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153.14 Human Resources

From Engineering Policy Guide
Revision as of 14:40, 23 May 2016 by Smithk (talk | contribs) (Per CCO and Brandi Baldwin, added CCO footnote)
Available Human Resources Boilerplate Agreements What triggers the use of this agreement? When is it used? Who are the drafters? Who needs to review the document prior to execution?1 Who signs for MoDOT?2 Is acknowledge-
ment by a notary public required?
Executing Signature Approval as to Form Attestation Signature
When the University conducts training for MoDOT Whoever is arranging for the training Chief Counsel's Office; Commission Secretary The person contracting for the training with purchase authority Chief Counsel's Office Commission Secretary's Office Yes
A contract with an outside vendor for training Generally, the division/district contracting for the training Chief Counsel's Office; Commission Secretary The person contracting for the training with purchase authority Chief Counsel's Office Commission Secretary's Office Yes
When MoDOT hires a retiree as a consultant Whoever is hiring the consultant Chief Counsel's Office; Commission Secretary The person contracting for the consultant services of the retiree with purchase authority Chief Counsel's Office Commission Secretary's Office Yes
When MoDOT determines to hire a consultant to conduct a search to fill a position Human Resources Chief Counsel's Office; Commission Secretary HR Director Chief Counsel's Office Commission Secretary's Office Yes
When MoDOT hires a consultant to perform professional services Whoever is hiring the consultant Chief Counsel's Office; Commission Secretary The person contracting for the professional services Chief Counsel's Office Commission Secretary's Office Yes
When engaging an unpaid intern Human Resources in conjunction with the relevant district/division Chief Counsel's Office; Commission Secretary; HR The person engaging the unpaid intern with signature authority Chief Counsel's Office Commission Secretary's Office Yes
1 Any agreement that is changed from its original form must be reviewed by CCO. Please refer to EPG 153.1.4 Step 3, Chief Counsel’s Office (CCO) Review and throughout EPG 153 for guidance on when to contact CCO. When in doubt, do not hesitate to contact CCO for guidance.
2 Can also be found in the Execution of Documents Policy