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<div style="margin: 15px; border:1px solid black; width:97%; background-color:white; padding:5px; border-radius:5px; box-shadow:10px 10px 5px #888888">September 20, 1971
<div style="margin: 15px; border:1px solid black; width:97%; background-color:white; padding:5px; border-radius:5px; box-shadow:10px 10px 5px #888888">June 21, 2024
* Updated processes and procedures related to Environmental/Historic Preservation work on LPA projects in EPG [[:LPA:136.6_Environmental_and_Cultural_Requirements|136.6 Environmental and Cultural Requirements]].
<div style="margin: 15px; border:1px solid black; width:97%; background-color:white; padding:5px; border-radius:5px; box-shadow:10px 10px 5px #888888">April 1, 2024
[[:LPA:136.4_Consultant_Selection_and_Consultant_Contract_Management#136.4.2_Solicitation_.26_Selection_Process|EPG 136.4.2]] Increases the oncall max to 200,000, adds additional information regarding the requirement of contacting at least 3 firms and documenting those conversations, and adds the requirement of an Independent Cost Estimate.
<div style="margin: 15px; border:1px solid black; width:97%; background-color:white; padding:5px; border-radius:5px; box-shadow:10px 10px 5px #888888">June 27, 2023
In an effort to help LPA staff with templates MoDOT has already created and to prevent them from needing to create, we are adding Temporary Easement, Permanent Easement and General Warranty Deed templates in [[:LPA:136.8_Local_Public_Agency_Land_Acquisition#| Prompt Written Offers to Owners and Tenant Owners]]
<div style="margin: 15px; border:1px solid black; width:97%; background-color:white; padding:5px; border-radius:5px; box-shadow:10px 10px 5px #888888">February 6, 2023
Upated LPA ESC process in [[:LPA:136.4_Consultant_Selection_and_Consultant_Contract_Management#|]] and [[:LPA:136.4_Consultant_Selection_and_Consultant_Contract_Management#|]]
<div style="margin: 15px; border:1px solid black; width:97%; background-color:white; padding:5px; border-radius:5px; box-shadow:10px 10px 5px #888888">January 19, 2023
Updated [[LPA:136.4_Consultant_Selection_and_Consultant_Contract_Management|EPG 136.4]]
<div style="margin: 15px; border:1px solid black; width:97%; background-color:white; padding:5px; border-radius:5px; box-shadow:10px 10px 5px #888888">January 6, 2023
Updated [[LPA:136.4 Consultant Selection and Consultant Contract Management# Step 3 - Advertising the RFQ Solicitation|]] added an email for LPA consultant goal requests and added new Figure 136.4.20 Estimated Breakdown of Work on Engineering Consultant Contracts that will need to completed as part of the goal request.
Updated [[LPA:136.9 Plans, Specs and Estimates (PSE)# Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) (49 CFR Part 26)|]] added an email for LPA construction goal requests to be sent to, and that the request should include a copy of the engineer's estimate.
<div style="margin: 15px; border:1px solid black; width:97%; background-color:white; padding:5px; border-radius:5px; box-shadow:10px 10px 5px #888888">December 19, 2022
Updated Consultant Selection Criteria to the [[media:Fig._136.4.2_2022.doc|Fig. 136.4.2, Consultant Selection Criteria]].
<div style="margin: 15px; border:1px solid black; width:97%; background-color:white; padding:5px; border-radius:5px; box-shadow:10px 10px 5px #888888">November 01, 2022
Updated required Supplemental Revisions JSP to the Fig. 136.9.1, Final PS&E Submittal Checklist.
<div style="margin: 15px; border:1px solid black; width:97%; background-color:white; padding:5px; border-radius:5px; box-shadow:10px 10px 5px #888888">November 01, 2022
Modified [[LPA:136.1 Introduction# Preliminary and Final Design|EPG]], [[LPA:136.7 Design# Minimum Plan Requirements|EPG]], and [[LPA:136.7 Design# General Guidance|EPG]].  Added clarification of the requirement to have LPA preliminary plans reviewed and approved prior to submitting ROW plans for review and approval and provide the approval on a specific memo.
<div style="margin: 15px; border:1px solid black; width:97%; background-color:white; padding:5px; border-radius:5px; box-shadow:10px 10px 5px #888888">October 4, 2022
Updated [[media:Fig_136-3-28.docx|Fig. 136.3.28, Soft Match Credit Pre-Approval Form]]
<div style="margin: 15px; border:1px solid black; width:97%; background-color:white; padding:5px; border-radius:5px; box-shadow:10px 10px 5px #888888">September 6, 2022
Updated checklist to clarify standard operating procedure in [[LPA:136.6 Environmental and Cultural Requirements# Sponsor Responsibilities| Sponsor Responsibilities]]
<div style="margin: 15px; border:1px solid black; width:97%; background-color:white; padding:5px; border-radius:5px; box-shadow:10px 10px 5px #888888">July 6, 2022
Updated [[media:Fig.136.3.19_July2022.pdf|Fig. 136.3.19, Current BEAP Consultant List]] and [[media:Figure_136.3.20,_07_2022.docx|Fig. 136.3.20, BEAP Project Tracking Form]]
<div style="margin: 15px; border:1px solid black; width:97%; background-color:white; padding:5px; border-radius:5px; box-shadow:10px 10px 5px #888888">June 21, 2022
In [[LPA:136.9 Plans, Specs and Estimates (PSE)# ADA Checklist|EPG ADA Checklist]], [[LPA:136.11 Local Public Agency Construction#136.11.4 Preconstruction Conference|EPG 136.11.4 Preconstruction Conference]] and [[LPA:136.11 Local Public Agency Construction# American’s with Disabilities Act (ADA) Check List|EPG American’s with Disabilities Act (ADA) Check List]]  the [https://epg.modot.org/forms/CM/ADA_Checklist.pdf ADA Checklist (Fig. 136.9.4)] was updated to reflect the minimum distance of pushbuttons from the curb line has been returned to 30 inches.
<div style="margin: 15px; border:1px solid black; width:97%; background-color:white; padding:5px; border-radius:5px; box-shadow:10px 10px 5px #888888">June 16, 2022
Guidance for LPA ROW Staff negotiators was clarified in [[LPA:136.8 Local Public Agency Land Acquisition# State Responsibility|EPG State Responsibility]] and [[LPA:136.8 Local Public Agency Land Acquisition# Approval of Contract|EPG Approval of Contract]].
<div style="margin: 15px; border:1px solid black; width:97%; background-color:white; padding:5px; border-radius:5px; box-shadow:10px 10px 5px #888888">June 2, 2022
In numerous locations in [[LPA:136.8 Local Public Agency Land Acquisition|EPG 136.8 Local Public Agency Land Acquisition]] (such as [[LPA:136.8 Local Public Agency Land Acquisition# Definition of Appraisal and Waiver Valuation|EPG Definition of Appraisal and Waiver Valuation]] and [[LPA:136.8 Local Public Agency Land Acquisition# Value Finding Appraisal Format|EPG Value Finding Appraisal Format]]), the appraisal value limit for LPA projects was increased to $25,000 (from $10,000) because of the 2021 FHWA approval.
<div style="margin: 15px; border:1px solid black; width:97%; background-color:white; padding:5px; border-radius:5px; box-shadow:10px 10px 5px #888888">May 17, 2022
Guidance has been clarified in [[LPA:136.8 Local Public Agency Land Acquisition# State Responsibility|EPG State Responsibility]], [[LPA:136.8 Local Public Agency Land Acquisition# Approval of Contract|EPG Approval of Contract]], [[LPA:136.8 Local Public Agency Land Acquisition# General Requirements|EPG General Requirements]] and [[LPA:136.8 Local Public Agency Land Acquisition# Approval of Contract|EPG Approval of Contract]] to show that LPA negotiators (fee and not fee) must be on the approved roster and/or complete the LPA Basic Training.
<div style="margin: 15px; border:1px solid black; width:97%; background-color:white; padding:5px; border-radius:5px; box-shadow:10px 10px 5px #888888">March 16, 2022
The second paragraph of EPG was updated to reflect that the DBE Submittal Forms, Fig. 136.9.9, must be completed and submitted with the bid proposal or delivered by all bidders within three working days after the bid opening date.
<div style="margin: 15px; border:1px solid black; width:97%; background-color:white; padding:5px; border-radius:5px; box-shadow:10px 10px 5px #888888">March 11, 2022
In [https://epg.modot.org/index.php/LPA:136.9_Plans,_Specs_and_Estimates_(PSE)# EPG On the Job Training], the training provision link was updated to the current training provision.
<div style="margin: 15px; border:1px solid black; width:97%; background-color:white; padding:5px; border-radius:5px; box-shadow:10px 10px 5px #888888">March 9, 2022
In [[LPA:136.1 Introduction# Requirements|EPG Requirements]] and [[LPA:136.2 Certification and Training|EPG 136.2 Certification and Training, LPA Basic Training]], guidance has been updated to reflect current LPA training requirements.
<div style="margin: 15px; border:1px solid black; width:97%; background-color:white; padding:5px; border-radius:5px; box-shadow:10px 10px 5px #888888">March 8, 2022
In [[LPA:136.3 Federal Aid Basics#The MoDOT district representative|EPG 136.3.13 Agreements]], the outdated requirement to submit 7 copies of the program agreement was removed.
9/24/21: The latest programmatic agreement between MoDOT and FHWA is available in the second paragraph of  [[LPA:136.6 Environmental and Cultural Requirements#136.6.3 Categorical Exclusion (CE)|EPG 136.6.3 Categorical Exclusion (CE)]].
9/16/21: [[media:136.9.6.docx|Fig. 136.9.6 Utility Status Letter]] now requires an LPA letterhead and a signature from an LPA Person in Responsible Charge.
8/31/21: Updated Fig. 136.6.4, How to Complete the Request for Environmental Review to align with the new web-based system.
7/13/21: The [[media:Fig.136.3.24 2021.docx|Fig. 136.3.24, TEAP Program Application]] in [[LPA:136.3 Federal Aid Basics|EPG 136.3 Federal Aid Basics]] has been updated by increasing the federal fund limit to $12K per project and adding clarification about "person in responsible charge".
6/11/21:  Updated [[media:136.6.6 2021.pdf|Fig. 136.6.6, Generalized flowchart of the Section 106 Process for Local Public Agencies]] to bring it into compliance with existing guidance in [[LPA:136.6 Environmental and Cultural Requirements|EPG 136.6 Environmental and Cultural Requirements]].
5/14/21: At the end of the [[LPA:136.6 Environmental and Cultural Requirements#In making a de minimis|last paragraph of EPG De Minimis Determination]], guidance was clarified that the public must be able to review the effects of the project on the Sec 4f property.
5/11/21: New guidance is now available at [[LPA:136.8 Local Public Agency Land Acquisition# Administrative Settlements|EPG Administrative Settlements]] for making administrative settlements, preparing a letter of justification and other considerations.
5/10/21: The Commercially Useful Function (CUF) Determination Form, discussed in [[LPA:136.11 Local Public Agency Construction#136.11.9 Commercially Useful Function (CUF)|EPG 136.11.9 Commercially Useful Function (CUF)]], has been revised with more open ended questions that assist in determining whether a DBE is performing a Commercially Useful Function. The form now includes a field observation section for inspectors to note what they saw in the field.
4/27/21: The former EPG Buy America Requirements was deleted since the Buy America JSP is now in the spec book. The new guidance in [[LPA:136.7 Design# Supplemental Revisions Job Special Provision (JSP)|EPG Supplemental Revisions Job Special Provision (JSP)]] presents the requirement for the use of the Supplemental Revisions JSP.
4/20/21: Fig. 136.6.4, How to Complete the Request for Environmental Review, has been updated to current practice.
2/19/21: Fig. 136.9.4, ADA Checklist was updated.  On Page 15 of the checklist, the force to activate Accessible Pedestrian Signal pushbuttons was revised as was their minimum distance from the curb line and their height from the ground. On both Page 15 and 16, guidance was more closely tied to compliance with the EPG.
2/18/21: Contact information has been updated in [[media:Fig.136.3.20 2021.docx|Fig. 136.3.20, BEAP Project Tracking Form]].
1/15/21: At the bottom of [[LPA:136.6 Environmental and Cultural Requirements#136.6.1 Introduction|Key Environmental/Cultural Resources Compliance Milestones]] table, added Public Involvement information.  Also, clarified that public involvement is needed with the RER in a new paragraph at bottom of [[LPA:136.6 Environmental and Cultural Requirements# Community Impact Assessment (Social/Economic/Environmental Justice)|EPG Community Impact Assessment (Social/Economic/Environmental Justice)]]. 
11/23/20: Guidance was expanded in [[LPA:136.11 Local Public Agency Construction#136.11.13 Documentation Requirements|EPG 136.11.13 Documentation Requirements]] through [[LPA:136.11 Local Public Agency Construction# Payment Diaries|EPG Payment Diaries]]. MoDOT will no longer be approving specific software for use; the LPA must ensure the software chosen meets the outlined criteria.  Guidance about what should be documented in the construction diaries was clarified in [[LPA:136.11 Local Public Agency Construction# Project Diaries|EPG Project Diaries]]. 
9/30/20: Guidance for the A-date process in [[LPA:136.8 Local Public Agency Land Acquisition#Square 14|EPG Local Public Agency - Right of Way and Easement Acquisition, "Square 14"]] and the first and third paragraphs of [[LPA:136.8 Local Public Agency Land Acquisition# Acquisition Authority|EPG Acquisition Authority]]  has been clarified and updated to reflect current policy and processes.
9/2/20: Clarified [[media:136.4.7 2020.docx|Fig. 136.4.7, Sample Solicitation & Sample Scope of Services]], by adding "Remove note before posting" to instructions just below the table on the second page.
8/13/20: The seventh paragraph of [[LPA:136.6 Environmental and Cultural Requirements# Base Floodplain and Regulatory Floodway|EPG Base Floodplain and Regulatory Floodway]] was revised to make CFR requirements more apparent.
7/14/20:  Minor updates were made to Fig. 136.9.3, Federal Project Bid Proposal Boilerplate.
7/9/20: The last sentence of the second paragraph of [[LPA:136.9 Plans, Specs and Estimates (PSE)# Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) (49 CFR Part 26)|EPG Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) (49 CFR Part 26)]] is new guidance about how to fill out Fig. 136.9.9, DBE Submittal Forms.  Fig. 136.9.3, Federal Project Bid Proposal Boilerplate and Fig. 136.9.9, DBE Submittal Forms were also updated.
7/1/20: In the second paragraph of [[LPA:136.4 Consultant Selection and Consultant Contract Management# Supplemental Agreements|EPG Supplemental Agreements]], guidance was clarified, now including submitting a copy of the supplemental to the ECR email group.
6/23/20:  The second sentence in the first paragraph of [[LPA:136.4 Consultant Selection and Consultant Contract Management# Step 5 - Selection of Consultant|EPG Step 5 - Selection of Consultant]] was added to clarify guidance about an LPA disqualifying a consultant.
6/18/20: Guidance in [[LPA:136.6 Environmental and Cultural Requirements#136.6.3 Categorical Exclusion (CE)|EPG 136.6.3 Categorical Exclusion (CE)]] was updated with the FHWA agreement requirements.
6/17/20: The process in [[LPA:136.6 Environmental and Cultural Requirements# Step 1, Determine Need for Cultural Resource Investigations|EPG Step 1, Determine Need for Cultural Resource Investigations]] has dramatically changed.  MoDOT has hired a consultant to provide oversight the Local Public Agency’s Section 106 compliance.  The EPG directed the LPA to send a Project Information form to the SHPO to start the Section 106 process. That is no longer required.  The new approach is for the LPA to submit a Request for Environmental Review to MoDOT.
5/1/20: In [[LPA:136.8 Local Public Agency Land Acquisition# Acquisition Authority|EPG Acquisition Authority]], [[LPA:136.8 Local Public Agency Land Acquisition# Inspection of Documents|EPG Inspection of Documents]], [[LPA:136.8 Local Public Agency Land Acquisition# Federal Project Number|EPG Federal Project Number]], [[LPA:136.8 Local Public Agency Land Acquisition#136.8.4 Retention and Access to Records|EPG 136.8.4 Retention and Access to Records]] and [[LPA:136.8 Local Public Agency Land Acquisition# General|EPG General]], guidance has been added about the documentation MoDOT RW staff is to enter into the LPA State Management System Application (SMS). Also, In EPG Acquisition Authority, the LPA may now request an A-date by submitting only one set (instead of two sets) of completed right of way plans.
12/16/19: In [[LPA:136.4 Consultant Selection and Consultant Contract Management#A consulting engineering firm|EPG Conflict of Interest]], clarified guidance by adding information pertaining to when a consultant acts as a city engineer.
9/18/19: Numerous minor revisions were made in [[LPA:136.3 Federal Aid Basics# Bridge Engineering Assistance Program (BEAP)|EPG Bridge Engineering Assistance Program (BEAP)]] as the new BEAP contract goes into effect. Two BEAP documents (Figs. 136.3.19 and 136.3.20) were updated while two BEAP figures (Fig. 136.3.22 Estimate of Cost and Fig. 136.3.23 General Scope of Services) were deleted.
9/6/19: In [[LPA:136.11 Local Public Agency Construction#Change Order Level 1|EPG Change Order Approval]], the LPA change order approval process was updated to current practice. The MoDOT signature is needed for Level 1 change orders and an FHWA review is only required on Change Order Level 2 PODI projects.
8/21/19:  The link to the TSP was updated in the second paragraph of [[LPA:136.9 Plans, Specs and Estimates (PSE)# On the Job Training (OJT) (23 CFR Section 230)|EPG On the Job Training (OJT)]].
7/22/19: In Fig. 136.9.1, Final PS&E Submittal Checklist, checklist guidance related to wage rates was updated.
7/22/19: As a convenience, guidance for LPAs to access federal emergency relief has been expanded in [[LPA:136.3 Federal Aid Basics#136.3.17 Emergency Relief|EPG 136.3.17 Emergency Relief]].
7/22/19: In [[LPA:136.3 Federal Aid Basics#136.3.8 Programs|EPG 136.3.8 Programs]], guidance for LPA programs that are no longer in use was deleted.  Also, guidance was updated to accommodate revisions in the FAST Act.
5/20/19: In [[LPA:136.6 Environmental and Cultural Requirements# Threatened and Endangered Species and Migratory Birds|EPG Threatened and Endangered Species and Migratory Birds]], guidance for the Threatened and Endangerd process was clarified throughout. New (and currently used) guidance, [[LPA:136.6 Environmental and Cultural Requirements# Migratory Birds|EPG Migratory Birds]] was also added. [[media:Fig. 136.6.18.pdf|Fig. 136.6.18, Threatened and Endangered Species Federal Aid Transportation Submittal Checklist]] replaced the old Fig. 136.6.18 LPA Environmental RER T&E Guidance, and [[media:Fig. 136.6.19.pdf|Fig. 136.6.19, August 2018 MoDOT USFWS Threatened and Endangered Species Habitats]] was added.
5/14/19: In [[LPA:136.6 Environmental and Cultural Requirements#On linear transportation projects|EPG Section 404 Permits for Wetlands and Streams]], guidance was clarified to attach to RER for documentation purposes.
1/16/19: Fig. 136.6.3, Environmental/Cultural Resources Compliance Checklist, was updated.
1/15/19:  In [[LPA:136.2 Certification and Training|EPG 136.2 Certification and Training]], the listing of the web-based NHI courses was updated.
1/11/19: A sentence was added to the end of the first paragraph of [[LPA:136.6 Environmental and Cultural Requirements# Stormwater and Erosion Control|EPG Stormwater and Erosion Control]] to clarify NEPA information.  This info referencing documentation involved when more than one acre is planned to be disturbed was added at the request of the FHWA.
11/30/18: [[LPA:136.6 Environmental and Cultural Requirements# Noise Standards and Noise Abatement|EPG Noise Standards and Noise Abatement]] was significantly simplified to reflect that LPAs must use MoDOT’s FHWA-approved noise policy.
11/20/18:  [[media:136.8.8.docx|Clearance Certification Statement (Form 136.8.8)]] was slightly modified by replacing "free deed" with "donation".
11/14/18: In [[LPA:136.3 Federal Aid Basics#136.3.13 Agreements|EPG 136.3.13 Agreements]] and [[LPA:136.12 Figures, Glossary and Other Useful Links#136.12.1 Figures|EPG 136.12.1 Figures]], archaic contract links and listings were removed.  Also, in EPG 136.3.13 Agreements, a reference to the CCO site was replaced with a link to EPG 153 Agreements and Contracts.
10/26/18: Updated the documentation processes to current practices and updated the requirements of new laws and regulations.  Much of [http://ghepglp01/index.php/LPA:136.6_Environmental_and_Cultural_Requirements# EPG] was revised as was "Permits for Land Disturbance" in [http://ghepglp01/index.php/LPA:136.6_Environmental_and_Cultural_Requirements# EPG], the last paragraph of [http://ghepglp01/index.php/LPA:136.6_Environmental_and_Cultural_Requirements# EPG], the third paragraph of [http://ghepglp01/index.php/LPA:136.6_Environmental_and_Cultural_Requirements# EPG], and [http://ghepglp01/index.php/LPA:136.6_Environmental_and_Cultural_Requirements# EPG].  Fig. 136.6.1, Project Review Process flowchart, Fig. 136.6.2, Key Environmental/Cultural Resources Compliance Milestones, Fig. 136.6.3, Environmental/Cultural Resources Compliance Checklist and Fig. 136.6.14, Procedures for Environmental Clearance of Borrow Sites and Other Disturbed Areas Outside Right of Way were also updated.  Fig. 136.6.16 was re-labeled as "LPA Project Checklist for Adverse Effects".
4/10/2018: In the second paragraph of [[136.9 Plans, Specs and Estimates (PSE)# Federal Wage Rates (23 USC 113 and 29 CFR 5)|EPG Federal Wage Rates (23 USC 113 and 29 CFR 5)]], guidance was added about including the correct wage rate order from the Dept. of Labor on LPA projects. If an updated wage rate order has been issued within 10 days of the project letting, the updated version has typically not been included in the project documents. This is allowed, however the requirement states that if the agency finds that sufficient time is not afforded to include the updated wage order, then this finding and reasoning must be included in the individual project records.   
3/29/18: Procedures in Section 106 (Cultural Resource) Compliance were clarified at the bottom of the second paragraph of [[136.6 Environmental and Cultural Requirements# Step 1, Determine Need for Cultural Resource Investigations|EPG Step 1, Determine Need for Cultural Resource Investigations]] and in the first sentence of [[136.6 Environmental and Cultural Requirements# Step 3, Preparation of the Memorandum of Agreement|EPG Step 3, Preparation of the Memorandum of Agreement]].
3/29/18:  Removed second sentence of the second paragraph ("In figuring the percentage of the contract work performed, all prices for sublet work shall be at contract unit bid prices.") from [[136.11 Local Public Agency Construction#136.11.5 Subcontracts |EPG 136.11.5 Subcontracts]].  The sentence was outdated. 
3/26/18:  Fig. 136.6.4 How to Complete the Request for Environmental Review was updated.
1/24/18: In [[136.2 Certification and Training|EPG 136.2 Certification and Training]], the contact information for the Technician Certification Program was updated.
12/26/17: [[media:Fig.136.3.24 2017.docx|Fig. 136.3.24, TEAP Program Application]] was updated.  Also, in [[136.3 Federal Aid Basics# Introduction|EPG 136 Introduction]] and [[136.3 Federal Aid Basics# TEAP Process and Timeline|EPG TEAP Process and Timeline]], guidance was slightly expanded to accommodate the changes in the TEAP Program Application.
12/14/17: [[media:Fig.136.3.20 2019.docx|Fig. 136.3.20, BEAP Project Tracking Form]] was updated.  Also, Gabe Wolken was added as a contact for BEAP information in [[136.3 Federal Aid Basics# Bridge Engineering Assistance Program (BEAP)|EPG Bridge Engineering Assistance Program (BEAP)]].
11/30/17: In [[136.3 Federal Aid Basics# Audit and Final Reimbursement|EPG Audit and Final Reimbursement]], the sentence stating the LPAs must supply a copy of the final audit report to the MPOs was removed.
11/13/17: Guidance in [[136.1 Introduction# Project Sponsor Eligibility|EPG Project Sponsor Eligibility]] was expanded since the FAST Act has extended eligibility for some programs. Eligibility to nonprofits in the large MPOs (Kansas City, St. Louis and Springfield) is now allowed. 
11/1/17: A link was updated in [[media:136.9.3 2018.docx|Fig. 136.9.3, Federal Project Bid Proposal Boilerplate]].
10/31/17:  [[media:136.6.7 2017.docx|Fig. 136.6.7, Memorandum of Agreement for Mitigation of Adverse Effects]] was updated with new “Whereas” clauses to address issues brought up by FHWA and the Advisory Council over the last few years.
9/20/17: The Subcontractor Disclosure in [[media:136.9.3 2018.docx|Fig. 136.9.3, Federal Project Bid Proposal Boilerplate]] was updated to reflect the current section of the Missouri Standard Specification for Highway Construction.
9/18/17: In [[media:136.3.1 Sept 2017.doc|Fig. 136.3.1, Programming Data Form]], the funding description and FFATA requirement were further clarified.
9/1/17: At the bottom of the first paragraph of [[136.8 Local Public Agency Land Acquisition# Title Information|EPG Title Information]], a sentence was added with a link to a checklist of items to determine property ownership for ADA projects.
6/29/17: A new PowerPoint, [[media:136.4.1.ppt|Consultant Inspection]], in [[136.4 Consultant Selection and Consultant Contract Management# Construction Engineering/Construction Inspection (CE)|EPG Construction Engineering/Construction Inspection (CE)]] provides guidance on how to solicit and procure a consultant for construction.  Its guidance is primarily aimed at MoDOT Construction employees but may also be of assistance to others.
6/23/17: [[media:136.3.1 Sept 2017.doc|Fig. 136.3.1, Programming Data Form]] was updated to show the ''LPA Internal Procedures Manual'' requires LPAs submit the FFATA form with the programming data form. 
6/9/17: Guidance for how to obtain additional help for environmental clearance of borrow sites and other land disturbance activities outside right of way was clarified in the fifth sentence of the first paragraph in [[136.6 Environmental and Cultural Requirements# Borrow Sites and Other Land Disturbance Activities Outside Right of Way|EPG Borrow Sites and Other Land Disturbance Activities Outside Right of Way]].
5/24/17: Updated Fig. 136.3.20, BEAP Project Tracking Form with new contact information.
4/27/17: In the second paragraph of [[136.11 Local Public Agency Construction#136.11.5 Subcontracts|EPG 136.11.5 Subcontracts]], an archaic sentence was deleted that had required MoDOT to approve subcontracts.
3/28/17: [[media:136.9.3 2018.docx|Fig. 136.9.3, Federal Project Bid Proposal Boilerplate]], was revised to reflect changes made in the EPG on Wage Rates. State Only Prevailing wage option in section 9 was deleted.
1/5/17: In requirement #2 of [[136.4 Consultant Selection and Consultant Contract Management# Consultant Qualification|EPG Consultant Qualification]], it was clarified that a firm is not required to submit a certificate of authority to become prequalified when it does work outside the jurisdiction of the MO Board for APEPLSPLA.
1/4/17: In [[136.6 Environmental and Cultural Requirements# Stormwater and Erosion Control|EPG Stormwater and Erosion Control]], minor clarifications based on the new stormwater permit have been made. This includes new guidance, "Individual State Operating Permit for TS4". 
12/27/16: Updated [[media:136.3.1 2016.doc|Fig. 136.3.1, Programming Data Form]], with additional information.
11/17/16: [[media:136.9.3 2018.docx|Fig. 136.9.3, Federal Project Bid Proposal Boilerplate]], was updated to reflect the current versions of the MoDOT specs and standard plans.
10/20/16: In [[136.6 Environmental and Cultural Requirements#136.6.2 National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Classification|EPG 136.6.2 National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Classification]], a clarifying sentence was added in the first paragraph to help LPAs find info in Fig. 136.6.4, How to Complete the Request for Environmental Review.
10/6/16: Fig. 136.6.4 LPA Request for Environmental Review (RER) was eliminated and replaced with a [https://www6.modot.mo.gov/RERProject/Pages/Login.aspx?ReturnUrl=%2fRERProject%2f link to the new RER].  Also, in [https://epg.modot.org/index.php?title=136.9_Plans%2C_Specs_and_Estimates_%28PSE%29# EPG Federal Wage Rates], federal wage rate language was removed to make guidance stay current with federal regulations.
9/6/16: The former prorata tax form (7-22.2C) was updated so as to be only for the LPAs. It was also relabeled as [https://epg.modot.org/forms/RW/LPA%20Links/LPA%20Prorata.docx Local Public Agency Prorata Real Estate Tax Claim (Form].
9/2/16: In [[136.10 Advertisement for Bid and Project Award#136.10.8 Award|EPG 136.10.8 Award]], the need for a performance/contract bond in the executed construction contract for LPA projects was clarified.
7/22/16: A minor revision to [[media:136.10.2 2016.doc|Fig. 136.10.2, Bid Concurrence Checklist]] was made so that asterisks are no longer to be shown by items that DBE will perform.
7/5/16: In [[136.9 Plans, Specs and Estimates (PSE)# Suspension and Debarment Certification (23 CFR 635.112)|EPG Suspension and Debarment Certification]], the $25,000 contract threshold was removed from the certification requirements for suspension and debarment to make guidance consistent with consultant contract language.
6/23/16: In the second paragraph of [[136.11 Local Public Agency Construction#136.11.5 Subcontracts|EPG 136.11.5 Subcontracts]], guidance was added to clearly indicate that subcontracts require FHWA Form 1273.
6/15/16: In [[136.11 Local Public Agency Construction# Erosion Control|EPG Erosion Control]], the outdated link to the "Erosion Control Inspection Record" was replaced with a link to "Land Disturbance Inspection Record".
6/2/16: Fig. 136.6.4, How to Complete the Request for Environmental Review, was clarified.
5/27/16:  Guidance in [[136.6 Environmental and Cultural Requirements# Threatened and Endangered Species|EPG Threatened and Endangered Species]] was expanded and clarified.  The new [[media:136.6.18.docx|Fig. 136.6.18, LPA Environmental RER T&E Guidance]] was also added.  Also, in Articles XVI and XVII of [[media:Fig. 136.4.1 May 2016.docx|Fig. 136.4.1, Engineering Services Contract]], references were added to Title VI and ADA requirements.
5/19/16: In [[136.6 Environmental and Cultural Requirements|EPG 136.6 Environmental and Cultural Requirements]], the previous Fig. 136.6.4 was replaced with a new link, [https://www6.modot.mo.gov/RERProject/ LPA Request for Environmental Review].  The new Fig. 136.6.4, How to Complete the Request for Environmental Review presents updated instructions.
5/13/16:  Updated the [[media:Form C-239 2016.pdf|Final Acceptance Report (Form C-239)]] and [[media:136.11.23 2016.pdf|Fig. 136.11.23, LPA Semi-Final Inspection Checklist (Form C-236)]] in EPG 136.11. [[media:136.11.3 2016.pdf|Fig. 136.11.3, Progress Report]] was made a fillable form.
4/29/16: In the last sentence of [[136.11 Local Public Agency Construction# Project Diaries|EPG Project Diaries]], "free" was removed from the description of NHI training courses, since not all of them are now free.
4/27/16: Deleted Fig. 136.11.17 Semi-Final Inspection Letter since it was redundant to Fig. 136.11.23 LPA Semi-Final Inspection Checklist (Form C-236). [[136.11 Local Public Agency Construction#136.11.20 Project Closeout Certifications|EPG 136.11.20 Project Closeout Certifications]] was revised to reflect this change.
4/1/16: There were numerous updates in [[136.8 Local Public Agency Land Acquisition|EPG 136.8 Local Public Agency Land Acquisition]] to reflect current practices.  In the first paragraph of [[136.8 Local Public Agency Land Acquisition#136.8.4 Retention and Access to Records|EPG 136.8.4 Retention and Access to Records]], the use of the Parcel File Checklist was deleted. In the second paragraph, the record retention period of 3 years was revised to begin when the project closure action is submitted to the FHWA.  In [[136.8 Local Public Agency Land Acquisition# Manufactured Homes|EPG Manufactured Homes]], the determination of whether a mobile home is personalty was clarified.  In the second paragraph of [[136.8 Local Public Agency Land Acquisition# Negotiator's Report|EPG Negotiator's Report]], the Parcel File Checklist, the Negotiator's Report form and the Negotiator's Narrative no longer should be attached to the cover of each parcel file.  In [[136.8 Local Public Agency Land Acquisition# Use of a Fee Attorney or Special Counsel|EPG Use of a Fee Attorney or Special Counsel]], the permissible use of a Fee Attorney was introduced and defined. In the second paragraph of [[136.8 Local Public Agency Land Acquisition#136.8.9 Relocation Assistance|EPG 136.8.9 Relocation Assistance]], the quotation defining a displaced person was slightly modified. Finally, the term "taking" was replaced with "acquisition" in several locations within EPG 136.8.
3/24/16: Updated Fig. 136.3.20, BEAP Project Tracking Form.
3/4/16: Updated [[media:110.2 checklist 2016.pdf|Fig. 136.11.13, Job Bulletin Board Checklist]].
3/3/16:  [[media:136.6.7 201.docx|Fig. 136.6.7, Memorandum of Agreement for Mitigation of Adverse Effects]], was updated to reflect the recodified National Historic Preservation Act.
3/1/16: In [[136.7 Design# Proprietary Items |EPG Proprietary Items]], a link to the Proprietary Item Library was inserted.
2/24/16: Guidance in [[136.11 Local Public Agency Construction# Invoices|EPG Invoices]] was clarified by adding a reference to [[media:136.3.18 2014.xls|Fig. 136.3.18, Construction Reimbursement Form]].  Also, [[136.4 Consultant Selection and Consultant Contract Management# LPA Consideration of DBE for On-Call Contracts|EPG LPA Consideration of DBE for On-Call Contracts]] was clarified by additional guidance and by renumbering the subarticles. 
2/22/16: A link to [[media:136.11.23.pdf|Fig. 136.11.23, LPA Semi-Final Inspection Checklist (Form C-236)]] was added and the guidance for it was clarified.
2/18/16: The former "Final Acceptance Checklist" was relabeled as the new [[media:136.11.22.docx|Fig. 136.11.22, LPA Final Acceptance Checklist]].
1/27/16:  In [[media:Fig. 136.4.1 2016.docx|Fig. 136.4.1, Engineering Services Contract]], revised Article VII D.2, D.3 and E to indicate the overhead rate (OHR) established at the execution of the original contract shall be utilized throughout the life of the contract. This reduces potential errors caused by having to change the OHR on billing invoices every year based on audited OHR.  Revision allows consultants to utilize one OHR throughout the life of the contract
1/26/16: Three archaic figures in EPG 136.3 Federal Aid Basics were removed: Fig. 136.3.5 HS 4, Safe Routes to School Program Agreement; Fig. 136.3.7 FS 12, Transportation Enhancement Funds Program Agreement and Fig. 136.3.8 FS 12 SUP, Transportation Enhancement Funds Supplemental Agreement. New link to Fig. 136.3.5, FS25, Transportation Alternatives Program added.
1/22/16: Four LPA agreements were updated: [http://sharepoint/support/CC/CCO%20Contracts/FS_-_Financial_Services/FS11_STP_Urban_Program_Agreement.docx Fig. 136.3.6, FS 11, STP Urban Program Agreement], [http://sharepoint/support/CC/CCO%20Contracts/FS_-_Financial_Services/FS13_Off_System_Bridge_Replacement.doc Fig. 136.3.9, FS 13, Off-System Bridge Replacement and Rehabilitation Program Agreement], [http://sharepoint/support/CC/CCO%20Contracts/FS_-_Financial_Services/FS14_On_System_Bridge_Replacement.docx Fig. 136.3.10, FS 14, On-System Bridge Replacement and Rehabilitation Program  Agreement] and [http://sharepoint/support/CC/CCO%20Contracts/FS_-_Financial_Services/FS15_CMAQ_Program.docx Fig. 136.3.11, FS 15, Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Agreement].
1/15/16: In [[136.11 Local Public Agency Construction#136.11.19 Final Acceptance|EPG 136.11.19 Final Acceptance]], the differences between corrections and exceptions were clarified. Also, a minor clarification updated [[media:136.11.9 2016.docx|Fig. 136.11.9, Contractor DBE Certification]].
1/14/16:  [[media:136.4.11 2016.doc|Fig. 136.4.11, Consultant Selection & ESC Submittal Checklist]], was updated to reflect that Audits and Investigations Division no longer conducts pre-audits.
1/5/16: [[# Safety Apparel Requirements|EPG Safety Apparel Requirements]] was revised to reflect current MoDOT requirements in Sec 107.4. Since the Safety Requirement JSP is no longer a JSP (it has been moved to Sec 107.4), reference to it was removed from the EPG text as well as from [[media:136.9.3 2018.docx|Fig. 136.9.3, Federal Project Bid Proposal Boilerplate]].
1/4/16:  In [[136.6 Environmental and Cultural Requirements# Section 106 (Cultural Resource) Compliance |EPG Section 106 (Cultural Resource) Compliance]], the revision 1) addressed LPA questions and comments and 2) implemented change by the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation from hardcopy submittals to electronic submittals. The revision helps LPAs more easily comply with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act and Section 4(f) of the Department of Transportation Act. Also, added [[media:136.6.15.docx|Fig. 136.6.15, Example e106 Form]], [[media:136.6.16.pdf|LPA Project Checklist]] and [[media:136.6.17.docx|Fig. 136.6.17, Sample LPA Transmittal of MOA Letter]] and the How-to tutorial, [[media:136.6 How to Document a Historic Bridge for Mitigation.pdf|How to Document a Historic Bridge for Mitigation]].  These changes will help LPA partners more easily comply with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act and Section 4(f) of the Department of Transportation  Act.
12/30/15: A couple of typos were corrected in [[media:136.4.10 Dec 30 2015.xlsx|Fig. 136.4.10, LPA Consultant Services Invoice]].
12/24/15: In [[136.11 Local Public Agency Construction#136.11.20 Project Closeout Certifications|EPG 136.11.20 Project Closeout Certifications]], new [[media:136.11.18.docx|Fig. 136.11.18, LPA Final Inspection Letter]], [[media:136.11.19.docx|Fig. 136.11.19, LPA Final List of Acceptance Testers]], [[media:136.11.20.docx|Fig. 136.11.20, LPA DBE Certification Letter]] and [[media:136.11.21.docx|Fig. 136.11.21, LPA Vendor Lien Waiver]] provide templates for consistent submittals by LPAs. 
12/23/15: In [[136.11 Local Public Agency Construction#136.11.5 Subcontracts|EPG 136.11.5 Subcontracts]], guidance was clarified to state that the LPA is responsible for assuring the subcontractors are qualified. Elsewhere in [[136.11 Local Public Agency Construction|EPG 136.11 Local Public Agency Construction]], Fig. 136.11.6 was replaced with [[media:136.11.6 Dec 2015.pdf|Fig. 136.11.6, Subcontractor Certification Regarding Affirmative Action]]. Fig. 136.11.4, Request for Approval of Subcontract, was updated with various clarifications. In [[media:136.11.5 Dec 2015.xls|Fig. 136.11.5, DBE Subcontract Worksheet]], the Percent Sublet this Request equation was updated.  Also, from EPG 136.4, various fields were updated in [[media:136.4.10 Dec 2015.xlsx|Fig. 136.4.10, LPA Consultant Services Invoice]], to eliminate calculation errors.  Further, [[media:136.9.3 2018.docx|Fig. 136.9.3, Federal Project Bid Proposal Boilerplate]], was updated by removing JSP J. Final Payment Documents JSP. (This JSP was prematurely added to the boilerplate. Removal will eliminate confusion for LPA partners.) The new [[media:136.11.17.docx|Fig. 136.11.17, LPA Semi-Final Inspection Letter]], provides a template for consistent submittals by the LPAs.
11/24/15: In [[136.3 Federal Aid Basics# OMB Audit|EPG OMB Audit]], to stay current with 2 CFR part 200, the federal expenditure amount was increased from $500K to $750K before an independent audit is required.
11/6/15: [[136.4 Consultant Selection and Consultant Contract Management# LPA Consideration of DBE for On-Call Contracts|EPG LPA Consideration of DBE for On-Call Contracts]] was revised so that DBE Goals will now be established on LPA On-Call Consultant Contracts.  This replaces the statewide programmatic goal and provides a level playing field for all on-call consultants in the utilization of DBEs. [[media:Fig. 136.4.1 Nov 2015.docx|Fig. 136.4.1's Attachment E Section 7]] modified to reflect that on-call consultant contracts now set DBE goals.
10/27/15: In [[136.4 Consultant Selection and Consultant Contract Management# CE Funding Obligation|EPG CE Funding Obligation]], verbiage in the first paragraph was deleted to align guidance to what is in [[media:Fig. 136.4.1 June 2015.docx|Fig. 136.4.1, Engineering Services Contract]] (Article VII, A).
10/21/15: [[136.11 Local Public Agency Construction#136.11.19 Final Acceptance|EPG 136.11.19 Final Acceptance]] was clarified, particularly guidance about "corrections" vs. "exceptions",  for LPAs performing Final Acceptance of an LPA project.
10/20/15: In [[136.11 Local Public Agency Construction#136.11.18 Final Plans| EPG 136.11.18 Final Plans]], a reference to EPG 136.11.19 was added and a reference to Engineer on Record (EOR) removed to clarify the bridge plan Final Plans requirements.
10/20/15: For convenience, the [[media:146 CUF July 27 2015.pdf|Commercially Useful Function (CUF) Determination Form]] was added to the  figure box at the top of [[136.11 Local Public Agency Construction|EPG 136.11 Local Public Agency Construction]].
10/16/15:  [[media:136.9.3 2018.docx|Fig. 136.9.3 Federal Project Bid Proposal Boilerplate]] was updated to include the DBE JSP for Liquid Asphalt.
10/13/15:  In [[136.7 Design# Incentive/Disincentive Provisions|EPG Incentive/Disincentive Provisions]], renamed and updated the old FHWA Contract Administration Core Curriculum's link to a link to FHWA's Technical Advisory for Incentive/Disincentive for Early Completion.
10/1/15: In [https://epg.modot.org/index.php?title=136.7_Design# EPG Railroads] and the first paragraph of [https://epg.modot.org/index.php?title=136.9_Plans%2C_Specs_and_Estimates_%28PSE%29# EPG Railroads], guidance about railroad coordination (even if no railroads are impacted) was clarified to comply with the FHWA statement required for all fed-aid projects. FHWA policy now requires a specific "railroad status statement" from the LPA even when no railroads are affected by the project. Line 11 of Fig. 136.9.1, Final PS&E Submittal Checklist now requires supporting documentation for railroad impacts. 
9/22/15: Guidance was updated to conform with new BEAP contract. In the fourth paragraph of [[136.3 Federal Aid Basics#Upon completion of the consultant's evaluation|EPG Administration]], guidance was updated about where the report is sent. IRS mileage rates are specified in the third paragraph of [[136.3 Federal Aid Basics# Funding and Authorized Costs|EPG Funding and Authorized Costs]]. In the third paragraph of EPG Funding and Authorized Costs, it is now specified that the BEAP Project Tracking Form include a total cost for the project, including personnel costs as well as direct costs. In the first paragraph of [[136.3 Federal Aid Basics# General Process for a BEAP Study|EPG General Process for a BEAP Study]], the process to submit the draft copy of a BEAP Study has been revised. In [[# Local Public Agency Responsibilities|EPG Local Public Agency Responsibilities]], the LPA will now provide pictures of a structure that is not of the Nat'l Bridge Inventory. Also, in [[136.3 Federal Aid Basics#Whenever load rating calculations are done|EPG Consultant Responsibilities]], the consultant is to provide inventory and operating ratings for the HS20 design vehicle and provide a load posting recommendation when load rating calculations are part of the BEAP Study.  Finally, all of the BEAP documents (Figs. 136.3.19-136.3.23) were updated.
9/17/15: In the second paragraph of [[136.11 Local Public Agency Construction#136.11.18 Final Plans|EPG 136.11.18 Final Plans]], guidance was clarified to show that MoDOT only needs "as built" plans when there have been significant structural or material changes to the original design plans (that is, changes that would require approval of the Engineer on Record, EOR).
9/17/15: In the first paragraph of [[136.10 Advertisement for Bid and Project Award# Bid Evaluation Considerations|EPG Bid Evaluation Considerations]], the minimum standard for the number of bid evaluations has been set at three. When three bids are not available, the LPA is asked to explain. 
9/10/15: Links to the latest version of SEMA's Floodplain Development Permit Application and No-Rise Certificate have been provided.
8/21/15: In the third paragraph of [[136.4 Consultant Selection and Consultant Contract Management#Each individual shall rate the firms|EPG Step 5 - Selection of Consultant]], guidance was clarified by eliminating vagueness about the necessity for local public agencies to submit review forms and comments about rating firms.
8/20/15: In [[136.3 Federal Aid Basics|EPG 136.3 Federal Aid Basics]], three contracts were updated ([[media:136.3.5 2015.pdf|Fig. 136.3.5, HS 4, Safe Routes to School Program Agreement]], [[media:136.3.9 Aug 2015.docx|Fig. 136.3.9, FS 13, Off-System Bridge Replacement and Rehabilitation Program Agreement]] and [[media:136.3.21 2015.pdf|Fig. 136.3.21, BR11, BEAP Hourly Rate Contract]].)
8/19/15: The final bullet (about listing the parcel numbers and names of owners of all parcels acquired) in [[136.8 Local Public Agency Land Acquisition# Required data to be submitted with clearance certification|EPG Required data to be submitted with clearance certification]] was deleted to reflect the changes already done in Form 136.8.8, Clearance Certification Statement.
7/27/15: In [[136.9 Plans, Specs and Estimates (PSE)# Suspension and Debarment Certification (23 CFR 635.112)|EPG Suspension and Debarment Certification]], the outdated ''A Listing of Parties Excluded from Federal Procurement and Non-procurement Programs'' link was replaced with a new, useful link to [https://www.sam.gov/portal/SAM/#1 System for Award Management].
7/24/15: In EPG 136.11.9 Commercially Useful Function (CUF), the latest version of the CUF Determination form has been provided.
7/16/15: In the big, gray "Additional Information for MoDOT Employees" box in [[136.3 Federal Aid Basics#136.3.13 Agreements|EPG 136.3.13 Agreements]], an old link to CCO's intranet was updated to their new SharePoint site.  LPAs will not be able to access the SharePoint site (just like they were not able to access the intranet site).  Two EPG article links were also added. [[media:136.9.3 2018.docx|Fig. 136.9.3, Federal Project Bid Proposal Boilerplate]] was updated with a new link to the Affidavit of Compliance in Section 10. 
6/30/15: [[media:136.6.7 201.docx|Fig. 136.6.7, Memorandum of Agreement for Mitigation of Adverse Effects]], was updated to correct a technical issue and to reference recently developed bridge documentation standards.
6/22/15: [[media:110.2 checklist Jan 2015.pdf|Fig. 136.11.13, Job Bulletin Board Checklist]] was updated.
6/19/15: In [[136.3 Federal Aid Basics|EPG 136.3 Federal Aid Basics]], links to numerous contracts were updated. A new link to contract [[media:136.3.28 2015.docx|FS 13-SUP BRO Supplemental Agreement (Fig. 136.3.28) ]] was also made available.
6/16/15: To eliminate confusion, a reference in [https://epg.modot.mo.gov/index.php?title=136.11_Local_Public_Agency_Construction# EPG Material Acceptance] to one of the types of sampling and testing (a combination of certification documentation, delivery tickets and visual inspection) was deleted.
6/12/15:  In [[136.11 Local Public Agency Construction# Material Acceptance|EPG Material Acceptance]], the Small Material Quantity Acceptance Table was removed. Current info is available at [[Off-Systems Guide Schedule for Federal-Aid Acceptance Sampling and Testing (FAST)|EPG Off-Systems Guide Schedule for Federal-Aid Acceptance Sampling and Testing (FAST)]].
6/12/15: Both guidance in [[136.4 Consultant Selection and Consultant Contract Management# LPA Consideration of DBE for On-Call Contracts|EPG LPA Consideration of DBE for On-Call Contracts]] and [[media:Fig. 136.4.1 June 2015.docx|Fig. 136.4.1, Engineering Services Contract ]] were updated to show that the engineer is required to submit Good Faith Efforts documentation for all agreements greater than $50,000. The engineer must also document Good Faith Efforts made to achieve that DBE goal if the agreed percentage specified is less than the percentage stated. 
6/9/15:  A very minor change (adding "LPA" to the title) was made to [[media:136.6.11 2015.doc|Fig. 136.6.11, LPA Floodplain Development Permit]] so that this form will not be confused with MoDOT's other Floodplain Development Permit/Application form.
6/8/15: In [[136.9 Plans, Specs and Estimates (PSE)# Bridge (Structure) Submittals|EPG Bridge (Structure) Submittals]], a third paragraph was added (per Sec to provide guidance that a notification of demolition 10 days prior to start is required; also renovation or demolition requires hazardous waste reports and must be in the bid proposal.  Fig. 136.9.1, Final PS&E Submittal Checklist, was also updated to reflect these revisions.
5/29/15: A new file, Fig. 136.11.16, Approved Contract Administration Software, is now available in the second paragraph of [https://epg.modot.org/index.php?title=136.11_Local_Public_Agency_Construction# EPG Project Diaries].  The file was introduced to identify systems that secure diaries.
5/22/15:  [[media:136.3.1 2015.doc|Fig. 136.3.1, Programming Data Form]], was revised by adding questions about the need for right of way.  Also, Fig. 136.3.3 Utilities Scoping Checklist was renumbered as [[media:136.7.8.doc|Fig. 136.7.8, Utilities Scoping Checklist]], and moved to [[136.7 Design# Utility Relocations|EPG Utility Relocations]].
5/15/15: In EPG 136.11.9 Commercially Useful Function (CUF), the latest version of the CUF Determination form has been provided.
5/12/15: Several links in [[136.7 Design#  Job Special Provisions|EPG Job Special Provisions]] were updated to the [https://spexternal.modot.mo.gov/sites/de/JSP/Forms/Alt%20LPA.aspx new SharePoint link for JSPs]. Once you are in the new site, just scroll down a little and you will see all the LPA JSPs.
5/4/15: In [[media:Fig. 136.4.1 May 2015.docx|Fig 136.4.1, Engineering Services Contract]], the good faith effort requirements of #7 under Attachment E (on pg. 19) was modified. The Engineer is now required to submit the Good Faith Efforts documentation illustrating reasonable efforts to obtain DBE Participation.
4/23/15: [[136.3 Federal Aid Basics# Prompt Payment Policy|EPG Prompt Payment Policy]] was added, in accordance with Missouri law.  The existing EPG Policy Enforcement was renumbered as EPG
4/22/15: The|ADA checklist was updated with relatively minor updates in [[136.9 Plans, Specs and Estimates (PSE)|EPG 136.9 Plans, Specs and Estimates (PSE)]].
4/22/15: In [[136.4 Consultant Selection and Consultant Contract Management# Step 2 - Creating an RFQ Document|EPG Step 2 - Creating an RFQ Document]], the reference to E-Verify was removed from the first bulleted item.
4/20/15:  In [[136.11 Local Public Agency Construction#136.11.9 Commercially Useful Function (CUF)|EPG 136.11.9 Commercially Useful Function (CUF)]], the DBE Truckers Interview Form was removed from use in the CUF interview.
4/20/15: In the first paragraph of [[136.8 Local Public Agency Land Acquisition# Acquisition Authority|EPG Acquisition Authority]], the guidance was clarified to state that the LPA may talk to the property owners about the project prior to the issuance of an A-Date.  They can’t do appraisals, make offers, etc., until the A-Date is issued. Some LPAs were under the impression that they were not allowed to tell property owners anything about a project until they had an A-Date.
4/9/15: The [[media: Obligation Request Form Apr 2015.docx|Obligation Request Form]], which is available in [https://epg.modot.mo.gov/index.php?title=136.12_Figures%2C_Glossary_and_Other_Useful_Links# EPG Commonly Used Forms], was further updated.
4/2/15: The [[media: Obligation Request Form Apr 2015.docx|Obligation Request Form]], which is available in [https://epg.modot.mo.gov/index.php?title=136.12_Figures%2C_Glossary_and_Other_Useful_Links# EPG Commonly Used Forms], was updated to include some additional FHWA requirements. New items on the form:
:* If the project has a State Number correlated with it, list it on the Obligation Form after the Federal Aid Number
:* Estimated Award Date – Enter the date the Construction Contract Award Date is anticipated.
:* Travel way ID: Route,  Beginning Log Point &  Ending Log Point
:* Railroad Impacts  – Is the project going to have Railroad Impacts? (Drop Down) Yes or No
:* Utility Clearance – Is the project going to have Utilities Impacts?  (Drop Down) No Impacts, Conditional Clearance, or Entire Clearance
:* Construction Completion Date -  Enter the date the construction will be complete is anticipated.
:* To Auto Calculate, highlight the $0.00 on Total Estimate or Bid Amount and Press F9.
3/25/15: [[media:136.4.11 2015.doc|Fig. 136.4.11, Consultant Selection & ESC Submittal Checklist]], was udpated with the new link to MoDOT's Approved Consultant Prequalification List.
3/20/15: The new subarticle, [[136.7 Design# Buy America for Utilities|EPG Buy America for Utilities]], provides clarification on Buy America requirements for utility relocation.
3/19/15: [[media:Fig. 136.4.1 2015.docx|Fig. 136.4.1 Engineering Services Contract]] was revised by removing the Attachment C-Overhead Rate Breakdown from the contract.
3/17/15: A new sentence was added to the first paragraph of [[136.8 Local Public Agency Land Acquisition# Dedications|EPG Dedications]] to further clarify the documentation needed when property or property rights are dedicated to an LPA. 
3/6/15: [[media:136.11.5 2015.xls|Fig. 136.11.5, DBE Subcontract Worksheet]] and [[media:136.11.6 2015.doc|Fig. 136.11.6, Contractor’s Instructions for Filling out Request to Subcontract Work]] were updated to correct DBE allowance language.
2/26/15: In [[136.8 Local Public Agency Land Acquisition# Acquisition Authority|EPG Acquisition Authority]] and the second paragraph of [[136.8 Local Public Agency Land Acquisition# General|EPG General]], guidance has been expanded for the streamlined documentation process for the acquisitions of LPA projects. Two new forms, [[media:|Right of Way Acquisition Schedule (Form]] and [[media:|Right of Way Acquisition Schedule Instructions (Form]] were added and [[media:136.8.1 2015.doc|Acquisition Authority Request (Form 136.8.1)]] was updated.
2/23/15: A typo in [[media:136.8.20 2015.docx|Form 136.8.20 LPA Project Acquisition Monitoring Checklist]] was corrected.
2/20/15: In the first paragraph of [https://epg.modot.org/index.php?title=136.11_Local_Public_Agency_Construction# EPG's] item #1, MoDOT's QC/QA Off-Systems Guide Schedule for FAST table is now to be used as a minimum for material acceptance. In item #1's second paragraph, certification card must now be on hand during sampling and testing. In item #2, independent assurance samples and test will be required of the LPA or the LPA's consultant. Also, in [https://epg.modot.org/index.php?title=136.11_Local_Public_Agency_Construction#136.11.20_Project_Closeout_Certifications EPG 136.11.20's] item #3, a final list of acceptance testers used on the project must now be provided by the LPA.
2/6/15:  In EPG 136.11.9 Commercially Useful Function (CUF), the latest version of the CUF Determination form has been provided.
1/28/15:  A minor correction was made to the title of [https://epg.modot.org/index.php?title=136.8_Local_Public_Agency_Land_Acquisition# EPG Uniform Residential Appraisal Report (URAR) and Addendum] by replacing "Approval" with "Appraisal".
1/8/15: [[media:136.9.3 2018.docx|Fig. 136.9.3, Federal Project Bid Proposal Boilerplate]], was updated with the new link to the ADA checklist.
12/31/14: In [[136.9 Plans, Specs and Estimates (PSE)|EPG 136.9 Plans, Specs and Estimates (PSE)]], [[media:136.9.3 2018.docx|Fig. 136.9.3 Federal Project Bid Proposal Boilerplate]] was updated to add reference to two JSPs: LDs Specified for Winter Months and Safety Requirements. Further, [[136.7 Design# Safety Apparel Requirements|EPG Safety Apparel Requirements]] was added because the new [[media:136.7.7.docx|Safety Requirements JSP]] is now required when a project is on MoDOT’s right of way.
11/26/14: In [[media:Fig. 136.4.1 2014.docx|Fig. 136.4.1 Engineering Services Contract]], the title of Attachment E was changed on pg.9 to reflect the actual title of the Attachment on pg. 17. Fig. 136.9.1 Final PS&E Submittal Checklist was revised to reflect that all plan sheets are signed and sealed by the engineer of record.
11/20/14: In EPG 136.3.12 Federal-aid Participation for Local Work, more specifically in both the fourth paragraph of [[136.3 Federal Aid Basics# Procedures|EPG Procedures]] and the fifth paragraph of [[136.3 Federal Aid Basics# Procedures|EPG Procedures]], guidance was revised to clarify change orders and supplements. Guidance now emphasizes that scope and estimates are to be complete and accurate.
11/17/14: In [[136.8 Local Public Agency Land Acquisition|EPG 136.8 Local Public Agency Land Acquisition]], two forms were updated: [[media:136.8.8 Nov 2014.doc|Fig. 136.8.8 Clearance Certification Statement]] and [[media:136.8.20 2014.docx|Fig. 136.8.20 Project Acquisition Monitor Checklist]].
10/16/14: In the third paragraph of [[136.8 Local Public Agency Land Acquisition# Approval of Contract|EPG Approval of Contract]], a sentence was removed that had stated that a current real estate agent is required in Missouri.
9/26/14: In the first paragraphs of [[:Category:136 Local Public Agency (LPA) Policy|EPG 136 Local Public Agency (LPA) Policy]], references to Safe Routes to School were removed and references to MAP-21 were added.
9/25/14:  Three forms were updated in [[136.8 Local Public Agency Land Acquisition|EPG 136.8 Local Public Agency Land Acquisition]]: [[media:136.8.25 Sept 2014.doc|Form 136.8.25 Sample Donation Letter and Waiver of Appraisal]], [[media:136.8.26 2014.doc|Form 136.8.26 Sample Letter Offer (Payment Estimate)]] and [[media:136.8.27 2014.doc|Form 136.8.27 Sample Letter Offer (Value Finding or Standard Format Appraisal)]].
9/23/14: The consultant contract limit of the $100,000 total for on-call contracts was clarified in a recent video conference. The second paragraph of [[136.4 Consultant Selection and Consultant Contract Management# Using the LPA On-Call Consultant List|EPG Using the LPA On-Call Consultant List]] was clarified to indicate the total on-call cannot exceed $100,000 for the project.
9/12/14: Guidance in the first paragraph of [[136.3 Federal Aid Basics# TEAP Process and Timeline|EPG TEAP Process and Timeline]] and the second to the last paragraph in [[136.3 Federal Aid Basics# Funding|EPG Funding]] was updated to reflect that Traffic Division is no longer involved in the TEAP process for LPA project solicitation
8/28/14: [[media:136.6.7 201.docx|Fig. 136.6.7 Memorandum of Agreement for Migration of Adverse Effects]] was further corrected as a reference to a previous law, STURAA, was replaced with the new law MAP-21.
8/27/14: The two State Wage Rates links from the MO Dept of Labor were updated in [[136.12 Figures, Glossary and Other Useful Links# Links to Other Resources|EPG Links to Other Resources]].  Also, in [[136.6 Environmental and Cultural Requirements|EPG 136.6 Environmental and Cultural Requirements]], [[media:136.6.7.doc|Fig. 136.6.7, Memorandum of Agreement for Migration of Adverse Effects]] was corrected by moving the location of a statement about stipulations.
8/22/14:  [[media:136.9.3 2018.docx|Fig. 136.9.3 Federal Project Bid Proposal Boilerplate]] was revised by adding a drafter's note to provide guidance for highlighted sections. Language to define the contracting authority was also added.
8/8/14: [[136.11 Local Public Agency Construction#136.11.20 Project Closeout Certifications|EPG 136.11.20 Project Closeout Certifications]] now reflects that project closeout certifications are to be electronically received 60 days of the Final Inspection date.
8/8/14: In [[136.9 Plans, Specs and Estimates (PSE)# Bid Guaranty (49 CFR 18.36)|EPG Bid Guaranty]], the guidance about the bid guarantee amount was clarified so as to not burden the contractor with high bid bonds. Dollar amounts for bid bond requirements are not to be used.
8/7/14:  Updated the [https://epg.modot.org/forms/RW/Chapter%207_Negotiation/Roster%20of%20Approved%20Contract%20Negotiators.pdf Roster of Approved Contract Negotiators].
8/6/14: A new version of the [[media: sample letter.docx|Request for a Finding in the Public’s Interest sample letter]] was provided in EPG
7/29/14: [[media:Fig.136.3.19 2019.pdf|Fig. 136.3.19 Current BEAP Consultant List]] was updated again.
7/17/14: In Item #1 under the seventh parapraph of [[136.3 Federal Aid Basics# Use of Bridge Soft Match Credit|EPG Use of Bridge Soft Match Credit]], the new [[media:Fig.136.3.27.xls|Fig. 136.3.27 Example of a Soft Match Credit Transfer Request]] has been referenced in a brief sentence.  Also, in [[136.3 Federal Aid Basics# Bridge Engineering Assistance Program (BEAP)|EPG Bridge Engineering Assistance Program (BEAP)]], both [[media:Fig.136.3.19 2019.pdf|Fig. 136.3.19 Current BEAP Consultant List]] and Fig. 136.3.20 BEAP Project Tracking Form were updated.
6/23/14:  Updated [[media:136.8.8 2014.doc|Clearance Certification Statement (Form 136.8.8)]].
6/13/14: Updated the [[media:236.7 Roster of Approved Contract Negotiators June 2014.pdf|Roster of Approved Contract Negotiators]].
6/11/14: In [[136.6 Environmental and Cultural Requirements#4. Check to see whether the bridge has been excluded|EPG Step 1, Determine Need for Cultural Resource Investigations]], the promised FHWA "Bridge Program Comment Excepted Bridges List"
website is now available.
5/29/14: Updated the [[media:136.8.25 2014.doc|Sample Donation Letter and Waiver of Appraisal, Form 136.8.25]].
5/29/14: Updated the [[media:136.8.25 2014.doc|Sample Donation Letter and Waiver of Appraisal, Form 136.8.25]].
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4/15/14: At the bottom of [[136.11 Local Public Agency Construction#136.11.20 Project Closeout Certifications|EPG 136.11.20 Project Closeout Certifications]],"MoDOT will certify the dates on which any on-site inspections were made" was deleted.
4/15/14: At the bottom of [[136.11 Local Public Agency Construction#136.11.20 Project Closeout Certifications|EPG 136.11.20 Project Closeout Certifications]],"MoDOT will certify the dates on which any on-site inspections were made" was deleted.
4/1/14:  In the second paragraph of [http://epg.modot.org/index.php?title=136.9_Plans%2C_Specs_and_Estimates_%28PSE%29# EPG Federal Wage Rates], the Dept. of Labor's link and associated information was updated.
4/1/14:  In the second paragraph of [https://epg.modot.org/index.php?title=136.9_Plans%2C_Specs_and_Estimates_%28PSE%29# EPG Federal Wage Rates], the Dept. of Labor's link and associated information was updated.
3/31/14:  In [[media:136.9.4 Apr 2014.doc|Fig. 136.9.4 ADA Checklist]], two items were clarified, two more items were removed to better align with Access Board’s PROWAG info. PROWAG references were also added to assist users in finding further information on the US Access Bd. website.
3/31/14:  In Fig. 136.9.4 ADA Checklist], two items were clarified, two more items were removed to better align with Access Board’s PROWAG info. PROWAG references were also added to assist users in finding further information on the US Access Bd. website.
3/19/14: Near the top of [[136.6 Environmental and Cultural Requirements# Step 1, Determine Need for Cultural Resource Investigations|EPG Step 1, Determine Need for Cultural Resource Investigations]], guidance was added that defined LPA jobs with "No Potential to Cause Adverse Effects" and that do not need a Sec 106 submittal to the SHPO.
3/19/14: Near the top of [[136.6 Environmental and Cultural Requirements# Step 1, Determine Need for Cultural Resource Investigations|EPG Step 1, Determine Need for Cultural Resource Investigations]], guidance was added that defined LPA jobs with "No Potential to Cause Adverse Effects" and that do not need a Sec 106 submittal to the SHPO.
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3/7/14: In [[136.4 Consultant Selection and Consultant Contract Management# Selecting a Consultant from the LPA On-Call Consultant List|EPG Selecting a Consultant from the LPA On-Call Consultant List]], it was clarified that it is not mandatory for LPAs to consider at least 3 firms for each project when reviewing the LPA On-Call Consultant List.
3/7/14: In [[136.4 Consultant Selection and Consultant Contract Management# Selecting a Consultant from the LPA On-Call Consultant List|EPG Selecting a Consultant from the LPA On-Call Consultant List]], it was clarified that it is not mandatory for LPAs to consider at least 3 firms for each project when reviewing the LPA On-Call Consultant List.
3/6/14: A link was inserted for the [http://www.modot.org/business/lpa/OnCallListing.htm LPA On-Call Consultant List] in three locations in [http://epg.modot.org/index.php?title=136.3_Federal_Aid_Basics# EPG Traffic Engineering Assistance Program (TEAP)].
3/6/14: A link was inserted for the [http://www.modot.org/business/lpa/OnCallListing.htm LPA On-Call Consultant List] in three locations in [https://epg.modot.org/index.php?title=136.3_Federal_Aid_Basics# EPG Traffic Engineering Assistance Program (TEAP)].
3/5/14: EPG 136.3.18 TAP was moved to [[136.3 Federal Aid Basics# Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP)|EPG TAP]] and the subsequent EPG 136.3.8 subarticles were renumbered accordingly. The eligible project sponsor information at the bottom of the newly renumbered [[136.3 Federal Aid Basics# Project Eligibility and Selection|EPG Project Eligibility and Selection]] was deleted and replaced with a link to [[136.1 Introduction# Project Sponsor Eligibility|EPG Project Sponsor Eligibility]] to ensure consistency in the definition of eligible sponsors.   
3/5/14: EPG 136.3.18 TAP was moved to [[136.3 Federal Aid Basics# Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP)|EPG TAP]] and the subsequent EPG 136.3.8 subarticles were renumbered accordingly. The eligible project sponsor information at the bottom of the newly renumbered [[136.3 Federal Aid Basics# Project Eligibility and Selection|EPG Project Eligibility and Selection]] was deleted and replaced with a link to [[136.1 Introduction# Project Sponsor Eligibility|EPG Project Sponsor Eligibility]] to ensure consistency in the definition of eligible sponsors.   
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2/18/14: [[media:136.8.1 2014.doc|Fig. 136.8.1, Acquisition Authority Request]] was updated.
2/18/14: [[media:136.8.1 2014.doc|Fig. 136.8.1, Acquisition Authority Request]] was updated.
2/5/14: The contacts were updated in the [[media: Obligation Request Form 2014.docx|Obligation Request Form]], which is available in [http://epg.modot.mo.gov/index.php?title=136.12_Figures%2C_Glossary_and_Other_Useful_Links# EPG Commonly Used Forms].
2/5/14: The contacts were updated in the [[media: Obligation Request Form 2014.docx|Obligation Request Form]], which is available in [https://epg.modot.org/index.php?title=136.12_Figures%2C_Glossary_and_Other_Useful_Links# EPG Commonly Used Forms].
2/4/14: [[media:136.9.3 Feb 2014.doc|Fig. 136.9.3 Federal Project Bid Proposal Boilerplate]] was updated by removing the requirement for using our template bid bond.  Also, "lien waver" was added to the list of documentation examples in #4b of [[136.11 Local Public Agency Construction#136.11.20 Project Closeout Certifications|EPG 136.11.20 Project Closeout Certifications]].
2/4/14: [[media:136.9.3 2018.docx|Fig. 136.9.3 Federal Project Bid Proposal Boilerplate]] was updated by removing the requirement for using our template bid bond.  Also, "lien waver" was added to the list of documentation examples in #4b of [[136.11 Local Public Agency Construction#136.11.20 Project Closeout Certifications|EPG 136.11.20 Project Closeout Certifications]].
1/31/14:  In [[media:136.4.15 2014.doc|Fig. 136.4.15]], a misspelled word was corrected.
1/31/14:  In [[media:136.4.15 2014.doc|Fig. 136.4.15]], a misspelled word was corrected.
1/30/14: The definition of County Aid Road Trust (CART) Funding was added to [http://epg.modot.org/index.php?title=136.12_Figures%2C_Glossary_and_Other_Useful_Links#136.12.2_Glossary EPG 136.12.2 Glassary].
1/30/14: The definition of County Aid Road Trust (CART) Funding was added to [https://epg.modot.org/index.php?title=136.12_Figures%2C_Glossary_and_Other_Useful_Links#136.12.2_Glossary EPG 136.12.2 Glassary].
1/29/14:  In [http://epg.modot.org/index.php?title=136.12_Figures%2C_Glossary_and_Other_Useful_Links# EPG Links to Other Resources], the ADAAG links were updated.
1/29/14:  In [https://epg.modot.org/index.php?title=136.12_Figures%2C_Glossary_and_Other_Useful_Links# EPG Links to Other Resources], the ADAAG links were updated.
1/28/14:  In [[136.7 Design#Deviations from MoDOT and Federal Requirements|EPG Design Exceptions]], a minor clarification was made to the guidance for the engineer of record submitting the approved design exception to the MoDOT District Contact.  It was made clear that the approved design is to be submitted only for projects on MoDOT's system.
1/28/14:  In [[136.7 Design#Deviations from MoDOT and Federal Requirements|EPG Design Exceptions]], a minor clarification was made to the guidance for the engineer of record submitting the approved design exception to the MoDOT District Contact.  It was made clear that the approved design is to be submitted only for projects on MoDOT's system.
1/10/14: [[media:Fig.136.3.19 2014.pdf|Fig. 136.3.19, Current BEAP Consultant List]] was updated.
1/10/14: [[media:Fig.136.3.19 2019.pdf|Fig. 136.3.19, Current BEAP Consultant List]] was updated.
1/9/14: New guidance, [[136.3 Federal Aid Basics# Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP)|EPG Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP)]] is now available. TAP includes the pre-MAP-21 programs of Transportation Enhancements, Recreational Trails, Safe Routes to School and Scenic Byways.  A brief listing of links, [[136.3 Federal Aid Basics#136.3.17 Emergency Relief|EPG 136.3.17 Emergency Relief]] is also new. Other minor revisions (such as the definitions of MAP-21 and TAP) arising from MAP-21 were made in [[136.1 Introduction#136.1.1 Background and Purpose|EPG 136.1.1 Background and Purpose]] and [[136.12 Figures, Glossary and Other Useful Links#136.12.2 Glossary|EPG 136.12.2 Glossary]].
1/9/14: New guidance, [[136.3 Federal Aid Basics# Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP)|EPG Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP)]] is now available. TAP includes the pre-MAP-21 programs of Transportation Enhancements, Recreational Trails, Safe Routes to School and Scenic Byways.  A brief listing of links, [[136.3 Federal Aid Basics#136.3.17 Emergency Relief|EPG 136.3.17 Emergency Relief]] is also new. Other minor revisions (such as the definitions of MAP-21 and TAP) arising from MAP-21 were made in [[136.1 Introduction#136.1.1 Background and Purpose|EPG 136.1.1 Background and Purpose]] and [[136.12 Figures, Glossary and Other Useful Links#136.12.2 Glossary|EPG 136.12.2 Glossary]].
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11/4/13: [[media:136.11.1 Nov 2013.doc|Fig. 136.11.1, General Guidelines for LPA Preconstruction Conference]], was updated to include "land disturbance permit" as part of the pre-construction conference topics.
11/4/13: [[media:136.11.1 Nov 2013.doc|Fig. 136.11.1, General Guidelines for LPA Preconstruction Conference]], was updated to include "land disturbance permit" as part of the pre-construction conference topics.
10/18/13: Guidance in [http://epg.modot.org/index.php?title=136.7_Design# EPG Value Engineering] was updated to comply with MAP-21, the federal surface transportation law. Now, National Highway System (NHS) projects costing at least $50,000,000 and NHS bridge projects costing at least $40,000,000 require a Value Engineering (VE) study. (Previously, VE studies were required for NHS projects costing $25M and NHS bridge projects costing $20M.) Design/Build projects are exempt from this VE study requirement.
10/18/13: Guidance in [https://epg.modot.org/index.php?title=136.7_Design# EPG Value Engineering] was updated to comply with MAP-21, the federal surface transportation law. Now, National Highway System (NHS) projects costing at least $50,000,000 and NHS bridge projects costing at least $40,000,000 require a Value Engineering (VE) study. (Previously, VE studies were required for NHS projects costing $25M and NHS bridge projects costing $20M.) Design/Build projects are exempt from this VE study requirement.
10/11/13:  EPG Progress Invoice was moved to [http://epg.modot.org/index.php?title=136.3_Federal_Aid_Basics# EPG] to reflect the federal definition of Reasonable Progress. There was no change in policy.
10/11/13:  EPG Progress Invoice was moved to [https://epg.modot.org/index.php?title=136.3_Federal_Aid_Basics# EPG] to reflect the federal definition of Reasonable Progress. There was no change in policy.
10/1/13: EPG 906 TEAP has been moved to [[136.3 Federal Aid Basics# Traffic Engineering Assistance Program (TEAP)|EPG Traffic Engineering Assistance Program (TEAP)]]. The modified EPG language reflects Design Division timelines and processes. One of the main process changes is that the TEAP studies will be provided through on-call consultants. (Local agencies will select a consultant from an approved list of on-call consultants to complete a TEAP study for them.) The TEAP application has also been completely revised to resemble other DE or LPA standard applications. In FY 2014, the Traffic & Highway Safety Division and the Local Programs group will partner to administer TEAP.  The TEAP processes and timelines will remain the same. In FY 2015, the administration of TEAP will be through the Local Programs group.
10/1/13: EPG 906 TEAP has been moved to [[136.3 Federal Aid Basics# Traffic Engineering Assistance Program (TEAP)|EPG Traffic Engineering Assistance Program (TEAP)]]. The modified EPG language reflects Design Division timelines and processes. One of the main process changes is that the TEAP studies will be provided through on-call consultants. (Local agencies will select a consultant from an approved list of on-call consultants to complete a TEAP study for them.) The TEAP application has also been completely revised to resemble other DE or LPA standard applications. In FY 2014, the Traffic & Highway Safety Division and the Local Programs group will partner to administer TEAP.  The TEAP processes and timelines will remain the same. In FY 2015, the administration of TEAP will be through the Local Programs group.
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9/24/13:  The format, not the content, of [[media:136.4.7 Sept 2013.doc|Fig. 136.4.7, Sample Solicitation & Sample Scope of Services]] was updated.
9/24/13:  The format, not the content, of [[media:136.4.7 Sept 2013.doc|Fig. 136.4.7, Sample Solicitation & Sample Scope of Services]] was updated.
9/23/13: In [[136.10 Advertisement for Bid and Project Award#136.10.8 Award|EPG 136.10.8 Award]], guidance including three new files was added to provide sufficient documentation so LPA can produce an actual contract.  Also, [[media:136.9.3 Sept 2013.doc|Fig. 136.9.3, Federal Project Bid Proposal Boilerplate ]] was updated to include sample contract forms.
9/23/13: In [[136.10 Advertisement for Bid and Project Award#136.10.8 Award|EPG 136.10.8 Award]], guidance including three new files was added to provide sufficient documentation so LPA can produce an actual contract.  Also, [[media:136.9.3 2018.docx|Fig. 136.9.3, Federal Project Bid Proposal Boilerplate ]] was updated to include sample contract forms.
9/20/13:  In the EPG 136.6 sidebar, at the top of the article, a link to the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation's [http://www.achp.gov/apptoolkit.html Section 106 Applicant Toolkit] was added under "Other Figures and Information for EPG 136.6". It applies to all federally funded or permitted projects, and gives a good background on the Section 106 process.
9/20/13:  In the EPG 136.6 sidebar, at the top of the article, a link to the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation's [http://www.achp.gov/apptoolkit.html Section 106 Applicant Toolkit] was added under "Other Figures and Information for EPG 136.6". It applies to all federally funded or permitted projects, and gives a good background on the Section 106 process.
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9/6/13: In [[136.8 Local Public Agency Land Acquisition|EPG 136.8 Local Public Agency Land Acquisition]], several forms  ([[media:136.8.25 2013.doc|Form 136.8.25 Sample Donation Letter & Waiver of Appraisal]], [[media:136.8.26 2013.doc|Form 136.8.26 Sample Letter  Offer – Pay Estimate]] and [[media:136.8.27 2013.doc|Form 136.8.27 Sample Letter Offer – Value Finding]]) were updated due to a request from FHWA.
9/6/13: In [[136.8 Local Public Agency Land Acquisition|EPG 136.8 Local Public Agency Land Acquisition]], several forms  ([[media:136.8.25 2013.doc|Form 136.8.25 Sample Donation Letter & Waiver of Appraisal]], [[media:136.8.26 2013.doc|Form 136.8.26 Sample Letter  Offer – Pay Estimate]] and [[media:136.8.27 2013.doc|Form 136.8.27 Sample Letter Offer – Value Finding]]) were updated due to a request from FHWA.
9/5/13:  A minor clarification was made in [http://epg.modot.org/index.php?title=136.4_Consultant_Selection_and_Consultant_Contract_Management# EPG Consultant Qualification].  Point #2 was expanded to show that the consultant will be required to have a Certificate of Good Standing and hold a certification of authority from the MO Board for Architects, Professional Engineers, Professional Land Surveyors and Landscape Architects.
9/5/13:  A minor clarification was made in [https://epg.modot.org/index.php?title=136.4_Consultant_Selection_and_Consultant_Contract_Management# EPG Consultant Qualification].  Point #2 was expanded to show that the consultant will be required to have a Certificate of Good Standing and hold a certification of authority from the MO Board for Architects, Professional Engineers, Professional Land Surveyors and Landscape Architects.
8/21/13: At the bottom of [[136.6 Environmental and Cultural Requirements# Stormwater and Erosion Control|EPG Stormwater and Erosion Control]], a minor reference to EPG 806.8 SWPPP was added for greater convenience.
8/21/13: At the bottom of [[136.6 Environmental and Cultural Requirements# Stormwater and Erosion Control|EPG Stormwater and Erosion Control]], a minor reference to EPG 806.8 SWPPP was added for greater convenience.
8/20/13:  The [http://moltap.org/ Missouri Local Technical Assistance Program] link was updated in EPG
8/20/13:  The [http://moltap.org/ Missouri Local Technical Assistance Program] link was updated in EPG
8/19/13: The link to newest 7/2012 [http://www.modot.org/business/contractor_resources/documents/RequesttoSubcontract_C-220.pdf Request to Subcontract Work Form] was updated in EPG 136.11.8.
8/19/13: The link to newest 7/2012 [http://www.modot.org/business/contractor_resources/documents/RequesttoSubcontract_C-220.pdf Request to Subcontract Work Form] was updated in EPG 136.11.8.
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8/6/13: Subconsultant requirements were updated in [[media:Fig. 136.4.14 Aug 2013.doc|Fig. 136.4.14, Checklist for reviewing Consultant Contracts]].  
8/6/13: Subconsultant requirements were updated in [[media:Fig. 136.4.14 Aug 2013.doc|Fig. 136.4.14, Checklist for reviewing Consultant Contracts]].  
7/12/13:  The [[media:Fig.136.3.19 2013.pdf|BEAP Consultant List]] was updated.
7/12/13:  The [[media:Fig.136.3.19 2019.pdf|BEAP Consultant List]] was updated.
7/11/13:  Revisions made to [[136.4 Consultant Selection and Consultant Contract Management# Subconsultant cost exceeding $25,000|EPG Subconsultant cost exceeding $25,000]] and [[136.4 Consultant Selection and Consultant Contract Management# MoDOT Review of Consultant Contract|EPG MoDOT Review of Consultant Contract]] result from MoDOT's Audits and Investigation Division ceasing the pre-negotiations reviews and shifting the reviews to project managers and/or contract administrators. Also updated the checklist in [[media:Fig. 136.4.14 July 2013.doc|Fig. 136.4.14, Checklist for reviewing Consultant Contracts]] to be more helpful.
7/11/13:  Revisions made to [[136.4 Consultant Selection and Consultant Contract Management# Subconsultant cost exceeding $25,000|EPG Subconsultant cost exceeding $25,000]] and [[136.4 Consultant Selection and Consultant Contract Management# MoDOT Review of Consultant Contract|EPG MoDOT Review of Consultant Contract]] result from MoDOT's Audits and Investigation Division ceasing the pre-negotiations reviews and shifting the reviews to project managers and/or contract administrators. Also updated the checklist in [[media:Fig. 136.4.14 July 2013.doc|Fig. 136.4.14, Checklist for reviewing Consultant Contracts]] to be more helpful.
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7/8/13:  In [[136.4 Consultant Selection and Consultant Contract Management# Subconsultants|EPG Subconsultants]], the MRC form was replaced with the new Consultant Certification of Indirect Cost form.
7/8/13:  In [[136.4 Consultant Selection and Consultant Contract Management# Subconsultants|EPG Subconsultants]], the MRC form was replaced with the new Consultant Certification of Indirect Cost form.
7/5/13: [[media:Fig.136.3.20 2013.docx|Fig. 136.3.20, BEAP Project Tracking Form]], was updated.
7/5/13: Fig. 136.3.20, BEAP Project Tracking Form, was updated.
6/26/13: Some minor formatting issues were addressed in [[media:Fig. 136.4.1 June 26, 2013.docx|Fig. 136.4.1, Engineering Services Contract ]].
6/26/13: Some minor formatting issues were addressed in [[media:Fig. 136.4.1 June 26, 2013.docx|Fig. 136.4.1, Engineering Services Contract ]].
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6/25/13: In [[136.4 Consultant Selection and Consultant Contract Management# Federal Law|EPG Federal Law]], a minor clarification of the italicized text from "federally funded projects" to "projects that utilize Federal Aid Highway Program funds for engineering".  Also, in [[media:136.4.10 2013.xlsx|Fig. 136.4.10, LPA Consultant Services Invoice]], more spaces were added for direct salaries in the invoice.
6/25/13: In [[136.4 Consultant Selection and Consultant Contract Management# Federal Law|EPG Federal Law]], a minor clarification of the italicized text from "federally funded projects" to "projects that utilize Federal Aid Highway Program funds for engineering".  Also, in [[media:136.4.10 2013.xlsx|Fig. 136.4.10, LPA Consultant Services Invoice]], more spaces were added for direct salaries in the invoice.
6/18/13: Three links (to BRO and Soft Match Balances, DBE Submittal Forms and Disadvantaged Business Enterprises) were removed from EPG  Also, EPG 136.12 Figures and Glossary was retitled to [[136.12 Figures, Glossary and Other Useful Links|EPG 136.12 Figures, Glossary and Other Useful Links]].
6/18/13: Three links (to BRO and Soft Match Balances, DBE Submittal Forms and Disadvantaged Business Enterprises) were removed from EPG  Also, EPG 136.12 Figures and Glossary was retitled to [[136.12 Figures, Glossary and Other Useful Links|EPG 136.12 Figures, Glossary and Other Useful Links]].
6/17/3: In [[media:136.9.3 June 2013.doc|Fig. 136.9.3, Federal Project Bid Proposal Boilerplate]], the acceptance for provision for asphalt cement price index, seal coat price index, underseal price index and UBAWS membrane price index was updated.
6/17/3: In [[media:136.9.3 2018.docx|Fig. 136.9.3, Federal Project Bid Proposal Boilerplate]], the acceptance for provision for asphalt cement price index, seal coat price index, underseal price index and UBAWS membrane price index was updated.
6/13/13: In [[136.6 Environmental and Cultural Requirements#Program Comment for Post-1945 Common Bridge Types.|EPG Step 1, Determine Need for Cultural Resource Investigations]], Post-1945 Bridge information was added to allow the exemption of some bridges from the Sec 106 review.  
6/13/13: In [[136.6 Environmental and Cultural Requirements#Program Comment for Post-1945 Common Bridge Types.|EPG Step 1, Determine Need for Cultural Resource Investigations]], Post-1945 Bridge information was added to allow the exemption of some bridges from the Sec 106 review.  
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6/10/13: An updated table of approved Missouri Scenic Byways was added to [[136.3 Federal Aid Basics# Project Eligibility and Selection|EPG Project Eligibility and Selection]].  Also, in both [[136.10 Advertisement for Bid and Project Award# Responsive Bid|EPG Responsive Bid]] and [[136.10 Advertisement for Bid and Project Award# DBE Submittal Form Review|EPG DBE Submittal Form Review]], the DBE requirements at bid opening were clarified.
6/10/13: An updated table of approved Missouri Scenic Byways was added to [[136.3 Federal Aid Basics# Project Eligibility and Selection|EPG Project Eligibility and Selection]].  Also, in both [[136.10 Advertisement for Bid and Project Award# Responsive Bid|EPG Responsive Bid]] and [[136.10 Advertisement for Bid and Project Award# DBE Submittal Form Review|EPG DBE Submittal Form Review]], the DBE requirements at bid opening were clarified.
6/6/13: In [[136.4 Consultant Selection and Consultant Contract Management# Step 4 - Response to the RFQ|EPG Step 4 - Response to the RFQ]], the requirement to send the e-verify with each letter of interest was removed. MoDOT now requires firms to be prequalified and part of prequalification is the e-verification of documents. Also, a minor correction was made to the revision date of [[media:136.9.3 June 2013.doc|Fig. 136.9.3, Federal Project Bid Proposal Boilerplate]].
6/6/13: In [[136.4 Consultant Selection and Consultant Contract Management# Step 4 - Response to the RFQ|EPG Step 4 - Response to the RFQ]], the requirement to send the e-verify with each letter of interest was removed. MoDOT now requires firms to be prequalified and part of prequalification is the e-verification of documents. Also, a minor correction was made to the revision date of [[media:136.9.3 2018.docx|Fig. 136.9.3, Federal Project Bid Proposal Boilerplate]].
6/5/13: The [http://www.modot.org/business/consultant_resources/documents/StandardConsultantPrequalificationProcess.pdf How-To Tutorial for MoDOT's Consultant Standard Prequalification Process] is now available. Also now available are links to the [http://www.modot.org/business/consultant_resources/standard_prequalification_process.htm Standard Prequalification Process] and [http://www.modot.org/business/consultant_resources/documents/SAFEHARBORELIGIBILITYREQUIREMENTS_004.pdf Safe Harbor Indirect Cost Rate (SHR) Prequalification Process].
6/5/13: The [http://www.modot.org/business/consultant_resources/documents/StandardConsultantPrequalificationProcess.pdf How-To Tutorial for MoDOT's Consultant Standard Prequalification Process] is now available. Also now available are links to the [http://www.modot.org/business/consultant_resources/standard_prequalification_process.htm Standard Prequalification Process] and [http://www.modot.org/business/consultant_resources/documents/SAFEHARBORELIGIBILITYREQUIREMENTS_004.pdf Safe Harbor Indirect Cost Rate (SHR) Prequalification Process].
6/4/13: A minor correction was made to [[media:136.6.8 2013.doc|Fig. 136.6.8, LPA Section 4(f) Compliance Worksheet for Public Lands]]. (In the figure, Item 13 was changed to Item 15 under Question 5.)  Also, the link to the [http://epg.modot.org/forms/RW/Chapter%206_Appraisal%20and%20Appraisal%20Review/Roster%20of%20Approved%20Contract%20Appraisers.pdf Roster of Approved Contract Appraisers] was updated in [[136.8 Local Public Agency Land Acquisition|EPG 136.8 Local Public Agency Land Acquisition]].
6/4/13: A minor correction was made to [[media:136.6.8 2013.doc|Fig. 136.6.8, LPA Section 4(f) Compliance Worksheet for Public Lands]]. (In the figure, Item 13 was changed to Item 15 under Question 5.)  Also, the link to the [https://epg.modot.org/forms/RW/Chapter%206_Appraisal%20and%20Appraisal%20Review/Roster%20of%20Approved%20Contract%20Appraisers.pdf Roster of Approved Contract Appraisers] was updated in [[136.8 Local Public Agency Land Acquisition|EPG 136.8 Local Public Agency Land Acquisition]].
5/31/13:  In [[136.4 Consultant Selection and Consultant Contract Management# Subconsultant cost NOT exceeding $25,000|EPG Subconsultant cost NOT exceeding $25,000]], new guidance clarified that a subconsultant charging less than $25K must also submit the Management Representation and Certification Form.
5/31/13:  In [[136.4 Consultant Selection and Consultant Contract Management# Subconsultant cost NOT exceeding $25,000|EPG Subconsultant cost NOT exceeding $25,000]], new guidance clarified that a subconsultant charging less than $25K must also submit the Management Representation and Certification Form.
5/30/13:  Information was added to [[media:136.4.7 May 2013.doc|Fig. 136.4.7, Sample Solicitation & Sample Scope of Services]] and [[media:Fig. 136.4.14 May 2013.doc|Fig. 136.4.14, Checklist for reviewing Consultant Contracts]] ensuring hazardous waste inspections and reports were being done. Also, [[136.4 Consultant Selection and Consultant Contract Management#136.4.4 Construction Engineering (CE) and Construction Administration|EPG 136.4.4 Construction Engineering (CE) and Construction Administration]] having links to EPG 136.11 was added. The former EPG 136.4.4 was renumbered as EPG 136.4.5 Key Submittals/Requirements. Finally, a minor revision was made to [[media:136.9.3 May 24, 2013.doc|Fig. 136.9.3, Federal Project Bid Proposal Boilerplate]].
5/30/13:  Information was added to [[media:136.4.7 May 2013.doc|Fig. 136.4.7, Sample Solicitation & Sample Scope of Services]] and [[media:Fig. 136.4.14 May 2013.doc|Fig. 136.4.14, Checklist for reviewing Consultant Contracts]] ensuring hazardous waste inspections and reports were being done. Also, [[136.4 Consultant Selection and Consultant Contract Management#136.4.4 Construction Engineering (CE) and Construction Administration|EPG 136.4.4 Construction Engineering (CE) and Construction Administration]] having links to EPG 136.11 was added. The former EPG 136.4.4 was renumbered as EPG 136.4.5 Key Submittals/Requirements. Finally, a minor revision was made to [[media:136.9.3 2018.docx|Fig. 136.9.3, Federal Project Bid Proposal Boilerplate]].
5/21/13:  In [[136.7 Design#136.7.6 Public Hearings|EPG 136.7.6 Public Hearings]], it was clarified that the approved preliminary plan is to be available for public viewing/display during the 21-day advertisement period.
5/21/13:  In [[136.7 Design#136.7.6 Public Hearings|EPG 136.7.6 Public Hearings]], it was clarified that the approved preliminary plan is to be available for public viewing/display during the 21-day advertisement period.
5/17/13:  Minor clarification was added to [[media:136.9.1 May 17, 2013.xlsx|Fig. 136.9.1, Final PS&E Submittal Checklist]], and [[media:136.9.3 May 17, 2013.doc|Fig. 136.9.3, Federal Project Bid Proposal Boilerplate]].
5/17/13:  Minor clarification was added to Fig. 136.9.1, Final PS&E Submittal Checklist, and [[media:136.9.3 2018.docx|Fig. 136.9.3, Federal Project Bid Proposal Boilerplate]].
5/16/13: New guidance about contract execution timeframe has been provided in [[136.4 Consultant Selection and Consultant Contract Management# Contract Execution|EPG Contract Execution]].
5/16/13: New guidance about contract execution timeframe has been provided in [[136.4 Consultant Selection and Consultant Contract Management# Contract Execution|EPG Contract Execution]].
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5/15/13: Fig 136.4.8, District Representative ESC Cover Letter, was removed since this form is no longer required.
5/15/13: Fig 136.4.8, District Representative ESC Cover Letter, was removed since this form is no longer required.
5/14/13:  The name of a figure was updated in [[media:136.9.1 May 2013.xlsx|Fig. 136.9.1, Final PS&E Submittal Checklist]].
5/14/13:  The name of a figure was updated in Fig. 136.9.1, Final PS&E Submittal Checklist.
5/10/13:  At the bottom of [http://epg.modot.org/index.php?title=136.3_Federal_Aid_Basics# EPG], [http://epg.modot.org/index.php?title=136.3_Federal_Aid_Basics# EPG] and [http://epg.modot.org/index.php?title=136.3_Federal_Aid_Basics# EPG], convenient links for additional guidance for STP and CMAQ funds were added to guidance having to do with project eligibility and selection.
5/10/13:  At the bottom of [https://epg.modot.org/index.php?title=136.3_Federal_Aid_Basics# EPG], [https://epg.modot.org/index.php?title=136.3_Federal_Aid_Basics# EPG] and [https://epg.modot.org/index.php?title=136.3_Federal_Aid_Basics# EPG], convenient links for additional guidance for STP and CMAQ funds were added to guidance having to do with project eligibility and selection.
5/9/13:  In [[media:136.9.3 May 2013.doc|Fig. 136.9.3, Federal Project Bid Proposal Boilerplate]], the checkbox for "all e-verify information" on the bidders checklist was removed since the e-verify information is only a requirement prior to award and is not required to be submitted with the bids.
5/9/13:  In [[media:136.9.3 2018.docx|Fig. 136.9.3, Federal Project Bid Proposal Boilerplate]], the checkbox for "all e-verify information" on the bidders checklist was removed since the e-verify information is only a requirement prior to award and is not required to be submitted with the bids.
5/3/13:  In [[136.10 Advertisement for Bid and Project Award#136.10.8 Award|EPG 136.10.8 Award]], expanded and clarified guidance for what the LPA should submit to the district after the LPA executes the contract.  Also, a minor clarification was made to the title of [[media:136.11.1 2013.doc|Fig. 136.11.1]], General Guideline for LPA Preconstruction Conference.
5/3/13:  In [[136.10 Advertisement for Bid and Project Award#136.10.8 Award|EPG 136.10.8 Award]], expanded and clarified guidance for what the LPA should submit to the district after the LPA executes the contract.  Also, a minor clarification was made to the title of [[media:136.11.1 2013.doc|Fig. 136.11.1]], General Guideline for LPA Preconstruction Conference.
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4/30/13:  [[media:136.4.7 Apr 2013.doc|Fig. 136.4.7, Sample Solicitation & Sample Scope of Services]], was updated with a minor revision.
4/30/13:  [[media:136.4.7 Apr 2013.doc|Fig. 136.4.7, Sample Solicitation & Sample Scope of Services]], was updated with a minor revision.
4/22/13:  In [http://epg.modot.org/index.php?title=136.11_Local_Public_Agency_Construction#136.11.9_Commercially_Useful_Function_.28CUF.29 EPG 136.11.9 Commercially Useful Function (CUF)], the latest version of the [[media:146 CUF 2013.pdf|CUF Determination form]] has been provided by MoDOT's External Civil Rights Division.
4/22/13:  In [https://epg.modot.org/index.php?title=136.11_Local_Public_Agency_Construction#136.11.9_Commercially_Useful_Function_.28CUF.29 EPG 136.11.9 Commercially Useful Function (CUF)], the latest version of the [[media:146 CUF 2015.pdf|CUF Determination form]] has been provided by MoDOT's External Civil Rights Division.
4/15/13:  A convenient link to CUF red flags was added in [http://epg.modot.mo.gov/index.php?title=136.11_Local_Public_Agency_Construction#136.11.9_Commercially_Useful_Function_.28CUF.29 EPG 136.11.9 CUF].  Also, guidance was added in [http://epg.modot.mo.gov/index.php?title=136.11_Local_Public_Agency_Construction#136.11.20_Project_Closeout_Certifications  EPG 136.11.20 Project Closeout Certifications, 4b] for the LPA to provide documentation that each DBA was paid in full.  This type of DBE documentation may include a letter, e-mail or copies of reimbursement checks.
4/15/13:  A convenient link to CUF red flags was added in [https://epg.modot.org/index.php?title=136.11_Local_Public_Agency_Construction#136.11.9_Commercially_Useful_Function_.28CUF.29 EPG 136.11.9 CUF].  Also, guidance was added in [https://epg.modot.org/index.php?title=136.11_Local_Public_Agency_Construction#136.11.20_Project_Closeout_Certifications  EPG 136.11.20 Project Closeout Certifications, 4b] for the LPA to provide documentation that each DBA was paid in full.  This type of DBE documentation may include a letter, e-mail or copies of reimbursement checks.
4/15/13:  In [http://epg.modot.org/index.php?title=136.12_Figures_and_Glossary# EPG Commonly Used Forms], the [[media: Obligation Request Form 2013.docx|Obligation Request Form]] was updated with a very minor revision.
4/15/13:  In [https://epg.modot.org/index.php?title=136.12_Figures_and_Glossary# EPG Commonly Used Forms], the [[media: Obligation Request Form 2013.docx|Obligation Request Form]] was updated with a very minor revision.
4/4/13:  Some references within the checklist of [[media:Fig. 136.4.14 Apr 2013.doc|Fig. 136.4.14, Checklist for reviewing Consultant Contracts]], were updated.
4/4/13:  Some references within the checklist of [[media:Fig. 136.4.14 Apr 2013.doc|Fig. 136.4.14, Checklist for reviewing Consultant Contracts]], were updated.
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2/21/13: [[136.9 Plans, Specs and Estimates (PSE)# ADA Checklist|EPG]] was retitled "ADA Checklist" (from "ADA Certification and Checklist"), a minor change.
2/21/13: [[136.9 Plans, Specs and Estimates (PSE)# ADA Checklist|EPG]] was retitled "ADA Checklist" (from "ADA Certification and Checklist"), a minor change.
2/8/13:  [[media:136.9.3 2013.doc|Fig. 136.9.3]] was updated with minor corrections.
2/8/13:  [[media:136.9.3 2018.docx|Fig. 136.9.3]] was updated with minor corrections.
2/4/13:  In [[media:136.4.11 Feb 2013.doc|Fig. 136.4.11]], the conflict of interest line item was added.
2/4/13:  In [[media:136.4.11 Feb 2013.doc|Fig. 136.4.11]], the conflict of interest line item was added.
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2/4/13: In [[136.1 Introduction# Project Sponsor Eligibility|EPG Project Sponsor Eligibility]], the definition of an eligible sponsor for federal aid transportation projects was clarified. This change allows MoDOT to focus our limited resources on public agencies that have public accountability and typically have the internal structure and knowledge to deliver a federal aid project. Project sponsors must be a city, county or transportation related government agency to be eligible to administer a federal aid transportation project. All other entities including, but not limited to, school districts and not-for-profit agencies must partner with a city or county to apply for and/or administer a federal aid transportation project.
2/4/13: In [[136.1 Introduction# Project Sponsor Eligibility|EPG Project Sponsor Eligibility]], the definition of an eligible sponsor for federal aid transportation projects was clarified. This change allows MoDOT to focus our limited resources on public agencies that have public accountability and typically have the internal structure and knowledge to deliver a federal aid project. Project sponsors must be a city, county or transportation related government agency to be eligible to administer a federal aid transportation project. All other entities including, but not limited to, school districts and not-for-profit agencies must partner with a city or county to apply for and/or administer a federal aid transportation project.
2/1/13:  [[media:136.9.1 2013.xlsx|Fig. 136.9.1]] updated to remove the requirement for ADA certification.  Also, Fig. 136.9.12 (ADA Certification) deleted and incorporated into [[media:Fig. 136.4.1 2013.docx|Fig. 136.4.1 Engineering Services Contract]].
2/1/13:  Fig. 136.9.1 updated to remove the requirement for ADA certification.  Also, Fig. 136.9.12 (ADA Certification) deleted and incorporated into [[media:Fig. 136.4.1 2013.docx|Fig. 136.4.1 Engineering Services Contract]].
2/1/13: In several locations in EPG 136.4 Consultant Selection and Consultant Contract Management, clarification of the criteria for prequalifying a consultant for MoDOT and LPA work.  Info that was added back on 11/1/12 was removed, among other updates to [[136.4 Consultant Selection and Consultant Contract Management# Consultant Qualification|EPG Consultant Qualification]], [[136.4 Consultant Selection and Consultant Contract Management# Conflict of Interest|EPG Conflict of Interest]], [[136.4 Consultant Selection and Consultant Contract Management# Step 4 - Response to the RFQ|EPG Step 4 - Response to the RFQ]] and [[136.4 Consultant Selection and Consultant Contract Management# Step 5 - Selection of Consultant|EPG Step 5 - Selection of Consultant]].  Also, Figs. [[media:136.4.7 2013.doc|136.4.7]], [[media:Fig. 136.4.8 2013.doc|136.4.8]], [[media:136.4.9 2013.doc|136.4.9]], [[media:136.4.11 2013.doc|136.4.11]] and [[media:Fig. 136.4.14 2013.doc|136.4.14]] were updated to reflect the new consultant prequalification requirements.  The ''How to Evaluate'' PowerPoint tutorial was updated. Finally, [[media:Fig. 136.4.1 2013.docx|Fig. 136.4.1 Engineering Services Contract]] was updated to include the following sections:
2/1/13: In several locations in EPG 136.4 Consultant Selection and Consultant Contract Management, clarification of the criteria for prequalifying a consultant for MoDOT and LPA work.  Info that was added back on 11/1/12 was removed, among other updates to [[136.4 Consultant Selection and Consultant Contract Management# Consultant Qualification|EPG Consultant Qualification]], [[136.4 Consultant Selection and Consultant Contract Management# Conflict of Interest|EPG Conflict of Interest]], [[136.4 Consultant Selection and Consultant Contract Management# Step 4 - Response to the RFQ|EPG Step 4 - Response to the RFQ]] and [[136.4 Consultant Selection and Consultant Contract Management# Step 5 - Selection of Consultant|EPG Step 5 - Selection of Consultant]].  Also, Figs. [[media:136.4.7 2013.doc|136.4.7]], [[media:Fig. 136.4.8 2013.doc|136.4.8]], [[media:136.4.9 2013.doc|136.4.9]], [[media:136.4.11 2013.doc|136.4.11]] and [[media:Fig. 136.4.14 2013.doc|136.4.14]] were updated to reflect the new consultant prequalification requirements.  The ''How to Evaluate'' PowerPoint tutorial was updated. Finally, [[media:Fig. 136.4.1 2013.docx|Fig. 136.4.1 Engineering Services Contract]] was updated to include the following sections:
Line 195: Line 641:
1/29/13:  In EPG, the old Fig. 136.9.4 was updated to the correct, current figure.
1/29/13:  In EPG, the old Fig. 136.9.4 was updated to the correct, current figure.
1/28/13: In Item "b" of [http://epg.modot.org/index.php?title=136.6_Environmental_and_Cultural_Requirements#  Step 2a. The Cultural Resource Survey] in 136.6 Environmental and Cultural Requirements, guidance has been added to conveniently provide SHPO architectural survey info.
1/28/13: In Item "b" of [https://epg.modot.org/index.php?title=136.6_Environmental_and_Cultural_Requirements#  Step 2a. The Cultural Resource Survey] in 136.6 Environmental and Cultural Requirements, guidance has been added to conveniently provide SHPO architectural survey info.
1/22/13: A very minor clarification to [http://epg.modot.org/index.php?title=136.3_Federal_Aid_Basics# EPG] (a reference to Fig. 136.3.17 was added).
1/22/13: A very minor clarification to [https://epg.modot.org/index.php?title=136.3_Federal_Aid_Basics# EPG] (a reference to Fig. 136.3.17 was added).
1/17/13: [[media:136.9.11.pdf|Fig. 136.9.11, Example Estimate]], has been added. This estimate is broken down into the required categories for payment.
1/17/13: [[media:136.9.11.pdf|Fig. 136.9.11, Example Estimate]], has been added. This estimate is broken down into the required categories for payment.
1/16/13:  Some of the verbiage in the second paragraph of [http://epg.modot.org/index.php?title=136.4_Consultant_Selection_and_Consultant_Contract_Management# EPG CE Funding Obligation] was clarified.
1/16/13:  Some of the verbiage in the second paragraph of [https://epg.modot.org/index.php?title=136.4_Consultant_Selection_and_Consultant_Contract_Management# EPG CE Funding Obligation] was clarified.
1/15/13:  In [[136.11 Local Public Agency Construction# Change Order Documentation|EPG Change Order Documentation]], guidance about whether re-designs are eligible for federal participation was clarified.  A similar, smaller clarification was also made in #7 of [[136.3 Federal Aid Basics#136.3.15 Reimbursement and Auditing|EPG 136.3.15 Reimbursement and Auditing]].
1/15/13:  In [[136.11 Local Public Agency Construction# Change Order Documentation|EPG Change Order Documentation]], guidance about whether re-designs are eligible for federal participation was clarified.  A similar, smaller clarification was also made in #7 of [[136.3 Federal Aid Basics#136.3.15 Reimbursement and Auditing|EPG 136.3.15 Reimbursement and Auditing]].
Line 209: Line 655:
12/21/12: A note was added to [[media:136.4.17 Dec 2012.xlsx|Fig. 136.4.17]] about PE ceiling or CE ceiling amounts.
12/21/12: A note was added to [[media:136.4.17 Dec 2012.xlsx|Fig. 136.4.17]] about PE ceiling or CE ceiling amounts.
12/10/12:  [http://epg.modot.org/index.php?title=136.9_Plans%2C_Specs_and_Estimates_%28PSE%29# EPG E-Verify Affidavit & MOU] was updated. (The bid proposal must now state that the E-verify affidavit and MOU must be submitted prior to award of the contract.)  Also [[media:136.9.3 Dec 2012.doc|Fig. 136.9.3, Federal Project Bid Proposal Boilerplate]] was clarified on the use of bid bond forms and when worker eligibility documents must be submitted.
12/10/12:  [https://epg.modot.org/index.php?title=136.9_Plans%2C_Specs_and_Estimates_%28PSE%29# EPG E-Verify Affidavit & MOU] was updated. (The bid proposal must now state that the E-verify affidavit and MOU must be submitted prior to award of the contract.)  Also [[media:136.9.3 2018.docx|Fig. 136.9.3, Federal Project Bid Proposal Boilerplate]] was clarified on the use of bid bond forms and when worker eligibility documents must be submitted.
12/5/12:  Item 78 in [[media:136.9.1 Dec 5, 2012.xlsx|Fig. 136.9.1]] was updated with a minor revision to match the Obligation Request Form categories.
12/5/12:  Item 78 in Fig. 136.9.1 was updated with a minor revision to match the Obligation Request Form categories.
11/27/12:  [http://epg.modot.org/index.php?title=136.7_Design# EPG Lump Sum Items] was clarified by stating that spec lump sum items do not require a JSP.  
11/27/12:  [https://epg.modot.org/index.php?title=136.7_Design# EPG Lump Sum Items] was clarified by stating that spec lump sum items do not require a JSP.  
11/26/12:  Several minor clarifications were made to [[136.4 Consultant Selection and Consultant Contract Management|EPG 136.4 Consultant Selection and Consultant Contract Management]].  The most notable clarifications were made to [[136.4 Consultant Selection and Consultant Contract Management# Preliminary Engineering Activities by Local Forces|EPG Preliminary Engineering Activities by Local Forces]] (about when the LPA is not requesting reimbursement for the in-house design services), [[136.4 Consultant Selection and Consultant Contract Management# Step 5 - Selection of Consultant|EPG Step 5 - Selection of Consultant]] (about rating as many firms as necessary), [[136.4 Consultant Selection and Consultant Contract Management# Subconsultants|EPG Subconsultants]] (about encouraging subconsultants to be prequalified), [[136.4 Consultant Selection and Consultant Contract Management# Payments/Invoicing|EPG Payments/Invoicing]] (adding that each invoice must show the total DBE payments for the particular invoice) and [[136.4 Consultant Selection and Consultant Contract Management# Supplemental Agreements|EPG Supplemental Agreements]] (about LPA responsibility to fund the work).
11/26/12:  Several minor clarifications were made to [[136.4 Consultant Selection and Consultant Contract Management|EPG 136.4 Consultant Selection and Consultant Contract Management]].  The most notable clarifications were made to [[136.4 Consultant Selection and Consultant Contract Management# Preliminary Engineering Activities by Local Forces|EPG Preliminary Engineering Activities by Local Forces]] (about when the LPA is not requesting reimbursement for the in-house design services), [[136.4 Consultant Selection and Consultant Contract Management# Step 5 - Selection of Consultant|EPG Step 5 - Selection of Consultant]] (about rating as many firms as necessary), [[136.4 Consultant Selection and Consultant Contract Management# Subconsultants|EPG Subconsultants]] (about encouraging subconsultants to be prequalified), [[136.4 Consultant Selection and Consultant Contract Management# Payments/Invoicing|EPG Payments/Invoicing]] (adding that each invoice must show the total DBE payments for the particular invoice) and [[136.4 Consultant Selection and Consultant Contract Management# Supplemental Agreements|EPG Supplemental Agreements]] (about LPA responsibility to fund the work).
Line 223: Line 669:
11/15/12:  [[media:136.4.10 Nov 15, 2012.xlsx|Fig. 136.4.10, LPA Consultant Services Invoice]], was updated to expand the DBE information.
11/15/12:  [[media:136.4.10 Nov 15, 2012.xlsx|Fig. 136.4.10, LPA Consultant Services Invoice]], was updated to expand the DBE information.
11/2/12:  LPAs' website advertisement opportunities were expanded in the first paragraph of [http://epg.modot.mo.gov/index.php?title=136.10_Advertisement_for_Bid_and_Project_Award#136.10.3_Bid_Opening_Advertisement EPG 136.10.3 Bid Opening Advertisement ].
11/2/12:  LPAs' website advertisement opportunities were expanded in the first paragraph of [https://epg.modot.org/index.php?title=136.10_Advertisement_for_Bid_and_Project_Award#136.10.3_Bid_Opening_Advertisement EPG 136.10.3 Bid Opening Advertisement ].
11/1/12:  Guidance was added to [[136.4 Consultant Selection and Consultant Contract Management#6. Bridge Consultants Only:|EPG Consultant Qualification, #6 Bridge Consultants Only]] that the Bridge Experience Profile and Personal Bridge Experience Record forms must be updated every 3 years.  
11/1/12:  Guidance was added to [[136.4 Consultant Selection and Consultant Contract Management#6. Bridge Consultants Only:|EPG Consultant Qualification, #6 Bridge Consultants Only]] that the Bridge Experience Profile and Personal Bridge Experience Record forms must be updated every 3 years.  
10/25/12: In [http://epg.modot.org/index.php?title=136.4_Consultant_Selection_and_Consultant_Contract_Management# EPG Basis of Payment], changed the mileage reimbursable rates from the IRS rate to GSA's current POV Mileage Reimbursable Rate.  Also updated [[media:Fig. 136.4.14 2012.doc|Fig. 136.4.14]] to reflect this change.
10/25/12: In [https://epg.modot.org/index.php?title=136.4_Consultant_Selection_and_Consultant_Contract_Management# EPG Basis of Payment], changed the mileage reimbursable rates from the IRS rate to GSA's current POV Mileage Reimbursable Rate.  Also updated [[media:Fig. 136.4.14 2012.doc|Fig. 136.4.14]] to reflect this change.
10/23/12:  In [http://epg.modot.org/index.php?title=136.12_Figures_and_Glossary# EPG Commonly Used Forms], removed Fig. 136.12, Sample Form for Submitting Invoices from the gray "Forms and Information" box.  This form was out-of-date and has been relabeled elsewhere.
10/23/12:  In [https://epg.modot.org/index.php?title=136.12_Figures_and_Glossary# EPG Commonly Used Forms], removed Fig. 136.12, Sample Form for Submitting Invoices from the gray "Forms and Information" box.  This form was out-of-date and has been relabeled elsewhere.
10/22/12:  [[media:136.9.12 Oct 2012.doc|Fig. 136.9.12's]] cross slope compliance guidance was slightly modified.
10/22/12:  [[media:136.9.12 Oct 2012.doc|Fig. 136.9.12's]] cross slope compliance guidance was slightly modified.
Line 237: Line 683:
10/11/12:  A minor typo update was made to [[media:136.8.8 2012.doc|Form 136.8.8]].   
10/11/12:  A minor typo update was made to [[media:136.8.8 2012.doc|Form 136.8.8]].   
10/10/12:  A minor change was made to [[media:136.9.3 Oct 2012.doc|Fig. 136.9.3, Federal Project Bid Proposal Boilerplate]], clarifying that the E-verify information must be submitted with each bid.
10/10/12:  A minor change was made to [[media:136.9.3 2018.docx|Fig. 136.9.3, Federal Project Bid Proposal Boilerplate]], clarifying that the E-verify information must be submitted with each bid.
10/5/12: [[media:136.4.10 Oct 5, 2012.xlsx|Figs. 136.4.10]] and [[media:136.4.17 Oct 5, 2012.xlsx|136.4.17]] were updated.  In Fig. 136.4.10, more cells were locked and Cell C68 was updated, while in Fig. 136.4.17, commentary was added on how to fill out Section 2 of the invoice. Also, in [[136.3 Federal Aid Basics|EPG 136.3 Federal Aid Basics]] the "How To" PowerPoint, [[media: How to Develop a Winning Project Application.ppt|How to Develop a Winning Project Application]], was added.
10/5/12: [[media:136.4.10 Oct 5, 2012.xlsx|Figs. 136.4.10]] and [[media:136.4.17 Oct 5, 2012.xlsx|136.4.17]] were updated.  In Fig. 136.4.10, more cells were locked and Cell C68 was updated, while in Fig. 136.4.17, commentary was added on how to fill out Section 2 of the invoice. Also, in [[136.3 Federal Aid Basics|EPG 136.3 Federal Aid Basics]] the "How To" PowerPoint, [[media: How to Develop a Winning Project Application.ppt|How to Develop a Winning Project Application]], was added.
10/1/12: In [[media:136.4.10 Oct 2012.xlsx|Fig. 136.4.10]], changed cells to have 2 decimal points instead of none. In [http://epg.modot.org/index.php?title=136.6_Environmental_and_Cultural_Requirements# EPG], minor clarifications were made about including inspection reports in the bid proposal. In [[136.9 Plans, Specs and Estimates (PSE)|EPG 136.9]], minor clarifications were made to [http://epg.modot.org/index.php?title=136.9_Plans%2C_Specs_and_Estimates_%28PSE%29# EPG] and [http://epg.modot.org/index.php?title=136.9_Plans%2C_Specs_and_Estimates_%28PSE%29#] about including all hazardous waste reports and changing the timeline for submitting subcontractor affirmative action certification prior to the notice to proceed for construction, respectively. In [[media:136.9.1 Sept 28, 2012.xlsx|Fig. 136.9.1]], a line item was added for Asbestos and Lead Paint Inspection Reports that need to be a part of the bid book.  In [[136.11 Local Public Agency Construction|EPG 136.11]], a requirement for Hazardous Waste Notifications was added to [[media:136.11.1 Sept 2012.doc|Fig. 136.11.1]].   
10/1/12: In [[media:136.4.10 Oct 2012.xlsx|Fig. 136.4.10]], changed cells to have 2 decimal points instead of none. In [https://epg.modot.org/index.php?title=136.6_Environmental_and_Cultural_Requirements# EPG], minor clarifications were made about including inspection reports in the bid proposal. In [[136.9 Plans, Specs and Estimates (PSE)|EPG 136.9]], minor clarifications were made to [https://epg.modot.org/index.php?title=136.9_Plans%2C_Specs_and_Estimates_%28PSE%29# EPG] and [https://epg.modot.org/index.php?title=136.9_Plans%2C_Specs_and_Estimates_%28PSE%29#] about including all hazardous waste reports and changing the timeline for submitting subcontractor affirmative action certification prior to the notice to proceed for construction, respectively. In Fig. 136.9.1, a line item was added for Asbestos and Lead Paint Inspection Reports that need to be a part of the bid book.  In [[136.11 Local Public Agency Construction|EPG 136.11]], a requirement for Hazardous Waste Notifications was added to [[media:136.11.1 Sept 2012.doc|Fig. 136.11.1]].   
9/25/12: [[media:136.9.3 Sept 2012.doc|Fig. 136.9.3]] was revised by adding a revision date and a statement on project award.
9/25/12: [[media:136.9.3 2018.docx|Fig. 136.9.3]] was revised by adding a revision date and a statement on project award.
9/24/12: A minor clarification was made to [http://epg.modot.mo.gov/index.php?title=136.9_Plans%2C_Specs_and_Estimates_%28PSE%29# EPG] about the DBE goal applying to the entire federally-funded project.  Also, a very minor update was made to [[media:136.9.1 Sept 2012.xlsx|Fig. 136.9.1]].
9/24/12: A minor clarification was made to [https://epg.modot.org/index.php?title=136.9_Plans%2C_Specs_and_Estimates_%28PSE%29# EPG] about the DBE goal applying to the entire federally-funded project.  Also, a very minor update was made to Fig. 136.9.1.
9/5/12: Three figures, [[media:136.4.10 Sept 5, 2012.xlsx|136.4.10]], [[media:136.4.17 Sept 2012.xlsx|136.4.17]] and [[media:136.4.18 Sept 5, 2012.docx|136.4.18]], were updated with minor revisions.
9/5/12: Three figures, [[media:136.4.10 Sept 5, 2012.xlsx|136.4.10]], [[media:136.4.17 Sept 2012.xlsx|136.4.17]] and 136.4.18, were updated with minor revisions.
9/4/12: The ADA Checklist, Fig. 136.9.4, was updated, replacing the old "ADA Post-Construction" and "Post-Inspection" Checklist.  The new ADA Checklist presents expanded information to comply with the US Access Board's PROWAG 2005 and 2010 ADA/ABA standards.  Also, [[media:136.4.10 Sept 2012.xlsx|Fig. 136.4.10]] was updated with a minor revision.
9/4/12: The ADA Checklist, Fig. 136.9.4, was updated, replacing the old "ADA Post-Construction" and "Post-Inspection" Checklist.  The new ADA Checklist presents expanded information to comply with the US Access Board's PROWAG 2005 and 2010 ADA/ABA standards.  Also, [[media:136.4.10 Sept 2012.xlsx|Fig. 136.4.10]] was updated with a minor revision.
Line 253: Line 699:
8/30/12: Under "Federal-Aid Essential Videos" in the gray box at the top of [[136.4 Consultant Selection and Consultant Contract Management|EPG 136.4 Consultant Selection and Consultant Contract Management]], the "Federal-Aid Program Overview" video was replaced with three other videos.
8/30/12: Under "Federal-Aid Essential Videos" in the gray box at the top of [[136.4 Consultant Selection and Consultant Contract Management|EPG 136.4 Consultant Selection and Consultant Contract Management]], the "Federal-Aid Program Overview" video was replaced with three other videos.
8/29/12:  In [http://epg.modot.org/index.php?title=136.4_Consultant_Selection_and_Consultant_Contract_Management# EPG Consultant Qualification], guidance was clarified for consultant qualification.
8/29/12:  In [https://epg.modot.org/index.php?title=136.4_Consultant_Selection_and_Consultant_Contract_Management# EPG Consultant Qualification], guidance was clarified for consultant qualification.
8/29/12:  DBE requirement guidance was clarified in [http://epg.modot.org/index.php?title=136.4_Consultant_Selection_and_Consultant_Contract_Management# EPG Supplemental Agreements].  
8/29/12:  DBE requirement guidance was clarified in [https://epg.modot.org/index.php?title=136.4_Consultant_Selection_and_Consultant_Contract_Management# EPG Supplemental Agreements].  
8/27/12: Links to various FHWA videos were added to the gray boxes at the top of several articles (including [[136.3 Federal Aid Basics|EPG 136.3 Federal Aid Basics]], [[136.4 Consultant Selection and Consultant Contract Management|EPG 136.4 Consultant Selection and Consultant Contract Management]], [[136.6 Environmental and Cultural Requirements|EPG 136.6 Environmental and Cultural Requirements]], [[136.7 Design|EPG 136.7 Design]], [[136.8 Local Public Agency Land Acquisition|EPG 136.8 LPA Land Acquisition]], [[136.9 Plans, Specs and Estimates (PSE)|EPG 136.9 PSE]], [[136.10 Advertisement for Bid and Project Award|EPG 136.10 Advertisement for Bid and Project Award]] and [[136.11 Local Public Agency Construction|EPG 136.11 LPA Construction]]).
8/27/12: Links to various FHWA videos were added to the gray boxes at the top of several articles (including [[136.3 Federal Aid Basics|EPG 136.3 Federal Aid Basics]], [[136.4 Consultant Selection and Consultant Contract Management|EPG 136.4 Consultant Selection and Consultant Contract Management]], [[136.6 Environmental and Cultural Requirements|EPG 136.6 Environmental and Cultural Requirements]], [[136.7 Design|EPG 136.7 Design]], [[136.8 Local Public Agency Land Acquisition|EPG 136.8 LPA Land Acquisition]], [[136.9 Plans, Specs and Estimates (PSE)|EPG 136.9 PSE]], [[136.10 Advertisement for Bid and Project Award|EPG 136.10 Advertisement for Bid and Project Award]] and [[136.11 Local Public Agency Construction|EPG 136.11 LPA Construction]]).
Line 263: Line 709:
8/20/12:  Fig. 136.9.1 was revised with a minor update.
8/20/12:  Fig. 136.9.1 was revised with a minor update.
8/9/12: [[media:136.9.3 Aug 2012.doc|Fig. 136.9.3]] (Federal Project Bid Proposal Boilerplate) was updated.
8/9/12: [[media:136.9.3 2018.docx|Fig. 136.9.3]] (Federal Project Bid Proposal Boilerplate) was updated.
7/31/12:  Revised [[media:136.4.10 July 31, 2012.xlsx|Fig. 136.4.10]] and [[media:136.4.18 July 2012.docx|Fig. 136.4.18]] with minor updates.
7/31/12:  Revised [[media:136.4.10 July 31, 2012.xlsx|Fig. 136.4.10]] and Fig. 136.4.18 with minor updates.
7/30/12:  In [[136.12 Figures, Glossary and Other Useful Links# Commonly Used Forms|EPG]], the link to FHWA Form 1273 was updated.  The new link is the same as the current link to this form in EPG 136.9 Plans, Specs and Estimates (PSE).
7/30/12:  In [[136.12 Figures, Glossary and Other Useful Links# Commonly Used Forms|EPG]], the link to FHWA Form 1273 was updated.  The new link is the same as the current link to this form in EPG 136.9 Plans, Specs and Estimates (PSE).
7/23/12:  [[media:136.4.10 July 23, 2012.xlsx|Fig. 136.4.10, LPA Consultant Services Invoice]], was updated with a minor revision.
7/23/12:  [[media:136.4.10 July 23, 2012.xlsx|Fig. 136.4.10, LPA Consultant Services Invoice]], was updated with a minor revision.
7/23/12:  In [http://epg.modot.org/index.php?title=136.4_Consultant_Selection_and_Consultant_Contract_Management# EPG Advertising on MoDOT’s Site], guidance was clarified by adding "When advertising on MoDOT's website, the LPA can choose to also advertise in a newspaper but it is not required."
7/23/12:  In [https://epg.modot.org/index.php?title=136.4_Consultant_Selection_and_Consultant_Contract_Management# EPG Advertising on MoDOT’s Site], guidance was clarified by adding "When advertising on MoDOT's website, the LPA can choose to also advertise in a newspaper but it is not required."
7/18/12: Several links were updated and references to form attachments were updated in [[136.4 Consultant Selection and Consultant Contract Management|EPG 136.4 Consultant Selection and Consultant Contract Management]].  Also, [[media:Fig. 136.4.1.docx|Fig. 136.4.1]] had minor clarifications and [[media:136.4.17 July 2012.xlsx|Fig. 136.4.17]] had one minor update.
7/18/12: Several links were updated and references to form attachments were updated in [[136.4 Consultant Selection and Consultant Contract Management|EPG 136.4 Consultant Selection and Consultant Contract Management]].  Also, [[media:Fig. 136.4.1.docx|Fig. 136.4.1]] had minor clarifications and [[media:136.4.17 July 2012.xlsx|Fig. 136.4.17]] had one minor update.
Line 277: Line 723:
7/17/12: [[media:136.4.10 July 2012.xlsx|Fig. 136.4.10]] was updated with minor changes.
7/17/12: [[media:136.4.10 July 2012.xlsx|Fig. 136.4.10]] was updated with minor changes.
7/17/12:  A clarification in the second paragraph of [http://epg.modot.org/index.php?title=136.9_Plans%2C_Specs_and_Estimates_%28PSE%29# EPG Utility Status]:  "bid opening" was replaced with "construction obligation".
7/17/12:  A clarification in the second paragraph of [https://epg.modot.org/index.php?title=136.9_Plans%2C_Specs_and_Estimates_%28PSE%29# EPG Utility Status]:  "bid opening" was replaced with "construction obligation".
7/12/12:  Figs. 136.4.18 and 136.9.1 were updated with minor corrections.
7/12/12:  Figs. 136.4.18 and 136.9.1 were updated with minor corrections.
Line 291: Line 737:
6/14/12: In [[136.12 Figures, Glossary and Other Useful Links#136.12.1 Figures|EPG 136.12.1 Figures]] and [[136.8 Local Public Agency Land Acquisition|EPG 136.8 LPA Land Acquisition]], the Roster of Approved Contract Appraisers was updated so that LPAs can access it.  Also, the Roster of Approved Contract Negotiators was added.
6/14/12: In [[136.12 Figures, Glossary and Other Useful Links#136.12.1 Figures|EPG 136.12.1 Figures]] and [[136.8 Local Public Agency Land Acquisition|EPG 136.8 LPA Land Acquisition]], the Roster of Approved Contract Appraisers was updated so that LPAs can access it.  Also, the Roster of Approved Contract Negotiators was added.
6/12/12: In [http://epg.modot.mo.gov/index.php?title=136.6_Environmental_and_Cultural_Requirements# EPG Painting Bridges and Demolition of Painted Surfaces], a process change has been required by MoDOT's signing an MOU with DHSS.  For any lead testing activity, the contractor must be licensed as a lead abatement contractor and the contractor must provide the proper notification(s) to DHSS.  
6/12/12: In [https://epg.modot.org/index.php?title=136.6_Environmental_and_Cultural_Requirements# EPG Painting Bridges and Demolition of Painted Surfaces], a process change has been required by MoDOT's signing an MOU with DHSS.  For any lead testing activity, the contractor must be licensed as a lead abatement contractor and the contractor must provide the proper notification(s) to DHSS.  
6/11/12: In [http://epg.modot.org/index.php?title=136.6_Environmental_and_Cultural_Requirements# EPG Renovation and Demolition of Structures], the use of an Asbestos Building Inspector was specified rather than "a certified asbestos inspector".  Also, in [[136.4 Consultant Selection and Consultant Contract Management|EPG 136.4 Consultant Selection and Consultant Contract Management]], Figs. 136.4.10 and 136.4.18 were updated.
6/11/12: In [https://epg.modot.org/index.php?title=136.6_Environmental_and_Cultural_Requirements# EPG Renovation and Demolition of Structures], the use of an Asbestos Building Inspector was specified rather than "a certified asbestos inspector".  Also, in [[136.4 Consultant Selection and Consultant Contract Management|EPG 136.4 Consultant Selection and Consultant Contract Management]], Figs. 136.4.10 and 136.4.18 were updated.
6/6/12: Fig. 136.11.6 was clarified so that which form is being filled out and which of the other two figures comprising each half when the contractor fills it out are now clearly indicated.  
6/6/12: Fig. 136.11.6 was clarified so that which form is being filled out and which of the other two figures comprising each half when the contractor fills it out are now clearly indicated.  
Line 299: Line 745:
6/4/12: A small clarification was made in Fig. 136.9.12.
6/4/12: A small clarification was made in Fig. 136.9.12.
5/25/12: Fig. 136.9.1 was updated with minor clarifications.  Also, [http://epg.modot.org/index.php?title=136.9_Plans%2C_Specs_and_Estimates_%28PSE%29# EPG] was added to further clarify the PS&E certification.
5/25/12: Fig. 136.9.1 was updated with minor clarifications.  Also, [https://epg.modot.org/index.php?title=136.9_Plans%2C_Specs_and_Estimates_%28PSE%29# EPG] was added to further clarify the PS&E certification.
5/21/12: Several minor corrections of references to Federal Bid Proposal Boilerplate sections in [http://epg.modot.org/index.php?title=136.9_Plans%2C_Specs_and_Estimates_%28PSE%29# EPG] through [http://epg.modot.org/index.php?title=136.9_Plans%2C_Specs_and_Estimates_%28PSE%29# EPG].
5/21/12: Several minor corrections of references to Federal Bid Proposal Boilerplate sections in [https://epg.modot.org/index.php?title=136.9_Plans%2C_Specs_and_Estimates_%28PSE%29# EPG] through [https://epg.modot.org/index.php?title=136.9_Plans%2C_Specs_and_Estimates_%28PSE%29# EPG].
5/17/12: In [http://epg.modot.org/index.php?title=136.6_Environmental_and_Cultural_Requirements#136.6.2_National_Environmental_Policy_Act_.28NEPA.29_Classification EPG 136.6.2 NEPA Classification], the info about the three-year shelf life of the NEPA was clarified.  In [[136.12 Figures, Glossary and Other Useful Links# Commonly Used Forms|EPG Commonly Used Forms]], the Obligation Request Form was updated.  Also, Fig. 136.3.17 Work by Local Forces Proposal was updated.
5/17/12: In [https://epg.modot.org/index.php?title=136.6_Environmental_and_Cultural_Requirements#136.6.2_National_Environmental_Policy_Act_.28NEPA.29_Classification EPG 136.6.2 NEPA Classification], the info about the three-year shelf life of the NEPA was clarified.  In [[136.12 Figures, Glossary and Other Useful Links# Commonly Used Forms|EPG Commonly Used Forms]], the Obligation Request Form was updated.  Also, Fig. 136.3.17 Work by Local Forces Proposal was updated.
5/11/12: A useful PowerPoint tutorial, "How to Complete the RFQ and Get it Advertised", is now available in [http://epg.modot.org/index.php?title=136.4_Consultant_Selection_and_Consultant_Contract_Management# EPG].  
5/11/12: A useful PowerPoint tutorial, "How to Complete the RFQ and Get it Advertised", is now available in [https://epg.modot.org/index.php?title=136.4_Consultant_Selection_and_Consultant_Contract_Management# EPG].  
5/10/12:  Fig. 136.9.1 was updated with minor clarifications.  Also, there were minor corrections to [http://epg.modot.org/index.php?title=136.10_Advertisement_for_Bid_and_Project_Award# EPG], [http://epg.modot.org/index.php?title=136.10_Advertisement_for_Bid_and_Project_Award# EPG], [http://epg.modot.org/index.php?title=136.10_Advertisement_for_Bid_and_Project_Award# EPG] and [http://epg.modot.org/index.php?title=136.10_Advertisement_for_Bid_and_Project_Award# EPG].
5/10/12:  Fig. 136.9.1 was updated with minor clarifications.  Also, there were minor corrections to [https://epg.modot.org/index.php?title=136.10_Advertisement_for_Bid_and_Project_Award# EPG], [https://epg.modot.org/index.php?title=136.10_Advertisement_for_Bid_and_Project_Award# EPG], [https://epg.modot.org/index.php?title=136.10_Advertisement_for_Bid_and_Project_Award# EPG] and [https://epg.modot.org/index.php?title=136.10_Advertisement_for_Bid_and_Project_Award# EPG].
5/3/12:  Updated [[media:136.9.3 May 2012.doc|Fig. 136.9.3, Federal Project Bid Proposal Boilerplate]].
5/3/12:  Updated [[media:136.9.3 2018.docx|Fig. 136.9.3, Federal Project Bid Proposal Boilerplate]].
4/30/12: [[media:136.9.1.xls|Fig. 136.9.1]] updated as an Excel file.
4/30/12: Fig. 136.9.1 updated as an Excel file.
4/30/12: Two new figures (Figs. 136.11.14 and 136.11.15) and associated guidance were added to [http://epg.modot.org/index.php?title=136.3_Federal_Aid_Basics# EPG Progress Invoices] and [http://epg.modot.org/index.php?title=136.11_Local_Public_Agency_Construction# EPG Invoices].
4/30/12: Two new figures (Figs. 136.11.14 and 136.11.15) and associated guidance were added to [https://epg.modot.org/index.php?title=136.3_Federal_Aid_Basics# EPG Progress Invoices] and [https://epg.modot.org/index.php?title=136.11_Local_Public_Agency_Construction# EPG Invoices].
4/30/12: Because the info required by Fig. 136.3.1 Programming Data was split between it and Fig. 136.6.4 LPA Request for Env'l Review, the guidance for programming projects was revised.  Note changes in the table in [[136.3 Federal Aid Basics# Procedures|EPG]], new guidance in [[136.3 Federal Aid Basics#136.3.8 Programs|EPG 136.3.8 Programs]] and shortened guidance in [[136.3 Federal Aid Basics# Project Programming|EPG]], [[136.3 Federal Aid Basics# Project Programming|EPG]], [[136.3 Federal Aid Basics# Project Programming|EPG]], [[136.3 Federal Aid Basics# Roadway Type Projects|EPG]] and [[136.3 Federal Aid Basics# Non-Infrastructure Projects|EPG]].
4/30/12: Because the info required by Fig. 136.3.1 Programming Data was split between it and Fig. 136.6.4 LPA Request for Env'l Review, the guidance for programming projects was revised.  Note changes in the table in [[136.3 Federal Aid Basics# Procedures|EPG]], new guidance in [[136.3 Federal Aid Basics#136.3.8 Programs|EPG 136.3.8 Programs]] and shortened guidance in [[136.3 Federal Aid Basics# Project Programming|EPG]], [[136.3 Federal Aid Basics# Project Programming|EPG]], [[136.3 Federal Aid Basics# Project Programming|EPG]], [[136.3 Federal Aid Basics# Roadway Type Projects|EPG]] and [[136.3 Federal Aid Basics# Non-Infrastructure Projects|EPG]].
4/27/12: The guidance on the need for an erosion control plan was clarified in the first paragraph of [http://epg.modot.org/index.php?title=136.6_Environmental_and_Cultural_Requirements# EPG Stormwater and Erosion Control].  In the third paragraph of EPG, it was further clarified that the SWPPP does not need to be site-specific, but the erosion control plan does need to be site-specific.
4/27/12: The guidance on the need for an erosion control plan was clarified in the first paragraph of [https://epg.modot.org/index.php?title=136.6_Environmental_and_Cultural_Requirements# EPG Stormwater and Erosion Control].  In the third paragraph of EPG, it was further clarified that the SWPPP does not need to be site-specific, but the erosion control plan does need to be site-specific.
4/24/12:  Comments from the Corps of Engineers have clarified guidance in both [http://epg.modot.org/index.php?title=136.6_Environmental_and_Cultural_Requirements# EPG Section 404 Permits for Wetlands and Streams] and [http://epg.modot.org/index.php?title=136.6_Environmental_and_Cultural_Requirements# EPG Channel Modification].
4/24/12:  Comments from the Corps of Engineers have clarified guidance in both [https://epg.modot.org/index.php?title=136.6_Environmental_and_Cultural_Requirements# EPG Section 404 Permits for Wetlands and Streams] and [https://epg.modot.org/index.php?title=136.6_Environmental_and_Cultural_Requirements# EPG Channel Modification].
4/24/12:  Several "How To" PowerPoint tutorials were added to EPG 136 LPA Policy articles.  View these new tutorials at the bottom of the large, gray "Figure" boxes at the top of [[136.6 Environmental and Cultural Requirements#PowerPoint Tutorials|EPG 136.6]], [[136.8 Local Public Agency Land Acquisition#PowerPoint Tutorials|EPG 136.8]] and [[136.11 Local Public Agency Construction#PowerPoint Tutorials|EPG 136.11]].
4/24/12:  Several "How To" PowerPoint tutorials were added to EPG 136 LPA Policy articles.  View these new tutorials at the bottom of the large, gray "Figure" boxes at the top of [[136.6 Environmental and Cultural Requirements#PowerPoint Tutorials|EPG 136.6]], [[136.8 Local Public Agency Land Acquisition#PowerPoint Tutorials|EPG 136.8]] and [[136.11 Local Public Agency Construction#PowerPoint Tutorials|EPG 136.11]].

Latest revision as of 12:19, 6 September 2024

June 21, 2024
April 1, 2024

EPG 136.4.2 Increases the oncall max to 200,000, adds additional information regarding the requirement of contacting at least 3 firms and documenting those conversations, and adds the requirement of an Independent Cost Estimate.

June 27, 2023

In an effort to help LPA staff with templates MoDOT has already created and to prevent them from needing to create, we are adding Temporary Easement, Permanent Easement and General Warranty Deed templates in Prompt Written Offers to Owners and Tenant Owners

February 6, 2023

Upated LPA ESC process in and

January 19, 2023

Updated EPG 136.4

January 6, 2023

Updated added an email for LPA consultant goal requests and added new Figure 136.4.20 Estimated Breakdown of Work on Engineering Consultant Contracts that will need to completed as part of the goal request.

Updated added an email for LPA construction goal requests to be sent to, and that the request should include a copy of the engineer's estimate.

December 19, 2022

Updated Consultant Selection Criteria to the Fig. 136.4.2, Consultant Selection Criteria.

November 01, 2022

Updated required Supplemental Revisions JSP to the Fig. 136.9.1, Final PS&E Submittal Checklist.

November 01, 2022

Modified EPG, EPG, and EPG Added clarification of the requirement to have LPA preliminary plans reviewed and approved prior to submitting ROW plans for review and approval and provide the approval on a specific memo.

October 4, 2022

Updated Fig. 136.3.28, Soft Match Credit Pre-Approval Form

September 6, 2022

Updated checklist to clarify standard operating procedure in Sponsor Responsibilities

July 6, 2022

Updated Fig. 136.3.19, Current BEAP Consultant List and Fig. 136.3.20, BEAP Project Tracking Form

June 21, 2022

In EPG ADA Checklist, EPG 136.11.4 Preconstruction Conference and EPG American’s with Disabilities Act (ADA) Check List the ADA Checklist (Fig. 136.9.4) was updated to reflect the minimum distance of pushbuttons from the curb line has been returned to 30 inches.

June 16, 2022

Guidance for LPA ROW Staff negotiators was clarified in EPG State Responsibility and EPG Approval of Contract.

June 2, 2022

In numerous locations in EPG 136.8 Local Public Agency Land Acquisition (such as EPG Definition of Appraisal and Waiver Valuation and EPG Value Finding Appraisal Format), the appraisal value limit for LPA projects was increased to $25,000 (from $10,000) because of the 2021 FHWA approval.

May 17, 2022

Guidance has been clarified in EPG State Responsibility, EPG Approval of Contract, EPG General Requirements and EPG Approval of Contract to show that LPA negotiators (fee and not fee) must be on the approved roster and/or complete the LPA Basic Training.

March 16, 2022

The second paragraph of EPG was updated to reflect that the DBE Submittal Forms, Fig. 136.9.9, must be completed and submitted with the bid proposal or delivered by all bidders within three working days after the bid opening date.

March 11, 2022

In EPG On the Job Training, the training provision link was updated to the current training provision.

March 9, 2022

In EPG Requirements and EPG 136.2 Certification and Training, LPA Basic Training, guidance has been updated to reflect current LPA training requirements.

March 8, 2022

In EPG 136.3.13 Agreements, the outdated requirement to submit 7 copies of the program agreement was removed.

9/24/21: The latest programmatic agreement between MoDOT and FHWA is available in the second paragraph of EPG 136.6.3 Categorical Exclusion (CE).

9/16/21: Fig. 136.9.6 Utility Status Letter now requires an LPA letterhead and a signature from an LPA Person in Responsible Charge.

8/31/21: Updated Fig. 136.6.4, How to Complete the Request for Environmental Review to align with the new web-based system.

7/13/21: The Fig. 136.3.24, TEAP Program Application in EPG 136.3 Federal Aid Basics has been updated by increasing the federal fund limit to $12K per project and adding clarification about "person in responsible charge".

6/11/21: Updated Fig. 136.6.6, Generalized flowchart of the Section 106 Process for Local Public Agencies to bring it into compliance with existing guidance in EPG 136.6 Environmental and Cultural Requirements.

5/14/21: At the end of the last paragraph of EPG De Minimis Determination, guidance was clarified that the public must be able to review the effects of the project on the Sec 4f property.

5/11/21: New guidance is now available at EPG Administrative Settlements for making administrative settlements, preparing a letter of justification and other considerations.

5/10/21: The Commercially Useful Function (CUF) Determination Form, discussed in EPG 136.11.9 Commercially Useful Function (CUF), has been revised with more open ended questions that assist in determining whether a DBE is performing a Commercially Useful Function. The form now includes a field observation section for inspectors to note what they saw in the field.

4/27/21: The former EPG Buy America Requirements was deleted since the Buy America JSP is now in the spec book. The new guidance in EPG Supplemental Revisions Job Special Provision (JSP) presents the requirement for the use of the Supplemental Revisions JSP.

4/20/21: Fig. 136.6.4, How to Complete the Request for Environmental Review, has been updated to current practice.

2/19/21: Fig. 136.9.4, ADA Checklist was updated. On Page 15 of the checklist, the force to activate Accessible Pedestrian Signal pushbuttons was revised as was their minimum distance from the curb line and their height from the ground. On both Page 15 and 16, guidance was more closely tied to compliance with the EPG.

2/18/21: Contact information has been updated in Fig. 136.3.20, BEAP Project Tracking Form.

1/15/21: At the bottom of Key Environmental/Cultural Resources Compliance Milestones table, added Public Involvement information. Also, clarified that public involvement is needed with the RER in a new paragraph at bottom of EPG Community Impact Assessment (Social/Economic/Environmental Justice).

11/23/20: Guidance was expanded in EPG 136.11.13 Documentation Requirements through EPG Payment Diaries. MoDOT will no longer be approving specific software for use; the LPA must ensure the software chosen meets the outlined criteria. Guidance about what should be documented in the construction diaries was clarified in EPG Project Diaries.

9/30/20: Guidance for the A-date process in EPG Local Public Agency - Right of Way and Easement Acquisition, "Square 14" and the first and third paragraphs of EPG Acquisition Authority has been clarified and updated to reflect current policy and processes.

9/2/20: Clarified Fig. 136.4.7, Sample Solicitation & Sample Scope of Services, by adding "Remove note before posting" to instructions just below the table on the second page.

8/13/20: The seventh paragraph of EPG Base Floodplain and Regulatory Floodway was revised to make CFR requirements more apparent.

7/14/20: Minor updates were made to Fig. 136.9.3, Federal Project Bid Proposal Boilerplate.

7/9/20: The last sentence of the second paragraph of EPG Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) (49 CFR Part 26) is new guidance about how to fill out Fig. 136.9.9, DBE Submittal Forms. Fig. 136.9.3, Federal Project Bid Proposal Boilerplate and Fig. 136.9.9, DBE Submittal Forms were also updated.

7/1/20: In the second paragraph of EPG Supplemental Agreements, guidance was clarified, now including submitting a copy of the supplemental to the ECR email group.

6/23/20: The second sentence in the first paragraph of EPG Step 5 - Selection of Consultant was added to clarify guidance about an LPA disqualifying a consultant.

6/18/20: Guidance in EPG 136.6.3 Categorical Exclusion (CE) was updated with the FHWA agreement requirements.

6/17/20: The process in EPG Step 1, Determine Need for Cultural Resource Investigations has dramatically changed. MoDOT has hired a consultant to provide oversight the Local Public Agency’s Section 106 compliance. The EPG directed the LPA to send a Project Information form to the SHPO to start the Section 106 process. That is no longer required. The new approach is for the LPA to submit a Request for Environmental Review to MoDOT.

5/1/20: In EPG Acquisition Authority, EPG Inspection of Documents, EPG Federal Project Number, EPG 136.8.4 Retention and Access to Records and EPG General, guidance has been added about the documentation MoDOT RW staff is to enter into the LPA State Management System Application (SMS). Also, In EPG Acquisition Authority, the LPA may now request an A-date by submitting only one set (instead of two sets) of completed right of way plans.

12/16/19: In EPG Conflict of Interest, clarified guidance by adding information pertaining to when a consultant acts as a city engineer.

9/18/19: Numerous minor revisions were made in EPG Bridge Engineering Assistance Program (BEAP) as the new BEAP contract goes into effect. Two BEAP documents (Figs. 136.3.19 and 136.3.20) were updated while two BEAP figures (Fig. 136.3.22 Estimate of Cost and Fig. 136.3.23 General Scope of Services) were deleted.

9/6/19: In EPG Change Order Approval, the LPA change order approval process was updated to current practice. The MoDOT signature is needed for Level 1 change orders and an FHWA review is only required on Change Order Level 2 PODI projects.

8/21/19: The link to the TSP was updated in the second paragraph of EPG On the Job Training (OJT).

7/22/19: In Fig. 136.9.1, Final PS&E Submittal Checklist, checklist guidance related to wage rates was updated.

7/22/19: As a convenience, guidance for LPAs to access federal emergency relief has been expanded in EPG 136.3.17 Emergency Relief.

7/22/19: In EPG 136.3.8 Programs, guidance for LPA programs that are no longer in use was deleted. Also, guidance was updated to accommodate revisions in the FAST Act.

5/20/19: In EPG Threatened and Endangered Species and Migratory Birds, guidance for the Threatened and Endangerd process was clarified throughout. New (and currently used) guidance, EPG Migratory Birds was also added. Fig. 136.6.18, Threatened and Endangered Species Federal Aid Transportation Submittal Checklist replaced the old Fig. 136.6.18 LPA Environmental RER T&E Guidance, and Fig. 136.6.19, August 2018 MoDOT USFWS Threatened and Endangered Species Habitats was added.

5/14/19: In EPG Section 404 Permits for Wetlands and Streams, guidance was clarified to attach to RER for documentation purposes.

1/16/19: Fig. 136.6.3, Environmental/Cultural Resources Compliance Checklist, was updated.

1/15/19: In EPG 136.2 Certification and Training, the listing of the web-based NHI courses was updated.

1/11/19: A sentence was added to the end of the first paragraph of EPG Stormwater and Erosion Control to clarify NEPA information. This info referencing documentation involved when more than one acre is planned to be disturbed was added at the request of the FHWA.

11/30/18: EPG Noise Standards and Noise Abatement was significantly simplified to reflect that LPAs must use MoDOT’s FHWA-approved noise policy.

11/20/18: Clearance Certification Statement (Form 136.8.8) was slightly modified by replacing "free deed" with "donation".

11/14/18: In EPG 136.3.13 Agreements and EPG 136.12.1 Figures, archaic contract links and listings were removed. Also, in EPG 136.3.13 Agreements, a reference to the CCO site was replaced with a link to EPG 153 Agreements and Contracts.

10/26/18: Updated the documentation processes to current practices and updated the requirements of new laws and regulations. Much of EPG was revised as was "Permits for Land Disturbance" in EPG, the last paragraph of EPG, the third paragraph of EPG, and EPG Fig. 136.6.1, Project Review Process flowchart, Fig. 136.6.2, Key Environmental/Cultural Resources Compliance Milestones, Fig. 136.6.3, Environmental/Cultural Resources Compliance Checklist and Fig. 136.6.14, Procedures for Environmental Clearance of Borrow Sites and Other Disturbed Areas Outside Right of Way were also updated. Fig. 136.6.16 was re-labeled as "LPA Project Checklist for Adverse Effects".

4/10/2018: In the second paragraph of EPG Federal Wage Rates (23 USC 113 and 29 CFR 5), guidance was added about including the correct wage rate order from the Dept. of Labor on LPA projects. If an updated wage rate order has been issued within 10 days of the project letting, the updated version has typically not been included in the project documents. This is allowed, however the requirement states that if the agency finds that sufficient time is not afforded to include the updated wage order, then this finding and reasoning must be included in the individual project records.   

3/29/18: Procedures in Section 106 (Cultural Resource) Compliance were clarified at the bottom of the second paragraph of EPG Step 1, Determine Need for Cultural Resource Investigations and in the first sentence of EPG Step 3, Preparation of the Memorandum of Agreement.

3/29/18: Removed second sentence of the second paragraph ("In figuring the percentage of the contract work performed, all prices for sublet work shall be at contract unit bid prices.") from EPG 136.11.5 Subcontracts. The sentence was outdated.

3/26/18: Fig. 136.6.4 How to Complete the Request for Environmental Review was updated.

1/24/18: In EPG 136.2 Certification and Training, the contact information for the Technician Certification Program was updated.

12/26/17: Fig. 136.3.24, TEAP Program Application was updated. Also, in EPG 136 Introduction and EPG TEAP Process and Timeline, guidance was slightly expanded to accommodate the changes in the TEAP Program Application.

12/14/17: Fig. 136.3.20, BEAP Project Tracking Form was updated. Also, Gabe Wolken was added as a contact for BEAP information in EPG Bridge Engineering Assistance Program (BEAP).

11/30/17: In EPG Audit and Final Reimbursement, the sentence stating the LPAs must supply a copy of the final audit report to the MPOs was removed.

11/13/17: Guidance in EPG Project Sponsor Eligibility was expanded since the FAST Act has extended eligibility for some programs. Eligibility to nonprofits in the large MPOs (Kansas City, St. Louis and Springfield) is now allowed. 

11/1/17: A link was updated in Fig. 136.9.3, Federal Project Bid Proposal Boilerplate.

10/31/17: Fig. 136.6.7, Memorandum of Agreement for Mitigation of Adverse Effects was updated with new “Whereas” clauses to address issues brought up by FHWA and the Advisory Council over the last few years.

9/20/17: The Subcontractor Disclosure in Fig. 136.9.3, Federal Project Bid Proposal Boilerplate was updated to reflect the current section of the Missouri Standard Specification for Highway Construction.

9/18/17: In Fig. 136.3.1, Programming Data Form, the funding description and FFATA requirement were further clarified.

9/1/17: At the bottom of the first paragraph of EPG Title Information, a sentence was added with a link to a checklist of items to determine property ownership for ADA projects.

6/29/17: A new PowerPoint, Consultant Inspection, in EPG Construction Engineering/Construction Inspection (CE) provides guidance on how to solicit and procure a consultant for construction. Its guidance is primarily aimed at MoDOT Construction employees but may also be of assistance to others.

6/23/17: Fig. 136.3.1, Programming Data Form was updated to show the LPA Internal Procedures Manual requires LPAs submit the FFATA form with the programming data form.

6/9/17: Guidance for how to obtain additional help for environmental clearance of borrow sites and other land disturbance activities outside right of way was clarified in the fifth sentence of the first paragraph in EPG Borrow Sites and Other Land Disturbance Activities Outside Right of Way.

5/24/17: Updated Fig. 136.3.20, BEAP Project Tracking Form with new contact information.

4/27/17: In the second paragraph of EPG 136.11.5 Subcontracts, an archaic sentence was deleted that had required MoDOT to approve subcontracts.

3/28/17: Fig. 136.9.3, Federal Project Bid Proposal Boilerplate, was revised to reflect changes made in the EPG on Wage Rates. State Only Prevailing wage option in section 9 was deleted.

1/5/17: In requirement #2 of EPG Consultant Qualification, it was clarified that a firm is not required to submit a certificate of authority to become prequalified when it does work outside the jurisdiction of the MO Board for APEPLSPLA.

1/4/17: In EPG Stormwater and Erosion Control, minor clarifications based on the new stormwater permit have been made. This includes new guidance, "Individual State Operating Permit for TS4".

12/27/16: Updated Fig. 136.3.1, Programming Data Form, with additional information.

11/17/16: Fig. 136.9.3, Federal Project Bid Proposal Boilerplate, was updated to reflect the current versions of the MoDOT specs and standard plans.

10/20/16: In EPG 136.6.2 National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Classification, a clarifying sentence was added in the first paragraph to help LPAs find info in Fig. 136.6.4, How to Complete the Request for Environmental Review.

10/6/16: Fig. 136.6.4 LPA Request for Environmental Review (RER) was eliminated and replaced with a link to the new RER. Also, in EPG Federal Wage Rates, federal wage rate language was removed to make guidance stay current with federal regulations.

9/6/16: The former prorata tax form (7-22.2C) was updated so as to be only for the LPAs. It was also relabeled as Local Public Agency Prorata Real Estate Tax Claim (Form

9/2/16: In EPG 136.10.8 Award, the need for a performance/contract bond in the executed construction contract for LPA projects was clarified.

7/22/16: A minor revision to Fig. 136.10.2, Bid Concurrence Checklist was made so that asterisks are no longer to be shown by items that DBE will perform.

7/5/16: In EPG Suspension and Debarment Certification, the $25,000 contract threshold was removed from the certification requirements for suspension and debarment to make guidance consistent with consultant contract language.

6/23/16: In the second paragraph of EPG 136.11.5 Subcontracts, guidance was added to clearly indicate that subcontracts require FHWA Form 1273.

6/15/16: In EPG Erosion Control, the outdated link to the "Erosion Control Inspection Record" was replaced with a link to "Land Disturbance Inspection Record".

6/2/16: Fig. 136.6.4, How to Complete the Request for Environmental Review, was clarified.

5/27/16: Guidance in EPG Threatened and Endangered Species was expanded and clarified. The new Fig. 136.6.18, LPA Environmental RER T&E Guidance was also added. Also, in Articles XVI and XVII of Fig. 136.4.1, Engineering Services Contract, references were added to Title VI and ADA requirements.

5/19/16: In EPG 136.6 Environmental and Cultural Requirements, the previous Fig. 136.6.4 was replaced with a new link, LPA Request for Environmental Review. The new Fig. 136.6.4, How to Complete the Request for Environmental Review presents updated instructions.

5/13/16: Updated the Final Acceptance Report (Form C-239) and Fig. 136.11.23, LPA Semi-Final Inspection Checklist (Form C-236) in EPG 136.11. Fig. 136.11.3, Progress Report was made a fillable form.

4/29/16: In the last sentence of EPG Project Diaries, "free" was removed from the description of NHI training courses, since not all of them are now free.

4/27/16: Deleted Fig. 136.11.17 Semi-Final Inspection Letter since it was redundant to Fig. 136.11.23 LPA Semi-Final Inspection Checklist (Form C-236). EPG 136.11.20 Project Closeout Certifications was revised to reflect this change.

4/1/16: There were numerous updates in EPG 136.8 Local Public Agency Land Acquisition to reflect current practices. In the first paragraph of EPG 136.8.4 Retention and Access to Records, the use of the Parcel File Checklist was deleted. In the second paragraph, the record retention period of 3 years was revised to begin when the project closure action is submitted to the FHWA. In EPG Manufactured Homes, the determination of whether a mobile home is personalty was clarified. In the second paragraph of EPG Negotiator's Report, the Parcel File Checklist, the Negotiator's Report form and the Negotiator's Narrative no longer should be attached to the cover of each parcel file. In EPG Use of a Fee Attorney or Special Counsel, the permissible use of a Fee Attorney was introduced and defined. In the second paragraph of EPG 136.8.9 Relocation Assistance, the quotation defining a displaced person was slightly modified. Finally, the term "taking" was replaced with "acquisition" in several locations within EPG 136.8.

3/24/16: Updated Fig. 136.3.20, BEAP Project Tracking Form.

3/4/16: Updated Fig. 136.11.13, Job Bulletin Board Checklist.

3/3/16: Fig. 136.6.7, Memorandum of Agreement for Mitigation of Adverse Effects, was updated to reflect the recodified National Historic Preservation Act.

3/1/16: In EPG Proprietary Items, a link to the Proprietary Item Library was inserted.

2/24/16: Guidance in EPG Invoices was clarified by adding a reference to Fig. 136.3.18, Construction Reimbursement Form. Also, EPG LPA Consideration of DBE for On-Call Contracts was clarified by additional guidance and by renumbering the subarticles.

2/22/16: A link to Fig. 136.11.23, LPA Semi-Final Inspection Checklist (Form C-236) was added and the guidance for it was clarified.

2/18/16: The former "Final Acceptance Checklist" was relabeled as the new Fig. 136.11.22, LPA Final Acceptance Checklist.

1/27/16: In Fig. 136.4.1, Engineering Services Contract, revised Article VII D.2, D.3 and E to indicate the overhead rate (OHR) established at the execution of the original contract shall be utilized throughout the life of the contract. This reduces potential errors caused by having to change the OHR on billing invoices every year based on audited OHR. Revision allows consultants to utilize one OHR throughout the life of the contract

1/26/16: Three archaic figures in EPG 136.3 Federal Aid Basics were removed: Fig. 136.3.5 HS 4, Safe Routes to School Program Agreement; Fig. 136.3.7 FS 12, Transportation Enhancement Funds Program Agreement and Fig. 136.3.8 FS 12 SUP, Transportation Enhancement Funds Supplemental Agreement. New link to Fig. 136.3.5, FS25, Transportation Alternatives Program added.

1/22/16: Four LPA agreements were updated: Fig. 136.3.6, FS 11, STP Urban Program Agreement, Fig. 136.3.9, FS 13, Off-System Bridge Replacement and Rehabilitation Program Agreement, Fig. 136.3.10, FS 14, On-System Bridge Replacement and Rehabilitation Program Agreement and Fig. 136.3.11, FS 15, Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Agreement.

1/15/16: In EPG 136.11.19 Final Acceptance, the differences between corrections and exceptions were clarified. Also, a minor clarification updated Fig. 136.11.9, Contractor DBE Certification.

1/14/16: Fig. 136.4.11, Consultant Selection & ESC Submittal Checklist, was updated to reflect that Audits and Investigations Division no longer conducts pre-audits.

1/5/16: EPG Safety Apparel Requirements was revised to reflect current MoDOT requirements in Sec 107.4. Since the Safety Requirement JSP is no longer a JSP (it has been moved to Sec 107.4), reference to it was removed from the EPG text as well as from Fig. 136.9.3, Federal Project Bid Proposal Boilerplate.

1/4/16: In EPG Section 106 (Cultural Resource) Compliance, the revision 1) addressed LPA questions and comments and 2) implemented change by the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation from hardcopy submittals to electronic submittals. The revision helps LPAs more easily comply with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act and Section 4(f) of the Department of Transportation Act. Also, added Fig. 136.6.15, Example e106 Form, LPA Project Checklist and Fig. 136.6.17, Sample LPA Transmittal of MOA Letter and the How-to tutorial, How to Document a Historic Bridge for Mitigation. These changes will help LPA partners more easily comply with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act and Section 4(f) of the Department of Transportation Act.

12/30/15: A couple of typos were corrected in Fig. 136.4.10, LPA Consultant Services Invoice.

12/24/15: In EPG 136.11.20 Project Closeout Certifications, new Fig. 136.11.18, LPA Final Inspection Letter, Fig. 136.11.19, LPA Final List of Acceptance Testers, Fig. 136.11.20, LPA DBE Certification Letter and Fig. 136.11.21, LPA Vendor Lien Waiver provide templates for consistent submittals by LPAs.

12/23/15: In EPG 136.11.5 Subcontracts, guidance was clarified to state that the LPA is responsible for assuring the subcontractors are qualified. Elsewhere in EPG 136.11 Local Public Agency Construction, Fig. 136.11.6 was replaced with Fig. 136.11.6, Subcontractor Certification Regarding Affirmative Action. Fig. 136.11.4, Request for Approval of Subcontract, was updated with various clarifications. In Fig. 136.11.5, DBE Subcontract Worksheet, the Percent Sublet this Request equation was updated. Also, from EPG 136.4, various fields were updated in Fig. 136.4.10, LPA Consultant Services Invoice, to eliminate calculation errors. Further, Fig. 136.9.3, Federal Project Bid Proposal Boilerplate, was updated by removing JSP J. Final Payment Documents JSP. (This JSP was prematurely added to the boilerplate. Removal will eliminate confusion for LPA partners.) The new Fig. 136.11.17, LPA Semi-Final Inspection Letter, provides a template for consistent submittals by the LPAs.

11/24/15: In EPG OMB Audit, to stay current with 2 CFR part 200, the federal expenditure amount was increased from $500K to $750K before an independent audit is required.

11/6/15: EPG LPA Consideration of DBE for On-Call Contracts was revised so that DBE Goals will now be established on LPA On-Call Consultant Contracts. This replaces the statewide programmatic goal and provides a level playing field for all on-call consultants in the utilization of DBEs. Fig. 136.4.1's Attachment E Section 7 modified to reflect that on-call consultant contracts now set DBE goals.

10/27/15: In EPG CE Funding Obligation, verbiage in the first paragraph was deleted to align guidance to what is in Fig. 136.4.1, Engineering Services Contract (Article VII, A).

10/21/15: EPG 136.11.19 Final Acceptance was clarified, particularly guidance about "corrections" vs. "exceptions", for LPAs performing Final Acceptance of an LPA project.

10/20/15: In EPG 136.11.18 Final Plans, a reference to EPG 136.11.19 was added and a reference to Engineer on Record (EOR) removed to clarify the bridge plan Final Plans requirements.

10/20/15: For convenience, the Commercially Useful Function (CUF) Determination Form was added to the figure box at the top of EPG 136.11 Local Public Agency Construction.

10/16/15: Fig. 136.9.3 Federal Project Bid Proposal Boilerplate was updated to include the DBE JSP for Liquid Asphalt.

10/13/15: In EPG Incentive/Disincentive Provisions, renamed and updated the old FHWA Contract Administration Core Curriculum's link to a link to FHWA's Technical Advisory for Incentive/Disincentive for Early Completion.

10/1/15: In EPG Railroads and the first paragraph of EPG Railroads, guidance about railroad coordination (even if no railroads are impacted) was clarified to comply with the FHWA statement required for all fed-aid projects. FHWA policy now requires a specific "railroad status statement" from the LPA even when no railroads are affected by the project. Line 11 of Fig. 136.9.1, Final PS&E Submittal Checklist now requires supporting documentation for railroad impacts.

9/22/15: Guidance was updated to conform with new BEAP contract. In the fourth paragraph of EPG Administration, guidance was updated about where the report is sent. IRS mileage rates are specified in the third paragraph of EPG Funding and Authorized Costs. In the third paragraph of EPG Funding and Authorized Costs, it is now specified that the BEAP Project Tracking Form include a total cost for the project, including personnel costs as well as direct costs. In the first paragraph of EPG General Process for a BEAP Study, the process to submit the draft copy of a BEAP Study has been revised. In EPG Local Public Agency Responsibilities, the LPA will now provide pictures of a structure that is not of the Nat'l Bridge Inventory. Also, in EPG Consultant Responsibilities, the consultant is to provide inventory and operating ratings for the HS20 design vehicle and provide a load posting recommendation when load rating calculations are part of the BEAP Study. Finally, all of the BEAP documents (Figs. 136.3.19-136.3.23) were updated.

9/17/15: In the second paragraph of EPG 136.11.18 Final Plans, guidance was clarified to show that MoDOT only needs "as built" plans when there have been significant structural or material changes to the original design plans (that is, changes that would require approval of the Engineer on Record, EOR).

9/17/15: In the first paragraph of EPG Bid Evaluation Considerations, the minimum standard for the number of bid evaluations has been set at three. When three bids are not available, the LPA is asked to explain. 

9/10/15: Links to the latest version of SEMA's Floodplain Development Permit Application and No-Rise Certificate have been provided.

8/21/15: In the third paragraph of EPG Step 5 - Selection of Consultant, guidance was clarified by eliminating vagueness about the necessity for local public agencies to submit review forms and comments about rating firms.

8/20/15: In EPG 136.3 Federal Aid Basics, three contracts were updated (Fig. 136.3.5, HS 4, Safe Routes to School Program Agreement, Fig. 136.3.9, FS 13, Off-System Bridge Replacement and Rehabilitation Program Agreement and Fig. 136.3.21, BR11, BEAP Hourly Rate Contract.)

8/19/15: The final bullet (about listing the parcel numbers and names of owners of all parcels acquired) in EPG Required data to be submitted with clearance certification was deleted to reflect the changes already done in Form 136.8.8, Clearance Certification Statement.

7/27/15: In EPG Suspension and Debarment Certification, the outdated A Listing of Parties Excluded from Federal Procurement and Non-procurement Programs link was replaced with a new, useful link to System for Award Management.

7/24/15: In EPG 136.11.9 Commercially Useful Function (CUF), the latest version of the CUF Determination form has been provided.

7/16/15: In the big, gray "Additional Information for MoDOT Employees" box in EPG 136.3.13 Agreements, an old link to CCO's intranet was updated to their new SharePoint site. LPAs will not be able to access the SharePoint site (just like they were not able to access the intranet site). Two EPG article links were also added. Fig. 136.9.3, Federal Project Bid Proposal Boilerplate was updated with a new link to the Affidavit of Compliance in Section 10.

6/30/15: Fig. 136.6.7, Memorandum of Agreement for Mitigation of Adverse Effects, was updated to correct a technical issue and to reference recently developed bridge documentation standards.

6/22/15: Fig. 136.11.13, Job Bulletin Board Checklist was updated.

6/19/15: In EPG 136.3 Federal Aid Basics, links to numerous contracts were updated. A new link to contract FS 13-SUP BRO Supplemental Agreement (Fig. 136.3.28) was also made available.

6/16/15: To eliminate confusion, a reference in EPG Material Acceptance to one of the types of sampling and testing (a combination of certification documentation, delivery tickets and visual inspection) was deleted.

6/12/15: In EPG Material Acceptance, the Small Material Quantity Acceptance Table was removed. Current info is available at EPG Off-Systems Guide Schedule for Federal-Aid Acceptance Sampling and Testing (FAST).

6/12/15: Both guidance in EPG LPA Consideration of DBE for On-Call Contracts and Fig. 136.4.1, Engineering Services Contract were updated to show that the engineer is required to submit Good Faith Efforts documentation for all agreements greater than $50,000. The engineer must also document Good Faith Efforts made to achieve that DBE goal if the agreed percentage specified is less than the percentage stated.

6/9/15: A very minor change (adding "LPA" to the title) was made to Fig. 136.6.11, LPA Floodplain Development Permit so that this form will not be confused with MoDOT's other Floodplain Development Permit/Application form.

6/8/15: In EPG Bridge (Structure) Submittals, a third paragraph was added (per Sec to provide guidance that a notification of demolition 10 days prior to start is required; also renovation or demolition requires hazardous waste reports and must be in the bid proposal. Fig. 136.9.1, Final PS&E Submittal Checklist, was also updated to reflect these revisions.

5/29/15: A new file, Fig. 136.11.16, Approved Contract Administration Software, is now available in the second paragraph of EPG Project Diaries. The file was introduced to identify systems that secure diaries.

5/22/15: Fig. 136.3.1, Programming Data Form, was revised by adding questions about the need for right of way. Also, Fig. 136.3.3 Utilities Scoping Checklist was renumbered as Fig. 136.7.8, Utilities Scoping Checklist, and moved to EPG Utility Relocations.

5/15/15: In EPG 136.11.9 Commercially Useful Function (CUF), the latest version of the CUF Determination form has been provided.

5/12/15: Several links in EPG Job Special Provisions were updated to the new SharePoint link for JSPs. Once you are in the new site, just scroll down a little and you will see all the LPA JSPs.

5/4/15: In Fig 136.4.1, Engineering Services Contract, the good faith effort requirements of #7 under Attachment E (on pg. 19) was modified. The Engineer is now required to submit the Good Faith Efforts documentation illustrating reasonable efforts to obtain DBE Participation.

4/23/15: EPG Prompt Payment Policy was added, in accordance with Missouri law. The existing EPG Policy Enforcement was renumbered as EPG

4/22/15: The|ADA checklist was updated with relatively minor updates in EPG 136.9 Plans, Specs and Estimates (PSE).

4/22/15: In EPG Step 2 - Creating an RFQ Document, the reference to E-Verify was removed from the first bulleted item.

4/20/15: In EPG 136.11.9 Commercially Useful Function (CUF), the DBE Truckers Interview Form was removed from use in the CUF interview.

4/20/15: In the first paragraph of EPG Acquisition Authority, the guidance was clarified to state that the LPA may talk to the property owners about the project prior to the issuance of an A-Date. They can’t do appraisals, make offers, etc., until the A-Date is issued. Some LPAs were under the impression that they were not allowed to tell property owners anything about a project until they had an A-Date.

4/9/15: The Obligation Request Form, which is available in EPG Commonly Used Forms, was further updated.

4/2/15: The Obligation Request Form, which is available in EPG Commonly Used Forms, was updated to include some additional FHWA requirements. New items on the form:

  • If the project has a State Number correlated with it, list it on the Obligation Form after the Federal Aid Number
  • Estimated Award Date – Enter the date the Construction Contract Award Date is anticipated.
  • Travel way ID: Route, Beginning Log Point & Ending Log Point
  • Railroad Impacts – Is the project going to have Railroad Impacts? (Drop Down) Yes or No
  • Utility Clearance – Is the project going to have Utilities Impacts? (Drop Down) No Impacts, Conditional Clearance, or Entire Clearance
  • Construction Completion Date - Enter the date the construction will be complete is anticipated.
  • To Auto Calculate, highlight the $0.00 on Total Estimate or Bid Amount and Press F9.

3/25/15: Fig. 136.4.11, Consultant Selection & ESC Submittal Checklist, was udpated with the new link to MoDOT's Approved Consultant Prequalification List.

3/20/15: The new subarticle, EPG Buy America for Utilities, provides clarification on Buy America requirements for utility relocation.

3/19/15: Fig. 136.4.1 Engineering Services Contract was revised by removing the Attachment C-Overhead Rate Breakdown from the contract.

3/17/15: A new sentence was added to the first paragraph of EPG Dedications to further clarify the documentation needed when property or property rights are dedicated to an LPA. 

3/6/15: Fig. 136.11.5, DBE Subcontract Worksheet and Fig. 136.11.6, Contractor’s Instructions for Filling out Request to Subcontract Work were updated to correct DBE allowance language.

2/26/15: In EPG Acquisition Authority and the second paragraph of EPG General, guidance has been expanded for the streamlined documentation process for the acquisitions of LPA projects. Two new forms, Right of Way Acquisition Schedule (Form and Right of Way Acquisition Schedule Instructions (Form were added and Acquisition Authority Request (Form 136.8.1) was updated.

2/23/15: A typo in Form 136.8.20 LPA Project Acquisition Monitoring Checklist was corrected.

2/20/15: In the first paragraph of EPG's item #1, MoDOT's QC/QA Off-Systems Guide Schedule for FAST table is now to be used as a minimum for material acceptance. In item #1's second paragraph, certification card must now be on hand during sampling and testing. In item #2, independent assurance samples and test will be required of the LPA or the LPA's consultant. Also, in EPG 136.11.20's item #3, a final list of acceptance testers used on the project must now be provided by the LPA.

2/6/15: In EPG 136.11.9 Commercially Useful Function (CUF), the latest version of the CUF Determination form has been provided.

1/28/15: A minor correction was made to the title of EPG Uniform Residential Appraisal Report (URAR) and Addendum by replacing "Approval" with "Appraisal".

1/8/15: Fig. 136.9.3, Federal Project Bid Proposal Boilerplate, was updated with the new link to the ADA checklist.

12/31/14: In EPG 136.9 Plans, Specs and Estimates (PSE), Fig. 136.9.3 Federal Project Bid Proposal Boilerplate was updated to add reference to two JSPs: LDs Specified for Winter Months and Safety Requirements. Further, EPG Safety Apparel Requirements was added because the new Safety Requirements JSP is now required when a project is on MoDOT’s right of way.

11/26/14: In Fig. 136.4.1 Engineering Services Contract, the title of Attachment E was changed on pg.9 to reflect the actual title of the Attachment on pg. 17. Fig. 136.9.1 Final PS&E Submittal Checklist was revised to reflect that all plan sheets are signed and sealed by the engineer of record.

11/20/14: In EPG 136.3.12 Federal-aid Participation for Local Work, more specifically in both the fourth paragraph of EPG Procedures and the fifth paragraph of EPG Procedures, guidance was revised to clarify change orders and supplements. Guidance now emphasizes that scope and estimates are to be complete and accurate.

11/17/14: In EPG 136.8 Local Public Agency Land Acquisition, two forms were updated: Fig. 136.8.8 Clearance Certification Statement and Fig. 136.8.20 Project Acquisition Monitor Checklist.

10/16/14: In the third paragraph of EPG Approval of Contract, a sentence was removed that had stated that a current real estate agent is required in Missouri.

9/26/14: In the first paragraphs of EPG 136 Local Public Agency (LPA) Policy, references to Safe Routes to School were removed and references to MAP-21 were added.

9/25/14: Three forms were updated in EPG 136.8 Local Public Agency Land Acquisition: Form 136.8.25 Sample Donation Letter and Waiver of Appraisal, Form 136.8.26 Sample Letter Offer (Payment Estimate) and Form 136.8.27 Sample Letter Offer (Value Finding or Standard Format Appraisal).

9/23/14: The consultant contract limit of the $100,000 total for on-call contracts was clarified in a recent video conference. The second paragraph of EPG Using the LPA On-Call Consultant List was clarified to indicate the total on-call cannot exceed $100,000 for the project.

9/12/14: Guidance in the first paragraph of EPG TEAP Process and Timeline and the second to the last paragraph in EPG Funding was updated to reflect that Traffic Division is no longer involved in the TEAP process for LPA project solicitation

8/28/14: Fig. 136.6.7 Memorandum of Agreement for Migration of Adverse Effects was further corrected as a reference to a previous law, STURAA, was replaced with the new law MAP-21.

8/27/14: The two State Wage Rates links from the MO Dept of Labor were updated in EPG Links to Other Resources. Also, in EPG 136.6 Environmental and Cultural Requirements, Fig. 136.6.7, Memorandum of Agreement for Migration of Adverse Effects was corrected by moving the location of a statement about stipulations.

8/22/14: Fig. 136.9.3 Federal Project Bid Proposal Boilerplate was revised by adding a drafter's note to provide guidance for highlighted sections. Language to define the contracting authority was also added.

8/8/14: EPG 136.11.20 Project Closeout Certifications now reflects that project closeout certifications are to be electronically received 60 days of the Final Inspection date.

8/8/14: In EPG Bid Guaranty, the guidance about the bid guarantee amount was clarified so as to not burden the contractor with high bid bonds. Dollar amounts for bid bond requirements are not to be used.

8/7/14: Updated the Roster of Approved Contract Negotiators.

8/6/14: A new version of the Request for a Finding in the Public’s Interest sample letter was provided in EPG

7/29/14: Fig. 136.3.19 Current BEAP Consultant List was updated again.

7/17/14: In Item #1 under the seventh parapraph of EPG Use of Bridge Soft Match Credit, the new Fig. 136.3.27 Example of a Soft Match Credit Transfer Request has been referenced in a brief sentence. Also, in EPG Bridge Engineering Assistance Program (BEAP), both Fig. 136.3.19 Current BEAP Consultant List and Fig. 136.3.20 BEAP Project Tracking Form were updated.

6/23/14: Updated Clearance Certification Statement (Form 136.8.8).

6/13/14: Updated the Roster of Approved Contract Negotiators.

6/11/14: In EPG Step 1, Determine Need for Cultural Resource Investigations, the promised FHWA "Bridge Program Comment Excepted Bridges List" website is now available.

5/29/14: Updated the Sample Donation Letter and Waiver of Appraisal, Form 136.8.25.

5/22/14: Updated the Roster of Approved Contract Negotiators.

5/14/14: The first two paragraphs of EPG 136.8.4 Retention and Access to Records were revised to show that the Parcel File Checklist (Form 136.8.17) is now optional.

5/13/14: Fig. 136.3.18 Construction Reimbursement Form was updated. Also, Fig. 136.8.20 Project Acquisition Monitor Checklist verbiage was tweaked to include more uniform act check items.

5/12/14: A very minor correction in EPG 136.11 Local Public Agency Construction's Small Material Quantity Acceptance Table. Now, the AC is shown to be measured in tons and PCC measured in cubic yards.

5/7/14: In EPG 136.8 Local Public Agency Land Acquisition, Form 136.8.18, RW Plan Review Checklist was updated.

4/30/14: EPG Consultant Evaluations for On-Call Services was clarified to show who signs the LPA On-Call Consultant Evaluation and what happens to this document afterwards.

4/28/14: Fig. 136.4.6 List of Unallowable Costs was updated in EPG 136.4 Consultant Selection and Consultant Contract Management.

4/21/14: In EPG Invoices, and the first paragraphs of both EPG Progress Invoices and EPG Payments/Invoicing, the $10,000 requirement for invoicing was removed. It had been replaced with the requirement to invoice at least one time per month but not more often than every 2 weeks. Also, in EPG Consultant Performance Appraisals, a requirement was implemented for the LPA to evaluate the consultant upon completion of work if they were hired by a standard solicitation. Thus, a "should" was replaced with a "must" in the first sentence.

4/15/14: At the bottom of EPG 136.11.20 Project Closeout Certifications,"MoDOT will certify the dates on which any on-site inspections were made" was deleted.

4/1/14: In the second paragraph of EPG Federal Wage Rates, the Dept. of Labor's link and associated information was updated.

3/31/14: In Fig. 136.9.4 ADA Checklist], two items were clarified, two more items were removed to better align with Access Board’s PROWAG info. PROWAG references were also added to assist users in finding further information on the US Access Bd. website.

3/19/14: Near the top of EPG Step 1, Determine Need for Cultural Resource Investigations, guidance was added that defined LPA jobs with "No Potential to Cause Adverse Effects" and that do not need a Sec 106 submittal to the SHPO.

3/18/14: In the second paragraph of EPG Using the LPA On-Call Consultant List, a sentence was added to tell the LPA to write a scope for the consultant and produce an estimate to determine whether the project is eligible for the on-call list.

3/11/14: A minor clarification of titles was made at the bottom of Fig. 136.9.4 ADA Checklist. "Resident Engineer" and "Area Engineer" were replaced with "Engineer of Record".

3/10/14: In EPG 136.10.8 Award, it was clarified that the copies of the contact and associated files to be submitted to the District Contact must be electronic copies.

3/7/14: In EPG Selecting a Consultant from the LPA On-Call Consultant List, it was clarified that it is not mandatory for LPAs to consider at least 3 firms for each project when reviewing the LPA On-Call Consultant List.

3/6/14: A link was inserted for the LPA On-Call Consultant List in three locations in EPG Traffic Engineering Assistance Program (TEAP).

3/5/14: EPG 136.3.18 TAP was moved to EPG TAP and the subsequent EPG 136.3.8 subarticles were renumbered accordingly. The eligible project sponsor information at the bottom of the newly renumbered EPG Project Eligibility and Selection was deleted and replaced with a link to EPG Project Sponsor Eligibility to ensure consistency in the definition of eligible sponsors.

2/24/14: New guidance is now available for the LPA On-Call Consultant List at EPG Using the LPA On-Call Consultant List. Additional revisions were made in EPG Step 1 – Scope of Services, EPG Step 2 - Creating an RFQ Document and EPG Step 3 - Advertising the RFQ Solicitation for this new list. A new form, Fig. 136.4.19 LPA On-Call Consultant Evaluation, has also been introduced.

2/18/14: Fig. 136.8.1, Acquisition Authority Request was updated.

2/5/14: The contacts were updated in the Obligation Request Form, which is available in EPG Commonly Used Forms.

2/4/14: Fig. 136.9.3 Federal Project Bid Proposal Boilerplate was updated by removing the requirement for using our template bid bond. Also, "lien waver" was added to the list of documentation examples in #4b of EPG 136.11.20 Project Closeout Certifications.

1/31/14: In Fig. 136.4.15, a misspelled word was corrected.

1/30/14: The definition of County Aid Road Trust (CART) Funding was added to EPG 136.12.2 Glassary.

1/29/14: In EPG Links to Other Resources, the ADAAG links were updated.

1/28/14: In EPG Design Exceptions, a minor clarification was made to the guidance for the engineer of record submitting the approved design exception to the MoDOT District Contact. It was made clear that the approved design is to be submitted only for projects on MoDOT's system.

1/10/14: Fig. 136.3.19, Current BEAP Consultant List was updated.

1/9/14: New guidance, EPG Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) is now available. TAP includes the pre-MAP-21 programs of Transportation Enhancements, Recreational Trails, Safe Routes to School and Scenic Byways. A brief listing of links, EPG 136.3.17 Emergency Relief is also new. Other minor revisions (such as the definitions of MAP-21 and TAP) arising from MAP-21 were made in EPG 136.1.1 Background and Purpose and EPG 136.12.2 Glossary.

12/18/13: Additional environmental documentation of FHWA approval is now required under Section One of the Acquisition Authority Request (Form 136.8.1).

11/4/13: Fig. 136.11.1, General Guidelines for LPA Preconstruction Conference, was updated to include "land disturbance permit" as part of the pre-construction conference topics.

10/18/13: Guidance in EPG Value Engineering was updated to comply with MAP-21, the federal surface transportation law. Now, National Highway System (NHS) projects costing at least $50,000,000 and NHS bridge projects costing at least $40,000,000 require a Value Engineering (VE) study. (Previously, VE studies were required for NHS projects costing $25M and NHS bridge projects costing $20M.) Design/Build projects are exempt from this VE study requirement.

10/11/13: EPG Progress Invoice was moved to EPG to reflect the federal definition of Reasonable Progress. There was no change in policy.

10/1/13: EPG 906 TEAP has been moved to EPG Traffic Engineering Assistance Program (TEAP). The modified EPG language reflects Design Division timelines and processes. One of the main process changes is that the TEAP studies will be provided through on-call consultants. (Local agencies will select a consultant from an approved list of on-call consultants to complete a TEAP study for them.) The TEAP application has also been completely revised to resemble other DE or LPA standard applications. In FY 2014, the Traffic & Highway Safety Division and the Local Programs group will partner to administer TEAP. The TEAP processes and timelines will remain the same. In FY 2015, the administration of TEAP will be through the Local Programs group.

9/27/13: In EPG Utility Relocations, new guidance has been provided for the Utility Status Letter to be prepared by the LPA.

9/24/13: The format, not the content, of Fig. 136.4.7, Sample Solicitation & Sample Scope of Services was updated.

9/23/13: In EPG 136.10.8 Award, guidance including three new files was added to provide sufficient documentation so LPA can produce an actual contract. Also, Fig. 136.9.3, Federal Project Bid Proposal Boilerplate was updated to include sample contract forms.

9/20/13: In the EPG 136.6 sidebar, at the top of the article, a link to the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation's Section 106 Applicant Toolkit was added under "Other Figures and Information for EPG 136.6". It applies to all federally funded or permitted projects, and gives a good background on the Section 106 process.

9/18/13: A typo was corrected in Fig. 136.9.5, LPA Certification of PS&E.

9/12/13: In EPG Consultant Qualification, the link to the Uniform Audit & Accounting Guide was updated to the 2012 edition of this publication.

9/11/13: Very minor editorial revisions were made to Figs. 136.4.9 (Local Sponsor ESC Sample Cover Letter), 136.8.25 (Sample Donation Letter & Waiver of Appraisal), 136.8.26 (Sample Letter Offer – Pay Estimate) and 136.8.27 (Sample Letter Offer – Value Finding).

9/9/13: In EPG Consultant Qualification, a note was added to Point #2 to clarify whether the Certificate of Authority is required.

9/6/13: In EPG 136.8 Local Public Agency Land Acquisition, several forms (Form 136.8.25 Sample Donation Letter & Waiver of Appraisal, Form 136.8.26 Sample Letter Offer – Pay Estimate and Form 136.8.27 Sample Letter Offer – Value Finding) were updated due to a request from FHWA.

9/5/13: A minor clarification was made in EPG Consultant Qualification. Point #2 was expanded to show that the consultant will be required to have a Certificate of Good Standing and hold a certification of authority from the MO Board for Architects, Professional Engineers, Professional Land Surveyors and Landscape Architects.

8/21/13: At the bottom of EPG Stormwater and Erosion Control, a minor reference to EPG 806.8 SWPPP was added for greater convenience.

8/20/13: The Missouri Local Technical Assistance Program link was updated in EPG

8/19/13: The link to newest 7/2012 Request to Subcontract Work Form was updated in EPG 136.11.8.

8/12/13: For greater convenience, links to "functional classification" have been added to EPG 136.3 Federal Aid Basics.

8/6/13: Subconsultant requirements were updated in Fig. 136.4.14, Checklist for reviewing Consultant Contracts.

7/12/13: The BEAP Consultant List was updated.

7/11/13: Revisions made to EPG Subconsultant cost exceeding $25,000 and EPG MoDOT Review of Consultant Contract result from MoDOT's Audits and Investigation Division ceasing the pre-negotiations reviews and shifting the reviews to project managers and/or contract administrators. Also updated the checklist in Fig. 136.4.14, Checklist for reviewing Consultant Contracts to be more helpful.

7/8/13: In EPG Subconsultants, the MRC form was replaced with the new Consultant Certification of Indirect Cost form.

7/5/13: Fig. 136.3.20, BEAP Project Tracking Form, was updated.

6/26/13: Some minor formatting issues were addressed in Fig. 136.4.1, Engineering Services Contract .

6/25/13: EPG 754 BEAP info was slightly modified and moved to EPG Bridge Engineering Assistance Program (BEAP).

6/25/13: In EPG Federal Law, a minor clarification of the italicized text from "federally funded projects" to "projects that utilize Federal Aid Highway Program funds for engineering". Also, in Fig. 136.4.10, LPA Consultant Services Invoice, more spaces were added for direct salaries in the invoice.

6/18/13: Three links (to BRO and Soft Match Balances, DBE Submittal Forms and Disadvantaged Business Enterprises) were removed from EPG Also, EPG 136.12 Figures and Glossary was retitled to EPG 136.12 Figures, Glossary and Other Useful Links.

6/17/3: In Fig. 136.9.3, Federal Project Bid Proposal Boilerplate, the acceptance for provision for asphalt cement price index, seal coat price index, underseal price index and UBAWS membrane price index was updated.

6/13/13: In EPG Step 1, Determine Need for Cultural Resource Investigations, Post-1945 Bridge information was added to allow the exemption of some bridges from the Sec 106 review.

6/11/13: Incorrect references to "consultant" were replaced with "engineer" in Fig. 136.4.1, Engineering Services Contract.

6/10/13: An updated table of approved Missouri Scenic Byways was added to EPG Project Eligibility and Selection. Also, in both EPG Responsive Bid and EPG DBE Submittal Form Review, the DBE requirements at bid opening were clarified.

6/6/13: In EPG Step 4 - Response to the RFQ, the requirement to send the e-verify with each letter of interest was removed. MoDOT now requires firms to be prequalified and part of prequalification is the e-verification of documents. Also, a minor correction was made to the revision date of Fig. 136.9.3, Federal Project Bid Proposal Boilerplate.

6/5/13: The How-To Tutorial for MoDOT's Consultant Standard Prequalification Process is now available. Also now available are links to the Standard Prequalification Process and Safe Harbor Indirect Cost Rate (SHR) Prequalification Process.

6/4/13: A minor correction was made to Fig. 136.6.8, LPA Section 4(f) Compliance Worksheet for Public Lands. (In the figure, Item 13 was changed to Item 15 under Question 5.) Also, the link to the Roster of Approved Contract Appraisers was updated in EPG 136.8 Local Public Agency Land Acquisition.

5/31/13: In EPG Subconsultant cost NOT exceeding $25,000, new guidance clarified that a subconsultant charging less than $25K must also submit the Management Representation and Certification Form.

5/30/13: Information was added to Fig. 136.4.7, Sample Solicitation & Sample Scope of Services and Fig. 136.4.14, Checklist for reviewing Consultant Contracts ensuring hazardous waste inspections and reports were being done. Also, EPG 136.4.4 Construction Engineering (CE) and Construction Administration having links to EPG 136.11 was added. The former EPG 136.4.4 was renumbered as EPG 136.4.5 Key Submittals/Requirements. Finally, a minor revision was made to Fig. 136.9.3, Federal Project Bid Proposal Boilerplate.

5/21/13: In EPG 136.7.6 Public Hearings, it was clarified that the approved preliminary plan is to be available for public viewing/display during the 21-day advertisement period.

5/17/13: Minor clarification was added to Fig. 136.9.1, Final PS&E Submittal Checklist, and Fig. 136.9.3, Federal Project Bid Proposal Boilerplate.

5/16/13: New guidance about contract execution timeframe has been provided in EPG Contract Execution.

5/16/13: Fig. 136.11.13, Job Bulletin Board Checklist, was updated. Also, guidance for selecting and scoring consultants was added to the bottom of EPG Step 5 - Selection of Consultant.

5/15/13: Fig 136.4.8, District Representative ESC Cover Letter, was removed since this form is no longer required.

5/14/13: The name of a figure was updated in Fig. 136.9.1, Final PS&E Submittal Checklist.

5/10/13: At the bottom of EPG, EPG and EPG, convenient links for additional guidance for STP and CMAQ funds were added to guidance having to do with project eligibility and selection.

5/9/13: In Fig. 136.9.3, Federal Project Bid Proposal Boilerplate, the checkbox for "all e-verify information" on the bidders checklist was removed since the e-verify information is only a requirement prior to award and is not required to be submitted with the bids.

5/3/13: In EPG 136.10.8 Award, expanded and clarified guidance for what the LPA should submit to the district after the LPA executes the contract. Also, a minor clarification was made to the title of Fig. 136.11.1, General Guideline for LPA Preconstruction Conference.

5/2/13: A very minor update was made to Fig. 136.4.1 ESC. Also, in EPG 136.8 Local Public Agency Land Acquisition, updated the links to both the Roster of Approved Contract Appraisers and Roster of Approved Contract Negotiators.

4/30/13: Fig. 136.4.7, Sample Solicitation & Sample Scope of Services, was updated with a minor revision.

4/22/13: In EPG 136.11.9 Commercially Useful Function (CUF), the latest version of the CUF Determination form has been provided by MoDOT's External Civil Rights Division.

4/15/13: A convenient link to CUF red flags was added in EPG 136.11.9 CUF. Also, guidance was added in EPG 136.11.20 Project Closeout Certifications, 4b for the LPA to provide documentation that each DBA was paid in full. This type of DBE documentation may include a letter, e-mail or copies of reimbursement checks.

4/15/13: In EPG Commonly Used Forms, the Obligation Request Form was updated with a very minor revision.

4/4/13: Some references within the checklist of Fig. 136.4.14, Checklist for reviewing Consultant Contracts, were updated.

4/2/13: A very minor update (a new logo) was made to Fig. 136.4.8, District Representative ESC Cover Letter.

3/27/13: A very minor update was made to Fig. 136.4.1 ESC.

3/20/13: Fig. 136.4.14, Checklist for Reviewing Consultant Contracts, was revised with updated document references.

3/12/13: Information regarding the page limits for the letter of interest was updated in Fig. 136.4.7.

2/28/13: In Fig. 136.4.9, a sentence was added regarding a city not being staffed to do engineering work and the need to hire a consultant.

2/26/13: Fig. 136.4.7, Sample Solicitation & Sample Scope of Services was updated to include "right of way plans" in the sample scope of services.

2/25/13: EPG 136.11.12 Construction Administration was re-titled (from "EPG 136.11.12 Consultant Construction Engineering Services") and expanded to give more guidance on construction administration expectations.

2/21/13: EPG was retitled "ADA Checklist" (from "ADA Certification and Checklist"), a minor change.

2/8/13: Fig. 136.9.3 was updated with minor corrections.

2/4/13: In Fig. 136.4.11, the conflict of interest line item was added.

2/4/13: In EPG Project Sponsor Eligibility, the definition of an eligible sponsor for federal aid transportation projects was clarified. This change allows MoDOT to focus our limited resources on public agencies that have public accountability and typically have the internal structure and knowledge to deliver a federal aid project. Project sponsors must be a city, county or transportation related government agency to be eligible to administer a federal aid transportation project. All other entities including, but not limited to, school districts and not-for-profit agencies must partner with a city or county to apply for and/or administer a federal aid transportation project.

2/1/13: Fig. 136.9.1 updated to remove the requirement for ADA certification. Also, Fig. 136.9.12 (ADA Certification) deleted and incorporated into Fig. 136.4.1 Engineering Services Contract.

2/1/13: In several locations in EPG 136.4 Consultant Selection and Consultant Contract Management, clarification of the criteria for prequalifying a consultant for MoDOT and LPA work. Info that was added back on 11/1/12 was removed, among other updates to EPG Consultant Qualification, EPG Conflict of Interest, EPG Step 4 - Response to the RFQ and EPG Step 5 - Selection of Consultant. Also, Figs. 136.4.7, 136.4.8, 136.4.9, 136.4.11 and 136.4.14 were updated to reflect the new consultant prequalification requirements. The How to Evaluate PowerPoint tutorial was updated. Finally, Fig. 136.4.1 Engineering Services Contract was updated to include the following sections:

  • Added prompt payment language
  • Added suspension and termination language
  • Added lobbying certification language
  • Added OPTIONAL insurance language
  • Added the Conflict of Interest Form as Attachment G
  • Added ADA certification language (no longer have to use a separate ADA certification form, which was Fig. 136.9.12).

1/29/13: In EPG, the old Fig. 136.9.4 was updated to the correct, current figure.

1/28/13: In Item "b" of Step 2a. The Cultural Resource Survey in 136.6 Environmental and Cultural Requirements, guidance has been added to conveniently provide SHPO architectural survey info.

1/22/13: A very minor clarification to EPG (a reference to Fig. 136.3.17 was added).

1/17/13: Fig. 136.9.11, Example Estimate, has been added. This estimate is broken down into the required categories for payment.

1/16/13: Some of the verbiage in the second paragraph of EPG CE Funding Obligation was clarified.

1/15/13: In EPG Change Order Documentation, guidance about whether re-designs are eligible for federal participation was clarified. A similar, smaller clarification was also made in #7 of EPG 136.3.15 Reimbursement and Auditing.

12/27/12: In EPG 136.11 Local Public Agency Construction, updated references to Fig. 136.11.9 from "Contractor Certification" to "Contractor DBE Certification".

12/21/12: A note was added to Fig. 136.4.17 about PE ceiling or CE ceiling amounts.

12/10/12: EPG E-Verify Affidavit & MOU was updated. (The bid proposal must now state that the E-verify affidavit and MOU must be submitted prior to award of the contract.) Also Fig. 136.9.3, Federal Project Bid Proposal Boilerplate was clarified on the use of bid bond forms and when worker eligibility documents must be submitted.

12/5/12: Item 78 in Fig. 136.9.1 was updated with a minor revision to match the Obligation Request Form categories.

11/27/12: EPG Lump Sum Items was clarified by stating that spec lump sum items do not require a JSP.

11/26/12: Several minor clarifications were made to EPG 136.4 Consultant Selection and Consultant Contract Management. The most notable clarifications were made to EPG Preliminary Engineering Activities by Local Forces (about when the LPA is not requesting reimbursement for the in-house design services), EPG Step 5 - Selection of Consultant (about rating as many firms as necessary), EPG Subconsultants (about encouraging subconsultants to be prequalified), EPG Payments/Invoicing (adding that each invoice must show the total DBE payments for the particular invoice) and EPG Supplemental Agreements (about LPA responsibility to fund the work).

11/21/12: Minor updates were made to Figs. 136.4.11 and 136.4.14.

11/19/12: In EPG 136.11.2 Work by LPA Forces, the link to FHWA Fom 1273 was updated.

11/15/12: Fig. 136.4.10, LPA Consultant Services Invoice, was updated to expand the DBE information.

11/2/12: LPAs' website advertisement opportunities were expanded in the first paragraph of EPG 136.10.3 Bid Opening Advertisement .

11/1/12: Guidance was added to EPG Consultant Qualification, #6 Bridge Consultants Only that the Bridge Experience Profile and Personal Bridge Experience Record forms must be updated every 3 years.

10/25/12: In EPG Basis of Payment, changed the mileage reimbursable rates from the IRS rate to GSA's current POV Mileage Reimbursable Rate. Also updated Fig. 136.4.14 to reflect this change.

10/23/12: In EPG Commonly Used Forms, removed Fig. 136.12, Sample Form for Submitting Invoices from the gray "Forms and Information" box. This form was out-of-date and has been relabeled elsewhere.

10/22/12: Fig. 136.9.12's cross slope compliance guidance was slightly modified.

10/12/12: In EPG Consultant Performance Appraisals, guidance was clarified on how to document consultant evaluations.

10/11/12: A minor typo update was made to Form 136.8.8.

10/10/12: A minor change was made to Fig. 136.9.3, Federal Project Bid Proposal Boilerplate, clarifying that the E-verify information must be submitted with each bid.

10/5/12: Figs. 136.4.10 and 136.4.17 were updated. In Fig. 136.4.10, more cells were locked and Cell C68 was updated, while in Fig. 136.4.17, commentary was added on how to fill out Section 2 of the invoice. Also, in EPG 136.3 Federal Aid Basics the "How To" PowerPoint, How to Develop a Winning Project Application, was added.

10/1/12: In Fig. 136.4.10, changed cells to have 2 decimal points instead of none. In EPG, minor clarifications were made about including inspection reports in the bid proposal. In EPG 136.9, minor clarifications were made to EPG and about including all hazardous waste reports and changing the timeline for submitting subcontractor affirmative action certification prior to the notice to proceed for construction, respectively. In Fig. 136.9.1, a line item was added for Asbestos and Lead Paint Inspection Reports that need to be a part of the bid book. In EPG 136.11, a requirement for Hazardous Waste Notifications was added to Fig. 136.11.1.

9/25/12: Fig. 136.9.3 was revised by adding a revision date and a statement on project award.

9/24/12: A minor clarification was made to EPG about the DBE goal applying to the entire federally-funded project. Also, a very minor update was made to Fig. 136.9.1.

9/5/12: Three figures, 136.4.10, 136.4.17 and 136.4.18, were updated with minor revisions.

9/4/12: The ADA Checklist, Fig. 136.9.4, was updated, replacing the old "ADA Post-Construction" and "Post-Inspection" Checklist. The new ADA Checklist presents expanded information to comply with the US Access Board's PROWAG 2005 and 2010 ADA/ABA standards. Also, Fig. 136.4.10 was updated with a minor revision.

8/30/12: Under "Federal-Aid Essential Videos" in the gray box at the top of EPG 136.4 Consultant Selection and Consultant Contract Management, the "Federal-Aid Program Overview" video was replaced with three other videos.

8/29/12: In EPG Consultant Qualification, guidance was clarified for consultant qualification.

8/29/12: DBE requirement guidance was clarified in EPG Supplemental Agreements.

8/27/12: Links to various FHWA videos were added to the gray boxes at the top of several articles (including EPG 136.3 Federal Aid Basics, EPG 136.4 Consultant Selection and Consultant Contract Management, EPG 136.6 Environmental and Cultural Requirements, EPG 136.7 Design, EPG 136.8 LPA Land Acquisition, EPG 136.9 PSE, EPG 136.10 Advertisement for Bid and Project Award and EPG 136.11 LPA Construction).

8/22/12: The invoice template guidance was clarified and slightly expanded in the "Invoice Detail" portion of EPG Payments/Invoicing.

8/20/12: Fig. 136.9.1 was revised with a minor update.

8/9/12: Fig. 136.9.3 (Federal Project Bid Proposal Boilerplate) was updated.

7/31/12: Revised Fig. 136.4.10 and Fig. 136.4.18 with minor updates.

7/30/12: In EPG, the link to FHWA Form 1273 was updated. The new link is the same as the current link to this form in EPG 136.9 Plans, Specs and Estimates (PSE).

7/23/12: Fig. 136.4.10, LPA Consultant Services Invoice, was updated with a minor revision.

7/23/12: In EPG Advertising on MoDOT’s Site, guidance was clarified by adding "When advertising on MoDOT's website, the LPA can choose to also advertise in a newspaper but it is not required."

7/18/12: Several links were updated and references to form attachments were updated in EPG 136.4 Consultant Selection and Consultant Contract Management. Also, Fig. 136.4.1 had minor clarifications and Fig. 136.4.17 had one minor update.

7/17/12: Fig. 136.4.10 was updated with minor changes.

7/17/12: A clarification in the second paragraph of EPG Utility Status: "bid opening" was replaced with "construction obligation".

7/12/12: Figs. 136.4.18 and 136.9.1 were updated with minor corrections.

7/6/12: In EPG 136.4, Figs. 136.4.10 and 136.4.17 were updated as xlsx files.

7/2/12: Fig. 136.9.7, Required Contract Provision, was updated.

6/25/12: Fig. 136.5.4, Non-Infrastructure Obligation Request Form, was made available in EPG 136.5 Non-Infrastructure.

6/19/20: In EPG 136.4, the "How To" tutorial How to Evaluate Consultant Proposals, Complete Rating Sheets and Make a Selection was added. Also, minor updates were done to Fig. 136.4.10, LPA Consultant Services Invoice.

6/14/12: In EPG 136.12.1 Figures and EPG 136.8 LPA Land Acquisition, the Roster of Approved Contract Appraisers was updated so that LPAs can access it. Also, the Roster of Approved Contract Negotiators was added.

6/12/12: In EPG Painting Bridges and Demolition of Painted Surfaces, a process change has been required by MoDOT's signing an MOU with DHSS. For any lead testing activity, the contractor must be licensed as a lead abatement contractor and the contractor must provide the proper notification(s) to DHSS.

6/11/12: In EPG Renovation and Demolition of Structures, the use of an Asbestos Building Inspector was specified rather than "a certified asbestos inspector". Also, in EPG 136.4 Consultant Selection and Consultant Contract Management, Figs. 136.4.10 and 136.4.18 were updated.

6/6/12: Fig. 136.11.6 was clarified so that which form is being filled out and which of the other two figures comprising each half when the contractor fills it out are now clearly indicated.

6/4/12: A small clarification was made in Fig. 136.9.12.

5/25/12: Fig. 136.9.1 was updated with minor clarifications. Also, EPG was added to further clarify the PS&E certification.

5/21/12: Several minor corrections of references to Federal Bid Proposal Boilerplate sections in EPG through EPG

5/17/12: In EPG 136.6.2 NEPA Classification, the info about the three-year shelf life of the NEPA was clarified. In EPG Commonly Used Forms, the Obligation Request Form was updated. Also, Fig. 136.3.17 Work by Local Forces Proposal was updated.

5/11/12: A useful PowerPoint tutorial, "How to Complete the RFQ and Get it Advertised", is now available in EPG

5/10/12: Fig. 136.9.1 was updated with minor clarifications. Also, there were minor corrections to EPG, EPG, EPG and EPG

5/3/12: Updated Fig. 136.9.3, Federal Project Bid Proposal Boilerplate.

4/30/12: Fig. 136.9.1 updated as an Excel file.

4/30/12: Two new figures (Figs. 136.11.14 and 136.11.15) and associated guidance were added to EPG Progress Invoices and EPG Invoices.

4/30/12: Because the info required by Fig. 136.3.1 Programming Data was split between it and Fig. 136.6.4 LPA Request for Env'l Review, the guidance for programming projects was revised. Note changes in the table in EPG, new guidance in EPG 136.3.8 Programs and shortened guidance in EPG, EPG, EPG, EPG and EPG

4/27/12: The guidance on the need for an erosion control plan was clarified in the first paragraph of EPG Stormwater and Erosion Control. In the third paragraph of EPG, it was further clarified that the SWPPP does not need to be site-specific, but the erosion control plan does need to be site-specific.

4/24/12: Comments from the Corps of Engineers have clarified guidance in both EPG Section 404 Permits for Wetlands and Streams and EPG Channel Modification.

4/24/12: Several "How To" PowerPoint tutorials were added to EPG 136 LPA Policy articles. View these new tutorials at the bottom of the large, gray "Figure" boxes at the top of EPG 136.6, EPG 136.8 and EPG 136.11.

4/23/12: EPG 136 was generally re-written following thorough research. Please check the entire contents of any EPG 136 article you may be consulting so as not to miss any policy changes.