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Category:1025 Corrugated Aluminum Alloy Pipe Underdrains

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Current General Services Specifications (MGS) By Subject

This article establishes procedures for inspecting of corrugated aluminum alloy sheets intended for use in pipe underdrains and for inspecting fabricated aluminum alloy pipe underdrain. Refer to Sec 1025 for MoDOT’s specifications.

For Laboratory testing and sample reporting procedures, refer to Laboratory Testing Guidelines for Sec 1025.

1025.1 Apparatus

(a) Micrometer capable of measuring to 0.0001 in. (0.00254 mm) and accurate to within at least 0.001 in. (0.0254 mm).

(b) Rule with suitable graduations to accurately measure the material to be inspected.

(c) Balance or scale accurate to within 0.5 percent of the weight (mass) of the sample to be weighed.

1025.2 Procedure

The requirements for this type of underdrain are covered in Sec 605, Sec 1025 and AASHTO M 196. A manufacturer's certified analysis and guarantee is required to be filed with the Division Engineer, Materials, prior to the acceptance of any corrugated aluminum alloy sheets or fabricated aluminum alloy pipe underdrains. Those manufacturers listed in EPG 106.1 Source of Supply and Quality Requirements have filed a certified analysis and guarantee for the alloy shown. Sheets from other manufacturers or of a different alloy are not to be accepted. In addition to filing an accepted certified analysis and guarantee, the manufacturer is required to furnish a certification showing typical chemical and physical tests representative of the type of material furnished for each lot or shipment offered. The pipe fabricator is to endorse the manufacturer's certification attesting that the certification applies to the pipe furnished. Field inspection of sheets before fabrication of the pipe may not be possible due to the location of manufacture. If possible, field inspection of the sheets is to include an examination of the identification markings, testing for field coating thickness as described in EPG 1020 Corrugated Metallic-Coated Steel Culvert Pipe, Pipe-Arches and End Sections and measuring dimensions of corrugations. Field inspection of fabricated pipe shall be performed as described in EPG 1020.2.5 Field Inspection. Unless field inspection indicates questionable compliance, samples are not required for Laboratory testing. The sampling frequency for field testing or Laboratory testing shall be as shown for corrugated galvanized metal pipe underdrain, EPG 1022 Corrugated Metallic-Coated Steel Pipe Underdrain. If samples are submitted to the Laboratory, AASHTOWARE Project (AWP) is to be used. The inspector is to show all information contained in the identification markings on the sheets and indicate the tests for which the samples are being submitted. The manufacturer's certification shall be retained in the district office.

1025.3 Report

Inspection reports of fabricated aluminum alloy pipe underdrain shall be made through AWP. The report is to indicate acceptance or rejection. If the report indicates acceptance, the basis of acceptance of the metal shall be stated in the Free From test as follows:

"Based on the approved brand, the attached certification, and an examination of the material, we believe the material conforms to the requirements of the specifications. Fabrication is satisfactory. Material accepted."

If the report indicates rejection, the reasons for rejection shall be detailed in the Free Form test. Distribution of reports for materials purchased under a MoDOT purchase order is to be as described in EPG 1101 Materials Purchased by a Department Purchase Order.

1025.4 Laboratory Testing Guidelines for Sec 1025

This article establishes procedures for Laboratory testing and reporting samples of corrugated aluminum alloy pipe underdrain metal.

1025.4.1 Procedure

Tensile strength, yield strength, and elongation tests shall be conducted according to ASTM B209. When requested, thickness shall be determined with a micrometer graduated in increments of 0.0001 in. (.00254 mm) and reported to 0.001 in. (.0254 mm). At least five thickness measurements are to be made on the tangents of corrugations at least 3/8 in. (9.5 mm) from edge of metal. Test results and calculations shall be recorded through AWP.

1025.4.2 Sample Record

The sample record shall be completed in AASHTOWARE Project (AWP) in accordance with AWP MA Sample Record, General, and shall indicate acceptance, qualified acceptance, or rejection. Appropriate remarks, as described in EPG 106.20 Reporting, are to be included in the remarks to clarify conditions of acceptance or rejection. Test results shall be reported on the appropriate templates under the Tests tab.