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1045.6 Laboratory Testing Guidelines for Sec 1045

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This article establishes procedures for Laboratory testing and reporting samples of paint and paint materials. Refer to Sec 1045 for MoDOT’s specifications.

1045.6.1 Procedure

1045.6.1.1 Pigment and Vehicle Constituents

Test these materials in accordance with the following methods:

Inorganic Zinc Silicate Pigment, Metallic Zinc, percent - ASTM D521
Total Zinc, percent - ASTM D3280.
Inorganic Zinc Silicate Vehicle- ASTM D1644, Method A.

1045.6.1.2 Mixed Paint

The following paints shall be tested according to the methods shown for each material.

a) High Solids Inorganic Zinc Silicate Paint. This material is to be tested according to Sec 1045.2.
b) Intermediate Coat - High Solids Epoxy System G Finish Coat - Polyurethane System G.
Sag Resistance, Leneta Anti-Sag Meter - Sec. 4494 FTMS 141
Viscosity, Krebs - Stormer - ASTM D 562
Drying Time - ASTM D 1640
Volatile Organic Content - USEPA Method 24
Color - Federal Standard No. 595b
Fineness of Grind, Hegeman Gage - ASTM D 1210
c) Intermediate and Finish Coat Waterborne Acrylic System H
Color, Federal Standard 595b
Viscosity, Krebs-Stormer - ASTM D 562
Volatile Organic Content - USEPA Method 24
Fineness of Grind, Hegeman Gage - ASTM D 1210
Drying Time - ASTM D 1640
Sag Resistance, Leneta Anti-Sag Meter - Sec. 4494 FTMS 141
d) Aluminum Epoxy Mastic Primer
Color, Federal Standard 595b
Volatile Organic Content - USEPA Method 24
Fineness of Grind, Hegeman Gage - ASTM D 1210
Drying Time - ASTM D1640
e) Gray Epoxy Mastic Primer
Color, Federal Standard 595b
Volatile Organic Content - USEPA Method 24
Fineness of Grind, Hegeman Gage - ASTM D 1210
Drying Time - ASTM D 1640
f) Calcium Sulfonate Sealer/Primer/Topcoat
Color, Federal Standard 595b
Volatile Organic Content - USEPA Method 24
Fineness of Grind, Hegeman Gage - ASTM D 1210
Viscosity, #4 Ford Cup - ASTM D 1200
Drying Time – Federal Test Method Std. No. 141, Method 4061
Sag Test (multi-notch blade) – Federal Test Method Std. No. 141, Method 4494
Pigment Settlement – ASTM D 869
Working Properties – Federal Test Method Std. No. 141, Method 4331
Storage – Federal Test Method Std. No. 141, Method 3011

All test data and calculations are to be recorded in Laboratory workbooks. Test results are then to be recorded through AASHTOWARE Project (AWP).

1045.6.2 Sample Record

The sample record shall be completed in AASHTOWARE Project (AWP), as described in AWP MA Sample Record, General, and shall indicate acceptance, qualified acceptance, or rejection. Appropriate remarks, as described in EPG 106.20 Reporting, are to be included in the remarks to clarify conditions of acceptance or rejection. Test results shall be reported on the appropriate templates under the Tests tab.