Category:1101 Materials Purchased by a Department Purchase Order
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To establish procedures for inspection and reporting of materials purchased by a MoDOT purchase order and not specifically covered in the other Division 1100 Engineering Policy Guide articles. The requirements for these materials will be set forth in a bid request.
1101.1 Procedure
Materials not covered in the other Division 1100 Engineering Policy Guide articles are to be inspected as described in Division 1000 Engineering Policy Guide articles or in accordance with specifications contained in the bid request for the materials purchased. If there are no specific instructions, field inspections are to include identification of the material, dimension and weight (mass) requirements, and any field testing necessary to confirm the specification. If deemed necessary by the District Construction and Materials Engineer, samples may be sent to the Central Laboratory for further testing. If samples are submitted to the Laboratory, they shall be identified in accordance with AWP MA Sample Record, General.
1101.2 Report (Records)
Materials being purchased by a MoDOT purchase order and charged to Maintenance, Highway Safety and Traffic, General Services or a Garage shall be reported using AWP. The report is to indicate acceptance, qualified acceptance, or rejection. Appropriate remarks are to be included in the report to clarify conditions of acceptance or rejection. The report is to show the purchase order number as well as all other data normally shown for that material.
Distribution of a paper copy of the report is not necessary unless requested by the purchasing unit in the receiving district.