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Category:231 Typical Section Elements for Roadways

From Engineering Policy Guide
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File:231 Photo1 Typical Roadway.jpg
Typical Section Elements
Typical Urban Roadway Sections
4 Lane Major Urban Roadway
4 Lane Minor Urban Roadway
2 Lane Minor Urban Roadway
Typical Rural Roadway Sections
Interstate Roadway (D-61)
4-Lane (Non-Interstate) Major Rural Roadway (D-61)
2-Lane Major Rural Roadway, a "Super 2" (D-60)
Minor Rural Roadway (D-64)
Diamond/Directional Ramp, Any AADT (D-50)
Diamond/Directional Ramp, Low AADT, Low Trucks (D-50)
Muti-Lane Ramp (D-53)
Loop Ramp (D-51)
Local Roadway (D-67)
Local Roadway, Low AADT (D-66)


The cross section of a roadway is composed of several distinct parts. They are:

When the selection of widths, slopes and grades for these elements are combined with the function, service level, traffic and anticipated posted speed of the roadway, the basic configuration of the proposed facility is determined. A well-designed facility combines the preferred values for each of these elements in a safe cost efficient manner within the context of the community.

It is important to define two frequently used terms. They are:

  • Roadway: The portion of a highway, including shoulders, for vehicular use. A divided highway has two or more roadways.
  • Travelway: The portion of the roadway for the movement of vehicles, exclusive of shoulders.

To see the relationship of these typical section elements click here.

Pages in category "231 Typical Section Elements for Roadways"

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