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m (→‎Chapter IV, Detail Design: updated link to renamed EPG 136 LPA)
m (→‎Chapter I, General Information: article construction)
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|[[:Category:235 Preliminary Plans#235.7 Distribution of Preliminary Plans|235.7 Distribution of Preliminary Plans]]|| ||1-03.6 Distribution of Preliminary Plans and Drawings
|[[:Category:235 Preliminary Plans#235.7 Distribution of Preliminary Plans|235.7 Distribution of Preliminary Plans]]|| ||1-03.6 Distribution of Preliminary Plans and Drawings
|[[:category:123 Federal-Aid Highway Program]]||colspan="2"|1-04 Federal-Aid Highway Program
|[[:Category:123 Federal-Aid Highway Program|123 Federal-Aid Highway Program]]||colspan="2"|1-04 Federal-Aid Highway Program

Revision as of 09:41, 12 November 2009

Where to find PDM info in the EPG.jpg

Return to Contract Plans

Chapter I, General Information

EPG article PDM section
No correlation 1-01.1 and 1-01.2
Help article and other definitions found throughout EPG 1-01.3, Definitions
No correlation 1-01.4 Abbreviations
101 Standard Forms 1-01.5 Standard Forms
106.14 Metrication 1-01.6, Metrication
104 Scope 1-02 Project Initialization and Estimating
104 Scope 1-02.1 and 1-02.2
121.2 The Planning Process 1-02.3 Needs Identification and 1-02.4 Needs Prioritization
104.7 Estimates 1-02.5 Initial Project Estimates
104.2 Project Scoping, 121.2 The Planning Process 1-02.6 Project Scoping
104.11 Project Scoping Documentation 1-02.7 Project Scoping Memorandum
104.6 Project Scoping Checklists 1-02.8 Project Scoping Checklists
121.5 Prioritization Factors 1-02.9 Project Prioritization
121.3 The STIP 1-02.10 STIP Commitments
104.12 Scope Changes (Scope, Estimate or Fiscal Year) 1-02.11 Scope Changes
104.7 Estimates 1-02.12 Project Cost Estimates
103.1.8 Engineer’s Estimate 1-02.13 Engineer’s Estimate
103.1.10 Bid Analysis Process 1-02.14 Bid Analysis Process
103.1.11 Recommendations for Award or Rejection of Bids 1-02.15 Recommendations for Award or Rejection of Bids
No correlation 1-03 General Procedures
134 Engineering Professional Services 1-03.4 Consultant Services
235.7 Distribution of Preliminary Plans 1-03.6 Distribution of Preliminary Plans and Drawings
123 Federal-Aid Highway Program 1-04 Federal-Aid Highway Program

Chapter II, Preliminary Design

EPG article PDM section
128 Conceptual Studies 2-01 Conceptual Study
126 Location Study and Alternative Analysis 2-02 Location Study/Environmental Report
129 Public Involvement 2-03 Public Hearings and Meetings
127 MoDOT and the Environment 2-04 Environmental Document
130 Value Engineering 2-05 Value Engineering Policies and Procedures
235 Preliminary Plans 2-06 Preliminary Plans

Chapter III, Surveys

EPG article PDM section
238.3 Route Surveying 3-01 General and 3-02 Conventional Surveys
238.1 Photogrammetric Surveying 3-03 Photogrammetric Surveys
238.2 Land Surveying 3-04 Location Surveys

Chapter IV, Detail Design

EPG article PDM section
No correlation 4.01 General
237.1 Plan Details 4-01.1 Accuracy for Plan Dimensions
236.13 Designing Right of Way Plans 4-02 Right of Way Plans
237 Contract Plans 4-03 Plans-Specifications-Estimates
No correlation 4-04.1 Basic Design Data
230.2 Vertical Alignment 4-04.2 Profile Grade and Vertical Alignment Controls
230.1 Horizontal Alignment 4-04.3 Horizontal Alignment
Soil Characteristics 4-04.4 Cut and Fill Slopes
231.1 Median Width 4-04.5 Medians Outer Roads and Service Roads 4-04.6 Outer Roadways and Service Roads
233 At-Grade Intersections 4-05 Intersections At Grade
234 Interchanges 4-06 Interchanges
231 Typical Section Elements for Roadways 4-07 Urban Projects
941.3 Urban/Rural Designations 4-07.1 Urban Improvements
641 Bicycle Facilities and 642 Pedestrian Facilities 4-07.3 (1) (e) Bicycle/Pedestrian Facilities
232.3 Two-Way Left-Turn Lanes 4-07.3 (1) (h) Two-Way Left-Turn Lanes
232.5 Freeways 4-07.3 (3) Freeways
202 Removal of Buildings and Structures 4-08.1 Removal of Existing Structures, Buildings, and Miscellaneous Items
201 Clearing and Grubbing 4-08.2 Clearing and Grubbing
No correlation 4-08.3 Grading
214 Rock Fill 4-08.3 (h) Rock Fill
207 Linear Grading 4-08.3 (2) Linear Grading
209 Subgrade Preparation 4-08.3 (3) Subgrade Preparation
211 Subgrade Scarifying 4-08.3 (4) Subgrade Scarifying
210 Subgrade Compaction 4-08.3 (5) Subgrade Compaction
212 Subgrading and Shouldering 4-08.3 (6) Subgrading and Shouldering
No correlation 4-08.3 (7) Shaping Shoulders
215 Shaping Slopes 4-08.3 (8) Shaping Slopes
No correlation 4-08.3 (9) Plans
No correlation 4-08.4 Compaction
752 Bridges Used in Place 4-09.1(1) Bridges used in Place
718 Temporary Bridge 4-09.1(2) Temporary Bridges
748.8 Bridge Drainage 4-09.1(3) Bridge Drainage
503 Bridge Approach Slabs 4-09.1(4) Bridge Approach Slabs
504 Concrete Approach Pavement 4-09.1(5) Concrete Approach Pavement
1045.5 Color of Structural Steel Paint 4-09.1(6) Color of Structural Steel Paint
232.1 Climbing Lanes 4-09.2 Climbing Lanes for Two Lane Highways
609 Paved Drainage 4-09.3 Curbs, Curb and Gutter
806 Pollution, Erosion and Sediment Control 4-09.4 Erosion Control
611 Embankment Protection 4-09.5 Embankment Protection
607 Fencing 4-09.6 Fencing
606 Guardrail and Guard Cable 4-09.7 Guardrail
646.1 Manholes 4-09.8 Manholes
731 Precast Reinforced Concrete Manholes and Drop Inlets 4-09.9 Precast Concrete Drop Inlets
646.2 Pipelines 4-09.10 Pipelines
646.3 Private Underpasses 4-09.11 Private Underpasses
No correlation 4-09.12 Job Numbers
643.4 Railroads 4-09.13 Railroads
231.2 Clear Zones 4-09.14 Clear Zones
Temporary Connections and Bypasses 4-09.15 Temporary Connections
643.1 Utilities – Status and Liability Acceptance 4-09.16 Utilities
No correlation 4-09.17 Temporary U-turn Median Openings on Freeways
644 Weigh Stations, Rest Areas, Welcome/Information Centers and Commuter Parking Lots 4-09.18 Weigh Stations and Rest Areas
646.4 Work Funded by Maintenance 4-09.19 Work by Maintenance
236.17 Junkyards 4-09.20 Junkyard Control
127 MoDOT and the Environment 4-09.21 Permits
No correlation 4-09.22 Distribution Policy
136 Local Public Agency (LPA) Policy 4-09.22 (2) Local Public Agency Manual (LPA)
127.18 Job Special Provisions (JSP) and Contract Documents 4-09.22 (3) Job Special Provisions
125 CADD Services 4-09.22 (4) Microstation “Format/Special Sheets”
237.10 Distribution of Contract Plans 4-09.22 (5) Final Plans
131.5 Proprietary Items and Public Interest Findings 4-09.23 Proprietary Items and 4-09.24 Public Interest Findings
641 Bicycle Facilities and 642 Pedestrian Facilities 4-09.25 Bicycle/Pedestrian Facilities
822 Roadside Vegetation Management 4-09.26 Mowing
402 Bituminous Surface Leveling 4-09.27 Contract Leveling Course Projects
Sample Final Plans.pdf Sample Plans 4-10 Sample Plans

Chapter V, Bridge Report and Layout

EPG article PDM section
748.7 Bridge Reports and Layouts Chapter V, Bridge Report and Layout

Chapter VI, Pavement Structure Design

EPG article PDM section
Soil Characteristics 6-01 Subgrade
605 Underdrainage 6-02 Underdrains
No correlation 6-03 Pavements
No correlation 6-03.1 General and 6-03.2 Definitions
Thickness Determination 6-03.3 Pavement Thickness Determination
Alternate Pavement 6-03.4 Alternate Pavements
450 Bituminous Pavement Design 6-03.5 Flexible Pavement Design
550 Portland Cement Concrete Pavement Design 6-03.6 Rigid Pavement Design
No correlation 6-03.7 Composite Pavement Design
350 Design for Bases and Aggregate Surfaces 6-03.8 Base considerations
D50 Directional/Directional Ramps, D51 Loop Ramps and D53 Multi-lane ramps in article 231 Typical Section Elements for Roadways 6-03.9 Ramps and High Speed Directional Ramp Design
Thickness Determination and 233.2.2 Median Openings 6-03.10 Median Openings and Auxiliary Lanes
Temporary Connections and Bypasses 6-03.11 Temporary Bypass
No correlation 6-04 Shoulders
Shoulder Maintenance 6-04.1 Shoulder Types
626 Rumble Strips 6-04.6 Shoulder Rumble Strips
No correlation 6-05 3R/4R Projects
606.1.3 Applications 6-05.11 Guardrail
409 Seal Coat 6-06 Seal Coats
450 Bituminous Pavement Design 6-07 Bituminous Construction Materials

Chapter VII, Utilities

EPG article PDM section
643.1 Utilities – Status and Liability Acceptance 7-01 General
643.2 Local Utility Adjustments – Public and Private 7-02 Local Public and Private Utility Adjustments
643.3 Policy, Standards and Regulations 7-03 Policy, Standards and Regulations
643.4 Railroads 7-04 Railroads
106.14 Metrication 7-05 Metric Policy

Chapter VIII, Traffic Control Devices

EPG article PDM section
901 Lighting 8-01 Highway Lighting
901.15 Glossary 8-01.1 Definitions
901.1 Lighting to be Provided, Operated and Maintained at State Expense 8-01.2 (1) Lighting to be Provided, Operated and Maintained at State Expense
901.2 Lighting to be Provided, Operated and Maintained at the Expense of the Local Political Subdivision 8-01.2 (2) Lighting to be Provided, Operated and Maintained at the Expense of the Local Political Subdivision
901.3 Lighting to be Adjusted at State Expense and Operated and Maintained at the Expense of the Local Political Subdivision 8-01.2 (3) Lighting to be Adjusted at State Expense and Operated and Maintained at the Expense of the Local Political Subdivision
901.4 State Participation in Continuous Freeway Lighting by a Local Political Subdivision 8-01.2 (4) State Participation in Continuous Freeway Lighting by a Local Political Subdivision
901.5 Future Lighting 8-01.2 (5) Future Lighting
901.6 Programming 8-01.3 Programming and 8-01.4 Design, (1) Authorization
901.7 Light Source and Intensity 8-01.4 (2) Light Source and Intensity through 8-01.4 (8) Control Station and Power Supply
901.8 Circuiting 8-01.4 (9) Circuiting through 8-01.4 (11) Poles, Bracket Arms and Foundations
901.9 Luminaires 8-01.4 (12) Luminaires through 8-01.4 (14) Summary
901.10 Preparation of Plans 8-01.5 Preparation of Plans
901.11 High Pressure Sodium Luminaire Performance and Computation of Roadway Illumination 8-01.6 High Pressure Sodium Luminaire Performance and Computation of Roadway Illumination
901.12 Electrical Components 8-01.7 Electrical Components
902 Signals 8-02 Traffic Signals and 8-02.1 General
902.2 Warrants for Traffic Signal Installation 8-02.2 Obtaining Traffic Counts and 8-02.3 Warrants
902.11.6 Method of Signal Control 8-02.4 Traffic Signals in Urban Areas, (1) – (3)
902.11.2 – 902.11.5 Bus Stops through Agreements 8-02.4 (5) through (7) Bus Stops through Agreements
902.10 Signal Installations and Equipment 8-02.5 Design of Signal Installations, (1) Standardization
902.11.1 Pavement Markings 8-02.5 (2) Pavement Markings
902.5 Phasing and Timing the Signal 8-02.6 Signal Phasing
902.3 Basic Types of Signal Control 8-02.7 Method of Signal Control
902.11.12 Preparation of Plans 8-02.8 Auxiliary Equipment for Controllers
902.6.5 Meaning and Application of Signal Indications 8-02.9 Meaning and Application of Signal Indications
902.11.7 Location of Signals and Appurtenances 8-02.10 Location of Signals and Appurtenances
902.11.8 Detectors 8-02.11 Detectors
902.11.9 Pull Boxes 8-02.12 Pull Boxes
902.11.10 Conduit System 8-02.13 Conduit System
902.11.11 Control and Power Cable 8-02.14 Control and Power Cable
902.11.11.14 Circuit Breaker Trip Rating 8-02.15 Circuit Breaker Trip Rating
902.11.11.15 Cable Size from Power Supply to Controller 8-02.16 Cable Size from Power Supply to Controller
902.11.12 Preparation of Plans 8-02.17 Preparation of Plans
903 Highway Signing 8-03 Highway Signing and 8-03.1 General
903.1 Extent of Signing 8-03.1 (1) Interstate System, (2) Highways Other Than the Interstate System, 8-03.2 Extent of Signing and 8-03.3 Plan Development Procedure
903.2 Ground-Mounted Signing 8-03.4 Ground Mounting
903.3 Overhead Guide Sign Mounting 8-03.5 Overhead Guide Sign Mounting
903.4 Guide Signs 8-03.6 Guide Sign Design
903.15 Other Signing Items 8-03.7 Miscellaneous Signing Items
903.8.64 Emergency Reference Markers (D10-5) 8-03.7 (1) Mileposts
903.15 Other Signing Items 8-03.7 (2) Delineators and (3) Object Markers
903.18.2 Signing Plans 8-03.8 Signing Plans
903.18.3 Computation of Quantities 8-03.9 Computations of Quantities
616 Temporary Traffic Control 8-04 Temporary Traffic Control Plans
616.1 Preparation of Traffic Control Plan (TCP) 8-04.1 General
616.2 Work Zone Signing and Applications 8-04.2 Work Zone Signing and 8-04.3 Guidelines for Work Zone Signing Applications
616.3 Changeable Message Signs (CMS) 8-04.4 Changeable Message Signs (CMS)
616.6 Type III Movable Barricades 8-04.5 Type III Movable Barricades
616.5 Channelizing Devices 8-04.6 Channelizing Devices
617.1 Temporary Traffic Barriers 8-04.7 Temporary Concrete Traffic Barrier Temporary
620 Pavement Marking 8-04.8 Pavement Marking
616.9 Lighting Devices 8-04.9 Lighting Devices and 8-04.10 Work Zone Lighting
616.4 Flashing Arrow Panels 8-04.11 Flashing Arrow Panels
616.13 Crossovers, Temporary Connections and Detours 8-04.12 Bypasses, Crossovers and Temporary Connections through 8-04.16 Temporary Signals and Intersections
616.17 Pavement Edge Treatment 8-04.17 Pavement Edge Treatment
616.16 Law Enforcement Services 8-04.18 Law Enforcement Services
616.13.4 Temporary Median Crossovers for Construction Equipment 8-04.19 Temporary Median Crossovers for Construction Equipment
616.24 Traffic Control for Non-Motorized Traffic 8-04.20 Traffic Control for Non-Motorized Traffic
616.15 Transit Considerations 8-04.21 Transit Considerations
616.1.2 Special Provisions 8-04.22 Special Provisions
616.1.1 Typical Applications 8-04.23 Typical Applications and 8-04.24 No Direct Payment
620 Pavement Marking 8-05 Pavement Marking

Chapter IX, Hydraulics and Drainage

EPG article PDM section
700 Structures and Hydraulics 9-01 General
749 Hydrologic Analysis 9-02 Hydrologic Analysis
750.1 Open Channels 9-03 Open Channels (English Only)
750.6 Erosion Control and Energy Dissipation 9-04 Erosion Control and Energy Dissipation
640.2 Median Drainage 9-05 Median Drainage
750.2 Culverts 9-06 Crossroad Structures (English only)
640.1 Pavement and Bridge Deck Drainage 9-07 Pavement Drainage
750.4 Storm Sewers 9-08 Storm Sewers
750.5 Sanitary Sewers 9-09 Sanitary Sewers (English only)
750.7 Non-Hydraulic Considerations 9-10 Non-Hydraulic Aspects of Drainage Design