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Independent Assurance Samples and Tests

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Guide Schedule for Independent Assurance Samples

Legend : FD = field CL = Central Laboratory BM = before mixing
DL = district laboratory AC = after compaction BP = batch plant
BC = before compaction

Type of Construction or Material Tests to be made (if specified) Sampled Tested in Minimum Number of Tests Comparison Limits
Grading - Embankment Density SAA003AA AC FD One per 3 miles (5 kilometers) or one per 2,000,000 cubic yards (1,500,000 cubic meters), whichever is greatest not including material to rocky to test. None required if less than 10,000 cubic yards (8,000 cubic meters). Dry weight (mass) per cubic foot (meter) within 6% of the mean of the two tests. (2)
Subgrade Preparation Density SAA003AA AC FD One per 3 miles (5 kilometers) or fraction thereof. None required if less than 3/4 mile (1.2 kilometers). Dry weight (mass) per cubic foot (meter) within 6% of mean of the two tests.(2)
Aggregate Base (Roadway and Shoulders) (1),

Type 1, 5, or Stabilized Permeable Base,

Note: Gradation only for Stabilized Permeable base

Density SAA003DA AC FD One per 13,500 tons (12,000 megagrams) or fraction thereof per specified gradation. None required if less than 5,000 tons (4,500 megagrams) of a specified gradation.(3) Dry weight (mass) per cubic foot (meter) within 6% of mean of the two tests. (2)
Gradation SAA002EC SAA002GA SAA002HA BC FD,DL One per 30,000 tons (27,000 megagrams) or fraction thereof per specified gradation. None required if less than 5,000 tons (4,500 megagrams) of a specified gradation.(3) 1/2 gradation range
PI included with gradation BC FD, DL One per project per specified gradation, per source. None required if less than 5,000 tons (4,500 megagrams) of a specified gradation. (4) Within one (1) PI of their mean.
Modified Subgrade (sand-soil base, soil-cement base or soil-lime base) Gradation SAA002KA BC FD, DL One per 55,000 square yards (46,000 square meters) or fraction thereof. None required if less than 10,000 square yards (8,400 square meters). 1/2 specification range.
Liquid Limit included with gradation. BC FD. DL One per 55,000 square yards (46,000 square meters) or fraction thereof. None required if less than 10,000 square yards (8,400 square meters). Within 13% of their mean.
PI included with gradation. BC FD.DL One per 55,000 square yards (46,000 square meters) or fraction thereof. None required if less than 10,000 square yards (8,400 square meters). Within one (1) PI of their mean.
Density SAA003AA AC FD One per 55,000 square yards (46,000 square meters) or fraction thereof. None required if less than 10,000 square yards (8,400 square meters). Dry weight (mass) per cubic foot (meter) within 6% of the mean of the two tests.(2)
Plant Mix Bit. base or Plant mix Bit. Pavement


Ultra-Thin Bonded Wearing Surface(9)

Gradation/Del. SAA002IF BM FD,DL One per 10,000 tons (9,000 megagrams) or fraction thereof per type of construction. None required if type of mixture is less than 1,000 tons (900 megagrams). 1/2 specification range.
Density SAA003CA AC DL, CL Two if over 10,000 tons (9,000 megagrams). One if 1,000 to 10,000 tons (900 to 9,000 megagrams). None required if less than 1,000 tons (900 megagrams).(8) Specific gravity within 2% of the mean of the two tests.
Asphalt Cement content by Nuclear Gauge SAA003ED BC FD One per 10,000 tons (9,000 megagrams) or fraction thereof per type of construction. None required if type of mixture is less than 1,000 tons (900 megagrams). (5)
Superpave Asphaltic Concrete Pavement Gradation/Del. SAA002IF BM FD, DL One per 30,000 tons (27,000 megagrams) or fraction thereof per type of construction. None required if type of mixture is less than 1,000 tons (900 megagrams).(7) 1/2 specification range.


AC DL, CL Two if over 10,000 tons (9,000 megagrams). One if 1,000 to 10,000 tons (900 to 9,000 megagrams). None required if less than 1,000 tons (900 megagrams).(8) Specific gravity within 2% of the mean of the two tests.
Maximum Specific Gravity


BC FD Two if over 10,000 tons (9,000 megagrams). One if 1,000 to 10,000 tons (900 to 9,000 megagrams). None required if less than 1,000 tons (900 megagrams).(8) Maximum specific gravity within 1% of the mean of the two tests.
Volumetric (Sp. Gr. of gyratory compacted specimens) SAA024AB BC DL, CL Two if over 10,000 tons (9,000 megagrams). One if 1,000 to 10,000 tons (900 to 9,000 megagrams). None required if less than 1,000 tons (900 megagrams).(8) Specific gravity within 2% of the mean of the two tests.
Asphalt Cement Content by Nuclear gauge or Binder Ignition Oven SAA024AB BC FD Two if over 10,000 tons (9,000 megagrams). One if 1,000 to 10,000 tons (900 to 9,000 megagrams). None required if less than 1,000 tons (900 megagrams).(8) (5)
Gyratory Compactor BC FD Two if over 10,000 tons (9,000 megagrams). One if 1,000 to 10,000 tons (900 to 9,000 megagrams). None required if less than 1,000 tons (900 megagrams).(8) (6)
Crushed Stone or Gravel Surfacing Gradation SAA002VB - FD, DL One per project. None required if less than 1,000 tons (1,000 megagrams) or 750 cubic yards (575 cubic meters). 1/2 specification range
PCC Pavement or PCC Base

(Full Depth, Unbonded Overlay, Bonded overlay and Whitetopping)

Air Content SAA502BA - FD One per 55,000 square yards (46,000 square meters) or fraction thereof per type of construction. None required if type of construction is less than 5,000 square yards (4,200 square meters).(10) 1-1/2%
Slump included with air


- FD One per 55,000 square yards (46,000 square meters) or fraction thereof per type of construction. None required if type of construction is less than 5,000 square yards (4,200 square meters).(10) One inch (25mm)
Pavement Thickness SAA502AA - FD, DL, CL Two if over 55,000 square yards (46,000 square meters). One if 5,000 to 55,000 square yards (4,200 to 46,000 square meters). None required if type of mixture is less than 5,000 square yards (4,200 square meters).(11) (12)
Compressive Strength SAA502AA - FD, DL, CL Two if over 55,000 square yards (46,000 square meters). One if 5,000 to 55,000 square yards (4,200 to 46,000 square meters). None required if type of mixture is less than 5,000 square yards (4,200 square meters).(11) (13)
Gradation (Coarse Aggregate)

SAA002JF or SAA002JE

BP FD, DL One per specified gradation. None required if type of construction is less than 5,000 square yards (4,200 square meters).(14) 1/2 specification range
Gradation (Fine Aggregate)


BP FD, DL One per specified gradation. None required if type of construction is less than 5,000 square yards (4,200 square meters).(14) 1/2 specification range
Deleterious (Coarse Aggregate) included with gradation BP FD, DL One per specified gradation. None required if type of construction is less than 5,000 square yards (4,200 square meters).(14) 1/2 specification range
Concrete Masonry


Air Content SAE005CA (SAM005CA) - FD One per 500 cubic yards (400 cubic meters) or fraction therof per class of concrete. None required if class of concrete is less than 150 cubic yards (125 cubic meters). 1-1/2%
Slump included with air - FD One per 500 cubic yards (400 cubic meters) or fraction therof per class of concrete. None required if class of concrete is less than 150 cubic yards (125 cubic meters). one inch (25mm)
Compressive Strength SAA599AB - CL One per 500 cubic yards (400 cubic meters) or fraction therof per class of concrete. None required if class of concrete is less than 150 cubic yards (125 cubic meters). Mean of either set within 15% of the mean of both sets.
Gradation (Coarse Aggregate) SAA002JF BP FD, DL One per specifed gradation per class of concrete. None required if class of concrete is less than 150 cubic yards (125 cubic meters). 1/2 specification range.
Gradation (Fine Aggregate) SAA002AC BP FD, DL One per specifed gradation per class of concrete. None required if class of concrete is less than 150 cubic yards (125 cubic meters). 1/2 specification range.
Deleterious (Coarse Aggregate) included with the gradation BP FD, DL One per specifed gradation per class of concrete. None required if class of concrete is less than 150 cubic yards (125 cubic meters). 1/2 specification range.


1. When aggregate base is shown in the contract to be measured and paid for by the area, convert the area to tons and follow the sampling frequency shown in this schedule. When converting use the factor 0.06 ton/sq.yd./1" ((0.0028Mg/sq.m.) thichness.

2. If nuclear method is used, observation only - no limits.

3. If one test required, test QA inspector. If additional test required, perform approximately 75% of the test on the QC inspector and approximately 25% on the QA inspector.

4. Perform test on QA inspector.

5. If nuclear method or binder ignition method used, observation only - no limits.

6. If an approved gyratory compactor is used, observation only - no limits.

7. If one test required, test QA inspector. If additional tests required, perform approximately 75% of the test on the QC inspector and approximately 25% on the QA inspector.

8. If one test required, test QA inspector. If two tests required, test QC inspector once and QA inspector once.

9. Density test not applicable for Ultra-Thin Bonded Wearing Surface.

10. If one test required, test QA inspector. If additional test required, perform approximately 75% of the test on the QC inspector and 25% on the QA inspector.

11. If one test required, test QA inspector. If two tests required, test QC inspector once and QA inspector once.

12. If an approved height measuring device is used, observation only - no limits.

13. If an approved compression machine is used, observation only - no limits.

14. Test QA inspector.