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822.9 Maintenance Planning Guidelines for Tree Removal

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Trees located on property owned by the Missouri Highways and Transportation Commission (MHTC) are considered state property. Trees on MHTC property that are dead, diseased, deformed, or storm damaged, have the potential to create a safety hazard to MHTC personnel as well as the traveling public. Efforts should be made to minimize the potential hazard. Utility companies should be contacted prior to removing trees under or near utility lines, for possible assistance or removal by their crews. Commercial arborists may be obtained on an agreed price basis for removal of large trees especially where there is a possibility of damage to private property. Tree trunks and tree limbs may be cut up by department personnel and hauled back to the maintenance building for use as firewood at the maintenance building, or stockpiled at the maintenance site, and ultimately sold per General Services policies concerning the disposal of surplus property. A copy of the “GS22 Bill of Sale – Generic” for the tree trunks and tree limbs sold as surplus property shall be maintained by the department in accordance with the policies pertaining to surplus property disposal. Tree trunks and tree limbs may be cut into manageable lengths (not less than 2 foot in length and not more than six feet in length) and left on the adjacent property owners property at the right-of-way line for use by the adjacent property owner provided the adjacent property owner has expressed a desire to use the wood. The adjacent property owner shall obtain access to the wood from their own property. The adjacent property owner shall not utilize MHTC right of way to gain access to the wood. Root-balls associated with tree removals are not considered to be clean fill according to the Missouri Department of Natural Resources. Therefore, root-balls shall not be buried. They may be hauled off to a demolition landfill, or they may be ground up using a tub grinder. Any burning of tree trunks, tree limbs, or root-balls on the right of way shall be done according to EPG Open Burning. Tree stumps anywhere on the right of way shall be cut flush or below ground level. Treatment of tree stumps to prevent re-growth shall be in accordance with EPG 821 Herbicides and Roadsides. Personnel engaged in the removal of dead, diseased, deformed, or storm damaged, trees shall be trained in the safe operation of chainsaws and other tree trimming devices. Personnel must also be familiar with the applicable safety guidelines as set forth in MoDOT's Safety Policies, Rules & Regulations Employee Handbook. Department staff shall be in compliance with Personnel Policy # 2700 – Ethical Conduct when disposing of tree trunks and tree limbs. Also, staff should comply with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service concerning protection of Indiana bat tree habitat. Questions regarding Indiana bat trees should be directed to the Environmental Section of the Design Functional Unit. Trees associated with construction projects shall be managed according to the conditions contained in the contract documents.

Reason for Policy

Provides guidance to MoDOT employees regarding removal of trees and disposal of wood associated with the tree removal.

Effective Date: 10/1/03

Revision Dates: