 or fewer fatalities by 2008 (met in 2007); and 850 or fewer fatalities by 2012 (met in 2010).

As per MAP-21, if a roadway is functionally classified as a rural major or minor collector or a rural local road with a severe crash in the previous 5-year period, it is classified as a High Risk Rural Road. Focusing on severe crash experience is a guiding principle of “Missouri’s Blueprint to Save More Lives”.