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Category:321 Geotechnical Engineering

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321 Drill in Creek.JPG
321 Mine Map.JPG 321 Driller.JPG
321 Slide.jpg

The Geotechnical Section of MoDOT provides geotechnical laboratory and field testing as well as subsurface drilling. This section obtains and interprets the subsurface information needed to design highways and bridges. Soils and Geology personnel also investigate various geotechnical matters including foundation stability and settlement of embankments, slide corrections, subgrade and base stabilization, bridge and wall foundations, sinks and mine subsidence, and the use of new technology and products. The Geotechnical Section serves as a contact regarding geotechnical problems, new products, specifications, training programs and implementation of new products and procedures. This section also participates in proficiency sample programs and inspections by the National Institute of Standards and Technology.

Reference Documents
Geophysical Methods FHWA 1998
Geotechnical Engineering Circular No. 5 - Geotechnical Site Characterization, FHWA 2016
Subsurface Investigation Manual FHWA 1997
Soils and Foundations Reference Manual - Volume I, FHWA 2006
Soils and Foundations Reference Manual - Volume II, FHWA 2006

Contact Information:

MoDOT Construction and Materials Division
P. O. Box 270
Jefferson City, MO 65102
Phone: (573) 526-5730
Fax: (573) 526-4345

Articles in "321 Geotechnical Engineering"

The following 3 pages are in this category, out of 3 total.